Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

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Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by mikew » Sat Apr 15, 2023 12:39 am

I was glad to find this recording from the Narrow Path:
Bopp's Theory (SoulSnaxx #119)

Steve mentions of circuit preacher named Bopp (mostly in the late 1900s) who finds it likely that Satan was released in the mid 1900s. So we could be drawing toward Revelation 20:7-10.

His basis for this involves the great increases of transportation and communication beginning with that time. This technology then allows influence across the world in short time -- and of course this all has sped up greatly in more recent time. Steve lists people from the 1800s who have contributed to the anti-Christian stance -- such as Freud, Marx and Darwin -- not that Steve holds to Bopp's theory.

Now certain world actions have shown how the the nations across the earth actually can join into the same program. We have a lot of the New World Order actions coming stronger into play and also we saw the unity of action on the covid scare. Various people also point out technologies such as holograms and voice of god systems. More specific about the NWO is that the effort seems to be first to destroy creation as we have it and then to rebuild a kingdom under their power. It all seems to be given in opposition to (and mimicry of) Christ's rule over the nations. (The evildoer's plans have seemed to have some religious zeal behind them, since the plans have continued to be developed and executed across many generations. Otherwise, it would seem like later generations would have lost interest in these schemes.)

I was sort of figuring out that we could be approach such a time ever since I was getting ideas about the nature of Christ's rule over the nations and then insights coming about concerning Romans and Galatians. I mean that it just makes sense that these ideas are coming forth in preparation for the next phase of God's plan (i.e. things that come subsequent to the judgment of those nations gathered against the saints). Plus, it does not make sense that the evildoers could keep destroying the world as they have been doing in recent years. It seems the only further requirement is that the deceptions become strongly directed against Christians.

This would not exclude the possibility of seeing some tough times meanwhile. We are not guaranteed of a simple life. But there is a potential end in sight.

Any thoughts about this possibility?
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Re: Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by dizerner » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:05 pm

Satan has been on earth since the fall.

But he does seem to release waves of deception and sin.

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Re: Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by Biblegate » Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:08 pm

During the siege of Jerusalem (prior to its reduction to rubble in 70 AD), it seems there was a swarm of demonic activity within its walls, and insanity ruled the doomed city. That probably isn't prophetic of America's death specifically. Rather, it may indicate somewhat of a pattern for any nation generally. As Bopp theorized, an avalanche of insanity has flooded the world since the mid 1900's. Consider Freud, Dewey, Marx, Darwin, etc, etc, etc. And now there's the craziness of gender obfuscation. Whether these are omens that portend the end of America or the end of the world, Bopp's theory is worth considering. Turning from God is turning from reality, and inviting calamity.

Is that the sound of crumbling walls I hear?

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Re: Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by mikew » Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:21 pm

dizerner wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:05 pm
Satan has been on earth since the fall.

But he does seem to release waves of deception and sin.
Gregg mentioned that Bopp was amil. So he would recognize that Satan was bound in AD70. I'm preterist on Revelation except for the end of the 1000 years era, which seems to be happening now. The events of Rev 20:7-10 then are to remove a bunch of the evildoers causing trouble on the world right now. The focus is on deception against Christians and God. After they are removed, the Christians will be free from that oppression.
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Re: Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by mikew » Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:33 pm

Biblegate wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:08 pm
During the siege of Jerusalem (prior to its reduction to rubble in 70 AD), it seems there was a swarm of demonic activity within its walls, and insanity ruled the doomed city. That probably isn't prophetic of America's death specifically. Rather, it may indicate somewhat of a pattern for any nation generally. As Bopp theorized, an avalanche of insanity has flooded the world since the mid 1900's. Consider Freud, Dewey, Marx, Darwin, etc, etc, etc. And now there's the craziness of gender obfuscation. Whether these are omens that portend the end of America or the end of the world, Bopp's theory is worth considering. Turning from God is turning from reality, and inviting calamity.

Is that the sound of crumbling walls I hear?
If God judges individual nations these days, it is not in accord with prophecy. There are no authorized prophets to properly warn us today, despite what Keith Green and Vernon McGee have warned us of. I could almost agree about a judgment on America except that there appears to be forces trying to sway people away from Christianity (Satanic inspired?). It seems to be working. (But I do wonder if that is what was happening to sway the early Israelites away from worship of God -- but that is a different topic.)
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Re: Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by dwight92070 » Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:16 pm

Shortly after COVID, I told some guys at our homechurch that we could be at the end of Revelation 20:3, where it says: " angel threw Satan into the abyss. and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; AFTER THOSE THINGS HE MUST BE RELEASED FOR A SHORT WHILE." This parallels with verse 7.
We don't know how long "a short while" is.
When Biden stole the 2020 election, I figured that we would be in for a rough ride, since I knew that he was a crook and a cheat. That was a drastic change towards darkness. As they say, the fox is running the henhouse. COVID was, and with many people still is, a world-wide deception, not just a local or even a national event. As you said, the evil leaders and doctors, nurses, etc. all seemed to be in lock-step with each other, all willing to believe lies, and all willing to tell lies, while their patients were dying, and in many cases, died. It's as if they all were answering to one person and being led by one person - the devil. They all pushed for the dangerous so-called vaccine, even for small children, even though many died from the vaccine and others were permanently injured. They saw no problem whatsoever with mandating people to either get the shot or lose their jobs. This has never happened in our country, as far as I know. I told my regular Kaiser doctor that every other Kaiser doctor that we see is an evangelist for the shot, which they never were for the flu shot or any other shot. Obviously somethings happening that is dark and evil. My doctor's response was to look at me sternly and say: "I'm 100% behind it." "I'm just the opposite", I replied. He said, "I know you are."as he walked out of the office. So I switched doctors, even though we've had this doctor for probably over a decade. My new Kaiser doctor is at least willing to hear the other side, although he doesn't agree with me.

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Re: Satan Released -- Bopp's Theory

Post by mikew » Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:10 am

I have known for a long time that we had been seeing much deception in America. This was not sufficient to match the deception of nations per Revelation 20 because America is only one of many nations. It was not until the middle of 2020 that I realized that all the nations could be on track on the same idea. This fits with the little bit of Bopp's theory that I heard from Steve. The main element lacking at the moment is that the deception must involve more of an attack against the Christians and the knowledge of God such that the multitude of nations are on the same track concerning Christianity.
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