Is Damascus Syria? Isa 17:1

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Is Damascus Syria? Isa 17:1

Post by remade » Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:12 pm

I have somebody in my church asking me about the prophecy of Isaiah 17:1 and if Damascus is Syria? He doesn’t elaborate on that question, I’m assuming he’s asking if Damascus correlates somehow to present day Syria?

Has anyone heard this before? Thoughts? I lean partial preterist but I’ve never studied this specific topic..
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Re: Is Damascus Syria? Isa 17:1

Post by backwoodsman » Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:26 pm

I've been hearing for many years that the Isaiah 17 prophecy of the destruction of Damascus has never been fulfilled, so must still come. This is untrue; it was destroyed by the Assyrians under Tiglath-Pileser in 732 BC, fulfilling this prophecy, and has been destroyed several times since then. Who knows whether it'll be destroyed again at some point, but the Bible doesn't prophesy it.

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Re: Is Damascus Syria? Isa 17:1

Post by 3Resurrections » Sat Feb 16, 2019 11:46 pm

If you are interested in a link which you would be able to share with this person at your church, may I recommend the following? ... stroyed-2/

This link is a very thorough treatment of the Isaiah 17:1 verse in question from Adam's Bible Studies section, and gives solid proof from scriptural and historical evidences that we are looking at a fulfilled prophecy, as backwoodsman is saying. At the end of this link, Adam mentions a follow-up post on the Isaiah 17:12-14 part of the chapter as well.

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