What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

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What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by robbyyoung » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:02 am

Hello All and God Bless,

As Christians, we all have a pretty good idea on how to conduct ourselves in hope, faith and love through Christ, as we go about our daily lives. More so than not, Christians also find themselves as leaders in the world. It is in this capacity where The Christian must ascertain how he or she made it thus far. For example, were they truthful concerning their candidacy platform to promote the righteousness of God for their nation? Or, did they forsake God and entertain the popular vote to obtain power? Either way, The Christian, should know it is GOD that determines who rules or not. Therefore, after coming to their senses, if this be the case, how do you stand for The Righteousness of GOD for the Nation?

Here are some thought provoking questions, if you were King for a day, regarding how you would deal with some of the world issues facing us today:

1. What would be your solution to terrorism in the world?
2. What would be your solution to poverty?
3. What would be your solution to pollution?

Today's world is extremely complex in all of its micro & macro economics and alliances. Most everything is connected and by pulling on one string, the effects could cause a tsunami to follow in the fabric of the world community. These three(3) questions are not all prioritized, but just a sampling of what leaders are facing everyday. Without overthinking and laboriously writing volumes to answer the questions, I think it's reasonable to start simple by choosing one or all to comment on. We can develop the strengths and weaknesses as we go. So therefore, what are you answers to the questions? Mine is as follows:

1. What would be your solution to terrorism in the world?

Answer: The Christian leader should acknowledge Dan 2:21, 37; Dan 4:13-17 - and let's not forget John 19:10-11 and Luke 4:5-8. If a Christian leader was given a kingdom or power, one of his top priorities should be to serve justly. Terrorism is unjust. Policies that promote the evil of terrorism are unjust. The Christian leader should advocate strong alliances against policies that are unjust, not to necessarily exclude other world leaders from the table, but as a majority, isolate there unjust mandates. The Christian leader should strive to accommodate, as much as possible, reasonable requests for prosperity and growth in the world regardless of cultural differences. Today the Christian leader need be part of a conglomerate, majority, of just leaders to once again be content with boundaries and respect for culture. Greed and fear normally prevents the leader(s) from addressing the concerns of the people. Starting with borders and boundaries and legitimate talks that foster lasting peace treaties, a strong world leadership can make their way to peace and respect. Of course my course of action may be full of holes, but how would you address the problem to any of the questions posed?

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by robbyyoung » Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:06 pm

2. What would be your solution to poverty?

In a free society, you have the right to be lazy, irresponsible, and make bad decisions. This is one form of self-inflicted poverty. However, you also have circumstances that can bring on poverty that is outside the individuals control. Either way, the Christian response should be towards charity and sacrifice for all that is righteous. The Christian should know that the poor will always be among us (Matt 26:9-11), therefore, provisions and sacrifice must be made on their account. In a free society, a Christian Leader should encourage private citizens of this noble endeavor. Through government funded community programs, experts can assist local leaders in setting up reliable private enterprises to combat the problem. Taxation that forces the private citizen's hand should not be used to promote "The cheerful giver" doctrine. Communities Centers across the nation caring for their own should be the goal. Local Authorities and work programs, no matter how minute, should help the folks in their community to fight t,he sting of poverty. Some situations, such as cities, will indeed require enormous sacrifice. The goal should be to remove ghettos, and the like, completely out of the city. Private citizen halfway houses, and others of its kind, should be the solution to promote a sense of positive community. Again, programs are instituted that while others progress and move out of poverty, others move in and the cycle repeats itself. The reality is, the poor will keep on coming.

God Bless.

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by mattrose » Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:06 pm

robbyyoung wrote:The Christian must ascertain how he or she made it thus far. For example, were they truthful concerning their candidacy platform to promote the righteousness of God for their nation? Or, did they forsake God and entertain the popular vote to obtain power?
I think it is very unlikely that people who prioritize their citizenship in heaven over their earthly citizenship would even run for a powerful earthly office. If they did, I think it'd be very unlikely that they'd get elected unless they did so somewhat dishonestly (which would bring into question their Christianity to begin with).
Either way, The Christian, should know it is GOD that determines who rules or not.
I totally disagree with this. It makes it sound like it doesn't really matter whether they were honest or dishonest. If God wanted them on the job they'll get voted in. This is a way more deterministic worldview that I hold. I think God would have preferred that they not lie (and, maybe, not even run). I don't think God determined that evil dictators became evil or gained the power to dictate evil. I think God ordained the concept of government, not all the particulars. I'm with Yoder here.
Here are some thought provoking questions, if you were King for a day, regarding how you would deal with some of the world issues facing us today:

1. What would be your solution to terrorism in the world?

First, I would resign my Kingship.
Second, I would pray for peace, for the victims of terrorism, for the terrorists, and seek out enemy-love strategies.
Third, I would appreciate the role that the subsequent king played in minimalizing evil in the world during this fallen age

2. What would be your solution to poverty?

First, I would resign my Kingship
Second, I would start with poverty in my own community and, as a church, develop ministries to help
Third, I would appreciate the role the secular government plays in addressing poverty too (through my tax dollars)
3. What would be your solution to pollution?
First, I would resign my Kingship
Second, I would my sure that I am doing my part in creation stewarship
Third, I would vote in favor of those secular policies that I consider reflective of creation stewardship.

Those are my honest answers

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by robbyyoung » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:30 am

Hi Matt, thanks for responding. I would like to respectfully respond to your solutions.
mattrose wrote:I think it is very unlikely that people who prioritize their citizenship in heaven over their earthly citizenship would even run for a powerful earthly office. If they did, I think it'd be very unlikely that they'd get elected unless they did so somewhat dishonestly (which would bring into question their Christianity to begin with).
Rev 21:22-27 Speaks to the establishment of the new heaven and earth, and The Holy City New Jerusalem, in which The Lord God, The Almighty, and The Lamb shall bring the glory and the honour of the nations into it; to include the kings of the earth. From my Preterist perspective, we have been living Rev 21:22-27 for the past 2000 years. Therefore, the earthly rulers mentioned are SAVED or Authentic Christians. Without getting into all the metaphoric language, even Futurist's must deal with a new heaven and earth where sinners are outside the gates of the city and where nations are healed with the leaves of the tress, coupled with Rev 21 as stated, etc...
mattrose wrote:
Either way, The Christian, should know it is GOD that determines who rules or not.
I totally disagree with this. It makes it sound like it doesn't really matter whether they were honest or dishonest. If God wanted them on the job they'll get voted in. This is a way more deterministic worldview that I hold. I think God would have preferred that they not lie (and, maybe, not even run). I don't think God determined that evil dictators became evil or gained the power to dictate evil. I think God ordained the concept of government, not all the particulars. I'm with Yoder here.
Fortunately, it's really doesn't matter what it sounds like to us regarding God's sovereignty.

'If God wanted them on the job they'll get it', is exactly right!

And if HE decides to remove a person from power, the same is true. IMHO, The Word of God is very straight forward concerning this. There are numerous examples to choose from, so let me indulge in a not so familiar contrast to argue my case. In Luke 4:5-8 The Adversary makes a claim that we know is reserved for God Himself; “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.” to which Yeshua replied in truth, “It is written,‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’”

For it is GOD alone who removes kings and sets up kings without permission.
mattress wrote:
1. What would be your solution to terrorism in the world?

First, I would resign my Kingship.
Second, I would pray for peace, for the victims of terrorism, for the terrorists, and seek out enemy-love strategies.
Third, I would appreciate the role that the subsequent king played in minimalizing evil in the world during this fallen age

To resign a calling of The Lord is matter best discussed between the individual and God. I believe your reasoning behind resigning is unnecessary.

I definitely agree on your points 2 & 3.

mattrose wrote:
2. What would be your solution to poverty?

First, I would resign my Kingship
Second, I would start with poverty in my own community and, as a church, develop ministries to help
Third, I would appreciate the role the secular government plays in addressing poverty too (through my tax dollars)

In agreement with points 2 &3.

mattress wrote:
3. What would be your solution to pollution?
First, I would resign my Kingship
Second, I would my sure that I am doing my part in creation stewarship
Third, I would vote in favor of those secular policies that I consider reflective of creation stewardship.
In agreement with points 2 &3.

Once again, thanks for the critique of my OP. Hopefully others will join the conversation and provide their solutions and critiques as well. For the world will benefit from Godly leadership.

God Bless.

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by willowtree » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:39 pm

Please help me understand what you are trying to say.

In your responses to Matt, you say you are living in Rev 21:22-27 and ask, as a king, how you would deal with various evil issues. But in Rev:21:27 is says that nothing impure will enter into this city and in v 24 that the kings are inside the city. So where is the evil that these kings must deal with and, since it is not where the kings are reigning, why is it their responsibility?

And you also quote Luke 4:5-7 where the devil says he has all the authority to determine who gets what positions on earth, but you seem to be saying that God alone has all this authority? So who has what? and what exactly are you seeking to prove?

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by robbyyoung » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:43 pm

willowtree wrote:Robby,
Please help me understand what you are trying to say.

In your responses to Matt, you say you are living in Rev 21:22-27 and ask, as a king, how you would deal with various evil issues. But in Rev:21:27 is says that nothing impure will enter into this city and in v 24 that the kings are inside the city. So where is the evil that these kings must deal with and, since it is not where the kings are reigning, why is it their responsibility?

And you also quote Luke 4:5-7 where the devil says he has all the authority to determine who gets what positions on earth, but you seem to be saying that God alone has all this authority? So who has what? and what exactly are you seeking to prove?

Hi Graeme and God Bless,

I'll address this briefly, for I don't want the OP to spawn into another eschatology thread. I believe Revelation had it's fulfillment in the 1st Century, consummated during the fall of Jerusalem by the Roman Army. Therefore, the new heaven and earth/New Jerusalem are symbolic representations of Christ's Kingdom, spiritual kingdom, and it's citizens have been pouring into this Kingdom for the last 2000 years, without end. Rev 21:24 clearly says, "the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it." So no, I disagree, they were not already in "the city", they are coming from the earth, was SAVED at some point, then qualified to enter "The City". It is by Christ we are made pure, therefore, the unsaved remain impure and outside The Family of God. Just as you and I, "The Kings (Christian Leaders)", deal with evil everyday, yet we bring honor and glory to God.

I was replying to Matt's comment concerning "the appointment of leaders". Luke 4:5-7 is a false claim made by Satan. Yeshua's correctly sets the record straight, that God alone is to be worshipped and appoints who HE wills (see Dan 2:21, 37; Dan 4:13-17).

If you read through the eschatology threads you will see a lot of interesting concepts and explanations. If you are in the futurist camp, then your literal interpretation will probably not tolerate what I'm saying, but I see no getting around the 1st Century "Audience Relevance and Time Statements" regarding the matter.

Nevertheless, I hope that you join us in problem solving the issues :D .

God Bless.

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by TheEditor » Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:58 pm

Hi Robby,

You seem to be drawing a different inference from Jesus words than I am:

"So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time;  and the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and the glory of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it.  You, therefore, if you do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.”  In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is the LORD your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service."

(Luke 4:5-8)

You seem to be saying that Jesus is correcting Satan because Satan is lying when he makes claim to a control of or influence over the affairs of the world. But it appears to me at least that Jesus is saying "We render sacred service to God", since Satan was asking for it instead. Where do you feel Jesus was using the obvious rebuke as an indicator of who controls the world? I know I am phrasing this awkwardly, but my brain isn't firing right now. :D

Regards, Brenden.
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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by robbyyoung » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:11 pm

TheEditor wrote:You seem to be saying that Jesus is correcting Satan because Satan is lying when he makes claim to a control of or influence over the affairs of the world. But it appears to me at least that Jesus is saying "We render sacred service to God", since Satan was asking for it instead. Where do you feel Jesus was using the obvious rebuke as an indicator of who controls the world? I know I am phrasing this awkwardly, but my brain isn't firing right now. :D

Regards, Brenden.
Hi Brenden,

Thanks for responding, but I do hope you provide your contribute to the 3 solutions (thought I give it try ) ;)

But to answer your question; By the testimony of other passages such as; Dan 2:21, 37; Dan 4:13-17 and there are others. Thus, Satan is lying and Yeshua's rebuke is validated.

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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by TheEditor » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:34 pm

Hi Robby,

I am Anabaptist in my political point of view; meaning, I am apolitical. I cannot judge the house servant of another, so I will not say what I think about Christian politicians. Personally, I think that what you have laid out makes as much sense and probably more than what I hear politically active Christians generally espouse.

As far as your take on Luke 4; I can only say that the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one, and this includes governmental systems in my opinion. God's hand is not especially upon any nation.

Regards, Brenden.
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Re: What's A Christian Political Leader To Do?

Post by robbyyoung » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:57 am

Hi Brenden and God bless,

Ok, fair enough my friend. But as you know, I don't see "the devil" in the mix, only the wickedness of man and I strongly encourage more Godly men and women to stand post in leadership positions.

It's always good to hear from you, take care and God bless.

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Robby Young
U.S. Army Retired

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