The Narrow Path in Colorado!

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The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by steve » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:19 am

Something very amazing happened today. I received news of an opening for my morning program to run live on a Denver station that also reaches Boulder and Colorado Springs. The station is not cheap, but is offering a very attractive "ramp-up" pricing scheme, where I begin paying a fraction of the regular cost for the first month, and the fraction increases each month until the eighth month, when it reaches 100%. I was informed that this was a rare opportunity but they require a year contract without cancellation. Since we recently added stations in Southern and Central California which are far from self-supporting at this point, the idea of committing to more was unthinkable.

The Narrow Path's expansion strategy has been more like the tortoise than the hare. I would like to be on more stations, but I am careful not to overexpand and have too much finances committed unrealistically. I had recently been looking at a Dallas station, because a potential lister down there had made an offer to help out significantly, but because the full amount is not committed, I have not moved forward.

I mentioned this Denver thing, in passing, to a friend today (not thinking of him as a potential donor, but only as one who is an interested party), and, tonight, he told me that he had talked to his wife and that they want to commit to covering the Denver station for the first year! That is, they hope that the local support from the Colorado audience will build rapidly, but they are willing to make up any difference between the income from that market and the expenses for that station.

The bottom line is, then, that there is no financial risk to the ministry, I am going to contract for a year at this station, and see what comes of it. That was sudden and unexpected, but it will be good for our Colorado friends who already listen online.

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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by darinhouston » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:23 am

steve wrote:Something very amazing happened today. I received news of an opening for my morning program to run live on a Denver station that also reaches Boulder and Colorado Springs. The station is not cheap, but is offering a very attractive "ramp-up" pricing scheme, where I begin paying a fraction of the regular cost for the first month, and the fraction increases each month until the eighth month, when it reaches 100%. I was informed that this was a rare opportunity but they require a year contract without cancellation. Since we recently added stations in Southern and Central California which are far from self-supporting at this point, the idea of committing to more was unthinkable.

The Narrow Path's expansion strategy has been more like the tortoise than the hare. I would like to be on more stations, but I am careful not to overexpand and have too much finances committed unrealistically. I had recently been looking at a Dallas station, because a potential lister down there had made an offer to help out significantly, but because the full amount is not committed, I have not moved forward.

I mentioned this Denver thing, in passing, to a friend today (not thinking of him as a potential donor, but only as one who is an interested party), and, tonight, he told me that he had talked to his wife and that they want to commit to covering the Denver station for the first year! That is, they hope that the local support from the Colorado audience will build rapidly, but they are willing to make up any difference between the income from that market and the expenses for that station.

The bottom line is, then, that there is no financial risk to the ministry, I am going to contract for a year at this station, and see what comes of it. That was sudden and unexpected, but it will be good for our Colorado friends who already listen online.
Praise God -- I'd love to see it come to the bible belt -- in a strange way, it could be more needed here since the culture is so easy to just "go to church" all your life calling yourself a Christian without thinking or even perhaps coming to a saving faith compared to other cultures.

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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by jarrod » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:54 am

darinhouston wrote:Praise God -- I'd love to see it come to the bible belt -- in a strange way, it could be more needed here since the culture is so easy to just "go to church" all your life calling yourself a Christian without thinking or even perhaps coming to a saving faith compared to other cultures.
I agree -- I have not found the type of teaching that Steve does through The Narrow Path anywhere else. I pray that God keeps expanding your ministry and that God uses you and your radio forum to continue to edify listeners.

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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by look2jesus » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:37 am

That's great news! Praise God!
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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by brody196 » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:14 am

That's awesome! I pray that Steve can eventually get his show on in every state.

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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by Amyfree » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:36 pm

alright--is that the morning or afternoon show?

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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by Suzana » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:36 am

Amyfree, it seems it's the morning show:
...I received news of an opening for my morning program to run live on a Denver station...
Steve, that's really great news, praise God!
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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by Amyfree » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:33 pm

Hopefully my friends will listen to that!!

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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by Sean » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:21 pm

Thanks for posting this Steve, I was wondering about it since you mentioned it on the air. God has blessed your ministry!
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Re: The Narrow Path in Colorado!

Post by dolphin » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:31 pm

Just saw this thread and I'm really excited! What station? What time?

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