How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

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How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by darinhouston » Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:28 am

Tom (and other RCs),

Due to some of the discussions lately about the RCC doctrine and the infallibility of the church on matters of doctrine, it seems we have an example where we disagree as Christians on a particular doctrinal issue -- that is, we have a very simple diagreement whether Matthew 18 and Acts 15 are concerning the same subject matter.

OK, so let's assume I agree to submit to the RCC teaching on such a point of disagreement. How would we go to the church to determine the authoritative teaching on this matter? Are there official authoratative commentaries on the bible?

This is a serious question. If we can't turn to the church to provide answers to questions involving scriptural interpretation, then what good is the RCC's hypothetical authority? Is it merely to support its own fabricated Doctrines that are not found in Scripture? If this is the situation, then how is your criticism of the Protestant's varying benefit from the Holy Spirit's guidance legitimate? Seriously, do you truly have something better in this regard by submitting unquestioningly to the authority of the RCC?

I truly want to know -- how would I take my Scriptural questions to your church?


Re: How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by SteveF » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:24 pm

Due to some of the discussions lately about the RCC doctrine and the infallibility of the church on matters of doctrine, it seems we have an example where we disagree as Christians on a particular doctrinal issue -- that is, we have a very simple diagreement whether Matthew 18 and Acts 15 are concerning the same subject matter.
Hi Darin, I don't want to hijack this thread (I'm not the one to answer your question anyway) but I want to clarify something. I've been reading Tom's responses to the Matt 18 and Acts 15 issue. If I understand him correctly I don't think he's saying they aren't dealing with different subject matters. I think the point he's making is they both involve decisions made by the church. In one case the subject matter is whether something is a sin and the other is a point regarding the practical life of Gentile Christians. They are not directly related in subject matter nor procedure but in both cases a decision was made by the church. I think this is the point Tom is trying to make. Did I get you right Tom? Please correct me if I didn't.

Now I'll leave it to those proficient in Roman Catholicism to answer your question Darin.

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Re: How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by darinhouston » Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:14 pm

I think you're right, Steve, but the point remains even with respect to the teachings of those verses. Let's not discuss those verses here (I realize that's not your intention), but instead only deal with how one determines the RCC teaching on a particular subject (particularly of scriptural interpretation).

Just for a foretaste, a follow up question will be -- ok, now let's assume we have some teaching of the church on a subject. Two men (or even two priests) will undoubtedly differ on their understanding of how such a teaching might be applied (or even what it means). How do we resolve that issue? The only thing we've done is remove the teaching one level from the apostles' own words. We still must rely upon "something" to resolve that question unless you believe the RCC will use an infallible clarity in its teachings that the apostles lacked.

Regardless of the logical end to the inquiry, I'm still very much interested to know just how someone comes to know what the RCC teaches on a particular passage. This is not a rhetorical question. I hope someone can answer it for me.

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Re: How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by Homer » Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:47 pm


You wrote:
Let's not discuss those verses here
My apology, but I could not let a comment by SteveF pass without a response.

SteveF wrote:
In one case the subject matter is whether something is a sin and the other is a point regarding the practical life of Gentile Christians.
I do not see how it can be said that the question in Mattew 18 is about whether sin has occurred, Jesus' instructions presuppose that a brother has actually sinned against another. That is the context of Matthew 18:15-35.


Re: How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by SteveF » Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:00 pm

I do not see how it can be said that the question in Mattew 18 is about whether sin has occurred, Jesus' instructions presuppose that a brother has actually sinned against another. That is the context of Matthew 18:15-35.
Yes Homer, I see it the same way as you. I was just trying to clarify what I think Tom was trying to say. This could be a topic for another thread. Since Tom is seemingly alone in responding to RC questions I think we should let him respond/interact with Darin's question first.

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Re: How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by darinhouston » Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:11 pm

good clarification homer


Re: How Do You Know What Catholic Doctrine Is?

Post by SteveF » Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:33 am

I could not let a comment by SteveF pass without a response.
good clarification homer
Hi Darin and Homer, I think we should keep in mind that we're responding to what I think Tom is saying. Hence, I may have inadvertently created a straw man. My style is to repeat back to people what I think they're trying to say and see if I'm getting it right (more often in a face to face scenario). Often they'll say "not quite". This may be one of those occasions. My apologies to Tom if I've misrepresented his view.

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