Punishment without purpose

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Punishment without purpose

Post by schoel » Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:47 pm

For Christian Universalism that I know, the goal of the discomfort or purging process of “hell” is to remove selfishness and sin from a person, in order that they should turn to Christ and ultimately be reconciled to God. This purging process also takes place in the lives of individuals before death for the very same reason.

In the same way, as a parent, all discipline that I bring into my child’s life is for the purpose of correcting, training and restoring. No sane or loving parent punishes their child just to “exact a pound of flesh.”

However, in both the Eternal Torment (ET) and Conditional Immortality (CI) views of the afterlife, the punishment that occurs after death has no restorative value for the person being punished. As I understand it, whether it is eternal or limited, the punishment seems to be solely for the purposes of hurting that person for the sin that they committed. This strikes me as draconian, especially for a Father who is best revealed in the person of Jesus.

For those who agree with ET or CI -
How is this type of punishment synthesized with God as revealed through Jesus Christ?
What point does God have in punishing unbelievers like this?


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Re: Punishment without purpose

Post by mikew » Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:50 pm

I haven't examined much about the Conditional Immortality views that exist. It seems though that Conditional Immortality views can even hold that there is no type of punishment called "hell." For example, in my view, the lake of fire is merely a destruction into non-existence of those who were "dead."

There are a few additional questions that could be asked (these are listed with the original question):
1) Is there any punishment described?
2) What is the purpose of any punishment, if punishment does exist?
3) Was the proper warning given to those who would be punished?
4) Is the punishment reasonable?
5) Who is being punished?

Now a search may find that there is overwhelming support that everyone who doesn't know Christ will then suffer punishment. And it may just be that this is the way God designed it --whether we understand or not. The problem is that there is not overwhelming support and evidence that every non-believer goes into eternal torment.

Now there may be punishment of certain people. But more likely any such punishment would be accompanied with an explanation in scripture of the purpose. There would also be proper warning to those who could face punishment. Otherwise, the assumed punishments would appear unreasonable and hence may not actually be in accord with scripture.
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Re: Punishment without purpose

Post by steve7150 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:41 pm

For those who agree with ET or CI -
How is this type of punishment synthesized with God as revealed through Jesus Christ?
What point does God have in punishing unbelievers like this?

I lean toward CU but the arguments i've heard are that the point is the holiness of God is paramount. This is the logic i've heard.

A sin against a holy God demands eternal punishment.
A sin against an eternal God demands eternal punishment.
It's not that God wants anyone to go to hell it's that sinners choose to go there and God respects their wishes.
God can not be in the presence of sin therefore sinners must be eternally separated from God.
Sin can not be forgiven after this life thus if you die in your sins, God can not forgive you forever.

I'm not clear why mercy would violate the holiness of God but that seems to be the majority Christian view despite what Jesus said on the cross.

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