The Trinity and Light

God, Christ, & The Holy Spirit
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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by Paidion » Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:59 pm

I wrote:Dizerner, does "three persons" mean three individual conscious entitities?
Dizerner, you wrote:Absolutely yes!
Dizerner, I think with a little investigation, you will find that your Trinitarian position is but one of several triadologies. Homer has a different one. I look forward to his getting back into this discussion.

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by darinhouston » Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:36 pm

Oops. Just saw paidion's response. Ditto. Or jinx. Or whatever you're supposed to say.

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by dizerner » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:53 pm

Paidion wrote:
I wrote:Dizerner, does "three persons" mean three individual conscious entitities?
Dizerner, you wrote:Absolutely yes!
Dizerner, I think with a little investigation, you will find that your Trinitarian position is but one of several triadologies. Homer has a different one. I look forward to his getting back into this discussion.
If they can show me it in Scripture, logic and personal experience, I'll embrace it.

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by jriccitelli » Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:53 am

Trinitarian position is but one of several triadologies. Homer has a different one (Paidion)
It is one thing to have discussions about God within the context of monotheism, but outside of monotheism you may as well be discussing polytheism or atheism, scripture does not allow for more than one God. You need to first decide if you believe there is one God, or two, or none.

Same with Editor and Darin, you think simply attacking our belief justifies your own belief, but what is the justification for your belief? You cannot justify calling Jesus Lord, if you do not truly believe Jesus is The Lord. Our belief is a message and a Command "HEAR, O ISRAEL The LORD our God the LORD is one". Our point is that scripture demands there is One God and One Lord and Jesus is Lord. You need to tell us how you can justify from scripture having two Lords if there is Only One Lord (instead of just attacking every reason we believe Jesus is The Lord).

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by darinhouston » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:02 am

Jriccitelli, I don't attack your belief, I merely question it and require evidence before I admit it's a requisite foundational belief. I don't think it is, and I don't agree I have to agree with your position to call Jesus Lord or even to know that he is so. I am merely content to let mysteries exist where God chose to leave them undeclared (even as I strive to understand).

The way I see it, I don't even have the right to question the extent of nature of Christ's deity/divinity (though I do have the right, perhaps obligation, to contemplate it). What is plain and clear is that he has the authority and right to be and to be called my Lord. Just as a serf in medieval England recognized his Lord, it mattered not whether he was a Barron our Earl or Prince or even King. As far as the serf was concerned, his master was his Lord with all authority derived from the King. It was between the King and the Lord to really know the nature of their relationship.

The bible clearly and plainly confirms Christ's lordship. His life and death and resurrection proves his right and authority to rule. That's enough for me regardless of whether more can be argued/shown/proven.

If you think I must affirm more to be a Christian, I'm afraid the burden is on you to prove same.

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by dizerner » Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:24 pm

I'd personally rather intrigue and provoke people into a discovery of the Trinity in Scripture, as I don't think it's salvific and darin is very right on that. Christ said many times there were higher truths the disciples weren't ready for, and they were, presumably, saved. But the more you meditate on Jesus being Lord, the closer you'll come anyway... it's a win-win proposition. Jesus is Lord, the Spirit is Lord, the Father is Lord, all biblically affirmed. Jesus makes his home in us, the Father makes his home in us, the Spirit makes his home in us, all biblically affirmed. How can that not intrigue someone or at the very least provoke to study it more deeply? If after I've discussed the Trinity with someone they know the Bible better than before, I'm perfectly happy. After all that's how I came to believe, and how any one should.

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by TheEditor » Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:04 pm

JR gets a little tickle in his brain every now and then, and just needs to:



[color=#0000FF][b]"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."[/b][/color]

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by Paidion » Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:44 pm

Dizerner, you wrote:If they can show me it in Scripture, logic and personal experience, I'll embrace it.
Hi Dizerner,

Who are "they"? Do you mean those such as Homer (and I think JR, too) who hold to a different triadology than you?
Dizerner, I think you hold to classic Trinitarianism. You believe that God consists of three three individual conscious entitities. Some of those who see the Trinity in the way that Homer and JR do, would claim that you believe in three Gods. As best I can understand their position, they think that God exists as a single, conscious entity who expresses in three forms or modes: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A major difficulty I see in this position, is that when Jesus prayed to His Father, He must have been talking to Himself! This position is commonly known as "modalism", but Homer does not identify with modalism because he thinks that in modalism, God can exist in only one of the three modes at a time. However, that is only ONE form of modalism. It is not the position of the non-Trinitarian United Pentecostal Church, for example, and I think that for the same reason as Homer, they deny being modalists also.

The classic Trinitarian belief is that God exists as three Persons, that is as three individual conscious entitities. Yet in classic Trinitarian belief, these three comprise one compound God, since all three are of the same divine essence.

What seems odd to me if the classic Trinitarian belief were true, is that most of the uses of the word "God" in the New Testament refer to the Father alone, and NONE of them refer to a Trinity.
The apostle Paul wrote:For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”—yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.(1 Cor 8: 5,6)
So Paul clearly distinguished between the "one God, the Father" and the "one Lord, Jesus Christ." The one God, the Father created all things, and He did so THROUGH the one Lord, Jesus Christ.

Man judges a person by his past deeds, and administers penalties for his wrongdoing. God judges a person by his present character, and disciplines him that he may become righteous.

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by dizerner » Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:18 pm

Paidion wrote:Who are "they"? Do you mean those who hold to a different triadology than you?
Of course, yes.
Dizerner, I think you hold to classic Trinitarianism. You believe that God consists of three three individual conscious entitities.
Yes I do.
As best I can understand their position, they think that God exists as a single, conscious entity who expresses in three forms or modes: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A major difficulty I see in this position, is that when Jesus prayed to His Father, He must have been talking to Himself! This position is commonly known as "modalism"
My argument against modalism would be to establish that a consciousness identity possesses the qualities of will, mind and emotion separate from other personalities, than show Scriptures that differentiate between the Godhead (I went into this in great detail on the Trinity thread).
The classic Trinitarian belief is that God exists as three Persons, that is as three individual conscious entitities. Yet in classic Trinitarian belief, these three comprise one compound God, since all three are of the same divine essence.
This is correct and I believe Scriptural.
What seems odd to me if the classic Trinitarian belief were true, is that most of the uses of the word "God" in the New Testament refer to the Father alone, and NONE of them refer to a Trinity.
How can you possibly substantiate the claim "NONE of them refer to a Trinity." You'd have to disprove every single use of the NT word God as in any way applying to the Holy Spirit or Christ. That, I think, you cannot possibly do. When Scripture says "worship the Lord your God," I believe that term "God" refers to the Trinity. Christ indeed described the very heart of the definition of worship and applied it directly to himself: "If anyone loves his family, friends or even his own life more than me, he's not worthy of me" as well as claiming to be "the Life," which alone applies to divinity. We could go on about Christ's claims, but it would take too long.

Now can you prove that the term God may in some instances only apply to the Father? Of course you can. But since all three are God under our definition, the term God could apply to one specifically or all three corporately, with no violence done to the doctrine. I believe there are instances when God refers only to Christ ("your throne O God") or refers only to the Spirit (Acts 5:3-4). However, as I recently said, since the Father alone fulfills the role of the office of God (the Spirit and the Son are seen to be subject voluntarily to him), most terms will be referencing him naturally, and that's no contradiction.
The apostle Paul wrote:For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”—yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.(1 Cor 8: 5,6)
So Paul clearly distinguished between the "one God, the Father" and the "one Lord, Jesus Christ." The one God, the Father created all things, and He did so THROUGH the one Lord, Jesus Christ.
I actually rather see this as a proof of Christ's divinity, since it's using a Hebraism called synonymous parallelism, where the exact same idea is expressed in two different ways. You can see examples of this:

“A foolish son brings grief to his father
and bitterness to the one who bore him.”

“But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities.”

Notice in 1 Corinthians 8, Paul is contrasting the concept of many versus the concept of one. Paul is not contrasting many versus two, here. Paul says "for us there is but one" then later "and one."

one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him
one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

Notice again the remarkable parallel. "From whom" with "by whom" and "for Him" and "through Him." These are divine titles and functions, with slightly different roles. Two Persons. One God. Two Roles.

And if you disagree with this conclusion, I know that you know the Father is called "Lord" many times. Would you then stick to your own logic guns, and insist that means that Christ is the one Lord and thus the Father cannot ever be? I think you'd bail on your own argument's logic at that point, so you certainly can't apply it only when it fits what you want the text to say.

And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, "O Lord, it is Thou who didst make the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them, who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David Thy servant, didst say, 'Why did the Gentiles rage, And the peoples devise futile things? 'The kings of the earth took their stand, And the rulers were gathered together Against the Lord, and against His Christ.' (Act 4:24-26 NAS)

But for us there's only one Lord, right?

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Re: The Trinity and Light

Post by jriccitelli » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:39 pm

Again Paidion is trying to break down what I, or we, believe is the Trinity, and has it wrong. And still ignores the fact that he has two gods. Paidion won't communicate with my posts, because I said Paidion has two gods, and does not believe Moses: and he doesn't. I have put out there what I believe over and over: Hear this there is Only one God and One Lord, and Jesus, Moses and the Prophets knew this more than anyone here.

I did not say anything about salvation Darin, I said there is One Lord, that is a principle 'doctrine'. Your firm answer, which is a very Unitarian statement 'we cannot know about the nature of God' this you have said in many ways. I believe we can know everything that God has revealed about Himself, and God commanded us to know what He revealed and keep this knowledge by commandment, for life, and to teach what He has revealed to our children, forever. And this is not the first thread where your posts have come up Darin concerning the Trinity doctrine, it is interesting that any mention of the word trinity, and you, Paidion and Editor are right there like bees on honey. A quick peek at each of your most active topics reveal all three of your profiles list Trinity as your each of yours most active topic. The three of you are sort of a trinity yourselves.

I have explained before, God is not stepping aside for Jesus, that would make everything God has commanded about His Rule, Power and Position - pointless. God does not operate pointless, God made His point very clear: He is King forever and Lord forever, that is Gods point, not mine. You should be able to discern between the lord of Yorkshire, the Chancellor of France, and the LORD of the Universe, Hosts, Sabbath and LORD of salvation, big difference. Scripture does not use any other context concerning Jesus Lordship other than the same Lordship that God holds. Jesus is not called 'a' lord, or lord of something or other, the Church calls Him LORD. I don't think the Church was confused about this, and neither was Jesus.

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