I am in the middle of a writing project. Because the scope is large, I want to clarify the names for God that are being used in different contexts: Jewish, Christian, and modern. This is just what falls out of my mind without any google searches or looking up. I'd appreciate any clarification anyone could give. I don't want this to be long. If there are some things I need to fix that I didn't quite get right. Or expansions needed. I know a big one is "El." I'm not sure how to explain the extensions of El.. i.e. El Shaddai, etc. Thanks!
# Naming conventions.
Language fails when speaking about God. And yet it is impossible to communicate and spiritual matters without names for God. My conventions are to be consistent with the names given to God from the movements.
# Judaism
- God: In the first books of the Old Testament, the writers identified used the generic name "El" for God. God revealed His name to Moses as "YHWH." English Bibles translate YHWH as LORD, and El as God.
# Christianity
- God: The Old Testament available in the first century was a greek translation known as the Septuagint. "YHWH" was translated "Kyrios" meaning Lord. The Christian writings continued this.
- Jesus: Christians believed that Jesus was the earthly incarnation of YWHW.
- The Holy Spirit.
Naming conventions for God
Naming conventions for God
When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.
Re: Naming conventions for God
You should probably talk about Adonai and how it was used for YHWH