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An Incident at the Park

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:56 pm
by __id_2618
Today I was playing basketball at a local park. There were old friends that I seen that are still lost as they are in Adam. One guy came along with them, that had tattoos all over and turn out to be a bit intoxicated. Out of nowhere, he started yelling at me saying "why does this guy keep on looking at me in the eyes for" Then he demanded that I look down. Unfortunately, I did not. He then proceeded to walk up on me, and was acting like he was ready to fight (if I would not have backed away, he probably would have hit me in some way). From there, I apologized to him, and told him that I did not mean to disrespect him in any way. At first he ignored me and continued to act like a bully. Eventually, I introduced myself and we shook hands. This was very close to getting violent.

The whole thing was difficult for me because I was a very violent person before I came to belong to Christ. Even after knowing Him, there have been a couple of times I engaged in violent activities instead of actively responding in a Christ-like peaceful way. In those times, the world would have commended me for handling those situations the way I did, but I suspect that my actions did not fully reflect the loving character of Christ. It is my prayer that this aspect of my mind becomes renewed and the non-violent ways of Christ become formed in me.

So, why am I posting this? Because I'd like to request prayers for this guy. I think I heard someone call him J.J, but I'm not sure. Please pray for this guy, as I will too.

To everyone that responds in to this in prayer, thank you.


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:25 am
by _brody_in_ga
You handled it well my friend, good job. Fighting him would have proved nothing, and could have landed you in some serious trouble with the law. Satan loves to test us men by sending one of his children along to "punk us out" and try to get us to fight. I can't tell you how many times I have been out in that situation.

I pray that J.J comes to his senses and thanks God for letting him come into contact with a real man like yourself. Real men love Jesus and are "as bold as a lion", without the violence.

Re: An Incident at the Park

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:34 pm
by _featheredprop
I agree with Brody ... you did well, Troy.

Meekness is not weakness - it is a show of genuine strength. As a matter of fact, it is often harder to walk away from a confrontation than it is to fight.



Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:16 pm
by _brody_in_ga
Hey Troy,

I bet if that guy knew what your guardian angel looked liked, he would have ran screaming like a little girl!

Here is a pic of your very own guardian angel.(Hebrews 1:14)


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:53 am
by __id_2620
Hey Troy,

Be encouraged buddy! You are showing fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). In the times you feel as if you have fallen, the Lord will lift you up as you respond and learn to grow in Him.

In Christ, Greg