It does not say “He took on him the seed of Adam.”

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It does not say “He took on him the seed of Adam.”

Post by _gracemonger » Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:19 am

“He took on him the seed of Abraham.” Hebrews 2:16

As it was never the intention of our Lord to save fallen angels, so too, it was never the intention, desire, or purpose of the Son of God to save all men. Thank God! He does save some of Adam’s fallen race! “He delighteth in mercy!” He forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin! But to say that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to save all men, tries to save all men, or provides salvation for all men is both absurd and blasphemous. Notice the wording of Hebrews 2:16. It does not say, “He took on him the seed of Adam.” It says, “He took on him the seed of Abraham!”


Any doctrine which says that Christ wants to save those who perish, tries to save those who perish, and provides salvation for those who perish is nonsense, theological rubbish, and blasphemy. Jesus Christ is God almighty. He is not a whining wimp. What he wants to do he does (Isa. 46:10). He never tries to do anything. He simply does what he will. His grace, his power, and even his will are irresistible (Ps. 135:6; Dan. 4:34-35). If he wanted to save everybody in the world, where is the force that could stop him from doing so? Any man who worships a god who wants to do what he cannot do, or tries to do what he fails to accomplish is a fool. Such a god, if he existed, would be as useless as a lantern without oil, or a bucket without a bottom. Failure is an embarrassment to man. How much more so it would be to the eternal God.

Useless Redemption

The doctrine of universal redemption, that doctrine which says that Christ wants to save everybody, tries to save everybody, and provides salvation for everybody tramples the blood of Christ under foot, despises the work of Christ, robs the Son of God of all glory in salvation, and puts him to an open shame. Those who say, “Jesus loves everybody and died for everybody,” proclaim a love and a death which are totally useless for anything more than sentimentalism. They preach a redemption by which no one was redeemed. Universal redemption is no redemption at all. It says that there is no power, merit, or efficacy in the blood of Christ without man’s faith to ignite the power. It makes the grace of God nothing but a frustrated desire in God to save. It makes the will of God subject to the will of man, and makes the power of God weaker than the power of man. It robs the Lord Jesus Christ of his soul’s satisfaction. It portrays the blood of Christ as a useless waste, shed in vain for many. It makes salvation nothing but a package God offers to man, rather than a work performed by God in man. It makes man his own savior. Universal redemption robs Christ of all glory in salvation. If everything is dependent upon man’s will, man’s power, man’s work, man’s faith and nothing is really determined by the righteousness, blood, and grace of Christ, why should any man worship and praise Christ?

Redemption was effectually accomplished by Christ on the cross (John 19:30; Heb. 9:12). And redemption is effectually applied by Christ on the throne (John 17:2). It never was our Lord’s intention, desire, or purpose to save all men.
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Post by _Steve » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:33 pm

Gracemonger wrote:

"Any doctrine which says that Christ wants to save those who perish, tries to save those who perish, and provides salvation for those who perish is nonsense, theological rubbish, and blasphemy."

This is the kind of language that makes Calvinists appear so fooloish and mean-spirited to objective onlookers. It is plain irresponsible and arrogant, in my most humble opinion.
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Post by _TK » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:24 pm

Any man who worships a god who wants to do what he cannot do, or tries to do what he fails to accomplish is a fool.
what then do you call a person who worships a god who arbitrarily sentences people to eternal torment? bloodthirsty comes to mind.

to me, it seems to be a rather elementary concept that even God does not HAVE to bring to pass whatever He desires. God CAN do whatever he wishes (to the extent such is within his divine character). it does not follow that he MUST do that which he wishes, any more than a reasonable parent will not FORCE their children to do something that the parent may wish them to do, simply because the parent wishes it (e.g. play football). the child should have SOME say in the matter.

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"Were not our hearts burning within us? (Lk 24:32)

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Post by _STEVE7150 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:51 pm

If he wanted to save everybody in the world, where is the force that could stop him from doing so? Any man who

That's the point GM , there is no force that could stop him, not even you. And it is his will because he said so "God desires that none should perish but that everyone come into the knowledge of the truth." Now if everyone is resurrected they did'nt permanently perish and maybe in God's time his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
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Post by _JC » Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:24 am

Guys, I've tried to debate this guy. He's not interested and refuses to respond. That usually happens when poorly constructed arguments are brought forth and presented as "facts." The theology of Calvin has become an idol to some, in my opinion. Gene Cook is probably in that camp as well.
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Post by _TK » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:03 pm

JC wrote:
I've tried to debate this guy. He's not interested and refuses to respond.
me too- but sometimes you have to post something in response, just to give an alternative view to other readers. not saying anything in response may be interpreted as tacit agreement.

Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
"Were not our hearts burning within us? (Lk 24:32)

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