struggling with what churches have become

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struggling with what churches have become

Post by jarrod » Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:53 pm

I have been apart of standard churches for quite some time and had always thought, "this is just the way it is." However, I always had feelings and promptings that made me feel that some things just weren't right. I'm not trying to say any church or gathering of believers will ever be "perfect," but I have recently been listening to Steve's lectures on Some Assembly Required and feel a lot of the things Steve was saying put words to the feelings I have been having.

I highly recommend anyone having similar struggles to listen, especially, to the 2 lectures "Who will lead us? Part 1" and "Who will lead us? Part 2".

Listening to these have generated some great Bible reading and discussion between my wife and myself.


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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by hiddenshapes » Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:23 pm

I have listened to those as well.. I keep having the feeling churches would do best using a 'multiple pastor/elder' structure.. This would cut down the 'rock-star' aspect plaguing modern church's..

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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by Candlepower » Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:02 pm


Are my eyes playing a trick on me, or has your appearance changed recently?

We listened to Gregg's Some Assembly Required a few years ago, and the Biblical truths they contain reformed our understanding of the church. We meet sporadically, on no particular day of the week, with other Christians for in-home Bible study. We have been blessed.


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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by brody196 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:11 am

I have found "Some assembly required" to be the pound for pound best lecture series I have ever heard. I have uploaded it to several of my friends Ipods and will continue to spread the message.

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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by jarrod » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:19 am

We were just talking about this at our last Sunday fellowship gathering. We talked about how although the institutional church takes on a more prominent role in our minds as having troubles, that it can happen in any gathering where there is not Spirit-filled men and worship. I believe the elders (or spiritually mature examples) should be shepherding people to the true Shepherd. Instead, I think we see some leaders that have a split focus of teaching people their denomination teaching and fueling the machine/institution that needs to stay running.

I have attended a Southern-baptist based undergrad theological seminary in Texas and I have seen doctrine (the "letter") taught and forced where spiritually immature believers (including myself) instead needed to be discipled on the further reality of the kingdom of God (the great news!). This can lead to some intellectual understanding, but does not offer the Spirit that is needed and required to bring life to the teaching. So, we have people with certain degrees that are told to go out and begin ministry, but perhaps they are not empowered by the Spirit to do the work He wants them to do.

So what do they do? I think they fallback on the organizational teaching of the Culture. One of the professors I have heard from, whom I respect in so many ways, espoused a premise that he has seen the church adopt organizational traits of the culture throughout history. I think this is true of the system catholicism took on with bishops, popes, and such with a king and a top-down hierarchy. I think this is also true of America with business and capitalism driving our nation along with the freedoms to "do what we want." I think some of the church leaders, instead of following a Spirit-filled path, get with other church leaders and try their best to do things by their own understanding.

I know some of these church leaders and we are all in the same boat. I know we can be true disciples of Christ-- just perhaps not empowered or called to do what He wants because we need to pursue Him more first.

Just some thoughts, Jarod

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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by Bud » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:40 pm

Amen to the comments in this thread.
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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by psimmond » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:13 am

Candlepower wrote: We listened to Gregg's Some Assembly Required a few years ago, and the Biblical truths they contain reformed our understanding of the church. We meet sporadically, on no particular day of the week, with other Christians for in-home Bible study. We have been blessed.
Hi Candlepower,
I'm quite interested and would like to know more.
  • You wrote that you meet sporadically, so I'm assuming you don't meet every week. Are you committed to meeting a certain number of times each month?
    Do you always meet with the same core group of people? Do those that you meet with also do the traditional Sunday morning church meeting?
    How do you decide what to study?
    Have you incorporated music and prayer time into your meetings?
    Are any kids involved? If so, how do they fit in?
I love to hear what others are trying!
*edit (9/21)
Actually I'd love to hear from any of you who are involved in something other than "traditional church." What have you tried? Pros? Cons?
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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by Jim » Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:53 am

jarrod wrote:I have been apart of standard churches for quite some time and had always thought, "this is just the way it is." However, I always had feelings and promptings that made me feel that some things just weren't right.

I had the same struggle for years as a Non-demoninational with strong attachments to Baptist tradition. You are correct that no group, no matter how big or how small does not have issues within, but that is expected since we are all healing from the illness that plagues us, our falling short of union with Christ Jesus and full healing of body and soul. The answers is out there. Lord have mercy!
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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by jarrod » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:27 am

I just wanted to share a recent testimony of being apart of a home fellowship. I had attended quite large Baptist churches in my area as well as smaller ones and I believe we moved to ~3-4 churches within 10 years was because there was always a leading pushing us to something different.

I really enjoy the open format of our home fellowship meetings. The meetings really center around responsible children of God fellowshipping together, singing songs to the Lord, each administering his/her gift to the body and talking about their experiences in the Lord. We always have a (very good) potluck meal together and there is a strong sense of Kingdom community present no doubt a result of the Spirit. I'm sure the fellowships are different in other areas, but I highly recommend this type of community.

We have noticed also a freedom in the resources the Lord has given us to steward. He always brings up certain needs of others in our community, missionaries we support, and other people/organizations. The experience has been exciting and myself and my wife enjoy this perspective very much.


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Re: struggling with what churches have become

Post by Paidion » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:09 pm

Clearly your fellowship with those brothers and sisters is rich, Jarrod!

Just out of curiosity, do you regularly remember the Lord Jesus and His sacrifice through the breaking of bread and drinking of wine together?

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