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Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:53 pm
by Ian
A portion of Ezekiel 18 v 20 says:
The son shall not bear the guilt of the father
I can think of one example where the son did bear the iniquity of his father, namely David`s son:

2 Samuel 12 v 15:
And the Lord caused the son of David and Bathsheba, Uriah’s widow, to be very sick.
And subsequently his son died.

Is there a way to reconcile these two verses do you think? Thanks

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:43 pm
by mattrose
There is a difference b/w being guilty because of the sin of another person and being caught up in the consequences of the sin of another person.

David's son was not GUILTY b/c of David's sin. He died b/c of David's sin.

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:58 am
by Ian
Thanks Matt. Your differentiation makes sense.

Still sobering though. David`s son was still in effect punished for David`s sin, though not guilty.

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:10 am
by mattrose
Yes, these kinds of tragedies happen every day. One person is killed b/c of another driving drunk. Another is killed b/c the leaders of his nation decided to go to war. Another is killed b/c someone three apartments down had a kitchen fire.

One thing it shows is that we are far more connected to each other (for good and bad) than typical American individualism likes to suppose.

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:43 pm
by Ian
Yes, Matt, but none of the examples you gave are "sobering" in the sense I mean. The connections there are obvious. But other connections are more tenuous. The physical affects the spiritual and vice-versa. A real case example - a Christian man`s wife falls ill with cancer. He is supposed to be her head and supposed to "cover for her". Could less than optimal obedience in the husband bring such a thing on? The example I give is indeed sobering but feasible in a spiritual warfare framework.

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:50 pm
by mattrose
Ian wrote:Yes, Matt, but none of the examples you gave are "sobering" in the sense I mean. The connections there are obvious. But other connections are more tenuous. The physical affects the spiritual and vice-versa. For example my wife is ill with cancer. I am supposed to be her head and as a Christian friend subsequently told me, supposed to "cover for her". This has left me open to the feeling "did not doing that optimally put her in this situation?" Now you know where I was coming from with this post.
Personally, if you are feeling in any way that your wife's cancer is the result of you not doing something... I think that has more to do with Satan than anything else. Satan would love for you to feel shame and guilt over such things.

I'll say a prayer for your wife...and for you. May God bless.

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:25 am
by Ian
Thank you Matt. It`s Godwards where I need strengthening, wifewards not so much. I brought up David`s case though it`s Jacob with his wrestling who epitomises me more.

Re: Being punished for the sins of others

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:37 pm
by nancyer
A good explanation of consequences of our actions and our connections to each other is by Andy Andrews. "The Butterfly Effect". Look it up on YouTube (sorry I don't have the link) and it's not too long. It's very entertaining as well as a great message. His books are phenomenal.

Prayers for your wife, if I understood that part correctly