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Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:25 am
by Singalphile
Hello! I've been here for 6 months, but I never introduced myself.

Christian, male, 33, Texan. I was raised by Christian parents/missionaries, and our family attended southern baptist or non-denom/evangelical-free churches/schools throughout my youth. My theological views and depth were about what you'd expect.

About 10 years ago, I happened across Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary written by some guy I'd never heard of. I read it and I decided that this "preterism" actually made a lot of sense. But it was very casual. No one else read the book, the issue rarely came up again, and I all but forgot about it.

But ~8 years later, my mom switched to partial preterism. When she mentioned it to me, I said, "Oh yeah. Me too, I think. I should read that 4 views book again." I looked for the book, but couldn't find it. (Even now, no one here can remember where it came from or where it went.) I eventually found it online. Then a click here and there, and I wound up at I started listening to TNP... and listening... and listening. I really liked Steve's teaching and his teaching manner. Longer story short, here I am.

I'm not any kind of expert. I don't usually like to debate or conflict. My own posting rule: Shorter!

I have been encouraged and enlightened by my time here so far. I hope it will continue! :)

P.S. The name "Singalphile" is not significant. "Single file" kind of fits the "Narrow Path" theme, and I changed the spelling for uniqueness.

Re: Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:43 am
by Perry
Thanks for the intro Singalphile.

Re: Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:26 am
by jeremiah
a fellow texan, cool man. i always wondered about your screen name. i wasn't sure if it was like you said, or a clever way of declaring "one love". thanks for clearing that up. though, interestingly it does require only one love to walk the narrow way. :)

thanks man

Re: Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:24 pm
by Paidion
I thought the name meant "I love being single." :)

Re: Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:39 pm
by Bud
Nice intro Singlephile, glad your here! Did you go on any missionary trips with your parents? God bless you and yours. P.S. I thought the same as Paidion re: your username, it was my guess :)

Re: Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:09 pm
by Singalphile
jeremiah wrote:
...or a clever way of declaring "one love". thanks for clearing that up. though, interestingly it does require only one love to walk the narrow way.
Oh yeah... that didn't even occur to me.

And, no, I don't particularly care about being "single". :)
Bud asked:
Did you go on any missionary trips with your parents?
Not really. I was born overseas during their full-time missionary days (in Europe with Campus Crusade for Christ), but they moved us back to TX when I was 3.

Thank you, all. :)

Re: Singalphile Introduction & Profile

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:52 pm
by Jepne
I enjoyed reading about your life after being in such heavy discussion with you! It is funny how a book can show up and disappear again - I have heard of it happening with people - a 'book angel'? Bless you!