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LDS Church Historian Marlin K Jensen will be speaking in Alb

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:14 pm
by mkprr
Hello all! It has been a while since I have made time to post anything here but spring break is coming soon and I hope to find some more time to write.

This is really short notice, but I just wanted to let anyone interested know that Elder Marlin K Jensen of the quorum of the 70 will be speaking tomorrow (the 13th) at the Albany OR LDS building on 2850 Grand Prairie Rd
Jensen is also the head Church Historian and has been overseeing the extensive work to publish every document ever created by Joseph Smith during his life time

It should be an interesting meeting and because it is a regional conference. If you’ve ever been curious about the LDS church but worried you’d have missionaries on your doorstep for weeks if you ever attended a church service this is the perfect opportunity. It will be a regional conference with a lot of people in attendance so it will be easy to stay under the radar :)