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Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:21 am
by Singalphile
Thank you all for the input. As mentioned, I talked about this a little with my mother (and I didn't mention that she said little b/c she had a bad case of laryngitis at the time!), but I haven't talked about it with a group of Christians who have similar (but different :)) hell views. It helps.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:03 pm
by brody196
I'd like to point out that the scriptures list "eternal judgment" as one of the foundations of the Christian faith(Heb 6:1-2), so I believe that a healthy dialogue on the subject is necessary. I think that the reason you don't hear much about hell in the denominational world is due to the uncomfortable nature of the subject. The resurgence of debate on the subject in recent times is probably due to folks like Rob Bell writing a book that questions the standard view.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 9:49 am
by jriccitelli
Well I was impressed that our Sunday bible study teacher was prepared and he had a pretty extensive list of all the biblical verses on hell (gehenna, hades, sheol, etc.) so there would be no question on the reality of hell (by whatever name) in scripture, the discussion veered to whether hell should be brought up at all when witnessing to the gospel. A few leaned in the direction that mentioning hell was 'not' necessary.

I said if the Gospel is the Good News, it is the Good News as opposed to what? Right, The alternative: The Bad News. Hell is a part of the Gospel. He saved us from our sins, and from the penalty of sin which is death. Otherwise the suffering of Christ becomes unimportant, for nothing.

It was also brought up if you only carried around a sign to get across the message what would you have on the sign? (as opposed to a sign saying 'repent or your going to hell')
I said there is one sign that says it all 'The Cross' it shows the bad news and gives the good news, yet 'without' the cross it is bad news.
News Flash! After writing this post, I read through the teachers notes which he simply handed out, and I am shocked and elated. The notes address ET and conclude that the result of Satan and the unrepentant is annihilation, or dust under foot. That is after just judgment and punishment of wicked. I did not expect a teacher in a Baptist Church to hand this out. I am amazed, because I did not know the teachers viewpoint.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 9:58 am
by jriccitelli
In response to Jepne, I love my unbelievers too, and I will continue to enjoy them here. But I notice how great really is the loss of fellowship - when I tell them I am going to church, or Bible study, or Worship service, they want no part of it. Everything in their life is of this world. I really grow tired of all the trivial talk and interests in their lives (I have many hobbies too, but I know this is all perishing and vanity) I do not feel every heart wants to live for righteousness and be in love with God and Good. It says today, today if you hear His voice, choose this day who you will serve. I am a late life convert so I understand rebellion but we cannot know the heart of man the way God does, and Jesus says you being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children (Matt 7:11) yet we are still rebellious towards God. And I hate to say it but I go on missing my dead relatives and my own Father but you have to admit the memory of them does become remote and vanishing. My son is still alive (after a few close calls) he has a choice to make, but he is still opposed and wants nothing to do with God, I can only visit and hangout with him for an hour before he wants to go back to partying. It's his choice.

'This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed' (John 3:19-20)

'And will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment' (John 5:29)

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. (Matt. 7:13-14)

Sorry, that's just the way it is; Believe it or not.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:30 pm
by IsaacJ
This thread may be a bit dead at the moment, but I was just checking the threads and couldn't help commenting. I've also appreciated Steve's balanced information on the topic because it really does make you aware of where some might be coming from. It is also good to be reminded that the thrust of the gospel isn't a 'get out of hell free-card.'

Has anyone read Francis Chan's book 'Erasing Hell?' I just read it a couple weeks back...much of it is in response to Rob Bell's book. It was really good for me to read because it reminded me how serious the subject is. Despite the exact nature or length of punishment, the biblical writers and our Lord use such severe language to describe those who don't repent and trust Christ. Whatever it looks like, it's a terrible thing and Jesus wasn't afraid to mention it as such. Judgement and consequences for rejecting Christ are all through the N.T. I do think it's right to warn people...especially the proud.

I've been thinking I don't want to make getting out of hell the thrust of the gospel, but at the same time, the love of Christ often isn't understood by people until they realize the position they're in without Him. When I came to the Lord I was terrified of being thrown into hell, but then connecting that Jesus didn't want that for me created so much gratitude and love for Him because I had really figured out how lost I had been. When Paul preached at Athens (Acts 17) He apparently had a short amount of time to speak before they wouldn't hear Him anymore, and He still chose to say to them that Jesus would judge the world and commands us to repent. Sure, that's not quite the same as 'or you'll go to hell', but it is 'or else.'

Anyways, I'm wrestling a bit back and forth with this as well, but I've felt new boldness to say to say when I'm asked about hell: 'You know, there's alot of things we can debate about that subject, but God says there are horrible consequences to rejecting Him, but no one has to and He died because He wanted to deal with your sin because He cared about you. He's the one who you should trust and obey.'

For what it's worth.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:58 pm
by steve7150
Anyways, I'm wrestling a bit back and forth with this as well, but I've felt new boldness to say to say when I'm asked about hell: 'You know, there's alot of things we can debate about that subject, but God says there are horrible consequences to rejecting Him, but no one has to and He died because He wanted to deal with your sin because He cared about you. He's the one who you should trust and obey.'

I wouldn't minimize the consequences of judgment in the lake of fire but these horrible warnings that Jesus gave about "gehenna" may not actually be about "hell" but may in fact be about the destruction of Jerusalem or just destruction in a generic sense. I think Steve G talked about this in his "three views of hell" discussion.
I don't think "hell" is an actual biblical word and the "lake of fire" is really the place or condition of judgment. The exact nature and length of time really are not disclosed but we all agree God is just.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:25 pm
by PR
I've seen some sincere people give testimonies about experiencing death and hell.

Here's a couple on youtube: ... re=related ... re=related

I can't easily dismiss what these people claim. And their experience seems to reflect for the most part the traditional view of hell.

What do you make of these experiences?



Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:36 pm
by steve7150
I can't easily dismiss what these people claim. And their experience seems to reflect for the most part the traditional view of hell.

What do you make of these experiences?

Don't want to sound disrespectful but many sincere people truly will swear to have been taken up on spaceships and returned.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:53 pm
by Paidion
If warning against going to Gehenna (Hell) is an important part of bringing the gospel message to people, then why is it that the great missionary, the apostle Paul, didn't use the word "Gehenna" even once in all 12 of his letters found in the New Testament.

I question whether people who "accept Christ as their personal Saviour" in order to avoid going to Hell, are actually God's people at all. The scriptures say that it is God's KINDNESS which is meant to lead us to repentance — not fear of Hell.

Re: How to Discuss Hell with Others?

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:00 am
by brody196

I question whether people who "accept Christ as their personal Saviour" in order to avoid going to Hell, are actually God's people at all. The scriptures say that it is God's KINDNESS which is meant to lead us to repentance — not fear of Hell.
Jude 1: 22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction;[d] 23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire,[e] hating even the garment defiled by the flesh...

Different strokes for different folk, I guess..