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NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:25 pm
by steve
Okay, for those of you interested in the third module this summer, here's the info ( if you are unfamiliar with the school, see: ):

The same beautiful location as the first and second modules

Shorter: The first two modules were 10 weeks each. This module is only FOUR WEEKS. This is to accommodate my other summer commitments. However, it may also make it convenient for a larger number of students, since it will be cheaper and not take up the whole summer.

Cost: $560 covers room and board (good rooms and great food) for four weeks—and lectures are included in that. Of course, travel to and from Monroe, Washington, would be an additional expense for most.

Subjects covered: Verse-by-verse lectures through the Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Lamentations) and the Book of Revelation.

Lecturer: Me

Teacher: The Holy Spirit (hopefully!)

Dates: July 29th through August 24th, 2012

Enrollment: 20 students or less (returning students from previous modules will be given preference in acceptance, if applying early enough)

Deadline for application: July 1st, 2012

To apply, send me the following:

1. Your Name
2. Address
3. Best phone number to reach you
4. Email
5. Gender
6. Age
7. Marital status
8. Vocation
9. Previous formal education
10. How long following Jesus? (brief testimony)
11. Denominational affiliation, if any
12. Reason(s) for wishing to attend
13. Ministry experience and/or ministry goals, if any
14. A pastor, or anyone else I might contact as a character reference for you (and his/her phone number)

Applications and questions may be sent to Steve, at

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:32 pm
by look2jesus
Just curious. How pet friendly are the folks who run the campus? In other words, should we plan on bringing our two, super-friendly little doggies, or should we try and make other arrangements for them?

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:15 pm
by steve
We have not permitted pets. The YWAM base is in a rural area where coyotes sometimes threaten the domestic dogs. We're not set up for having the dogs indoors.

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:30 am
by Perry
GCS module three has started.

Steve and his new wife Dayna (those newlyweds are so cute) picked Sharon and me up after a super-late flight Friday night.  We spent the biggest part of Saturday getting settled in and catching up on our sleep.  We're still struggling to learn everyone's name, but they provided us with a nifty little photo cheat sheet during orientation last night to help out.  The Pneuma Springs facilities are lovely and the folks on staff here are so friendly and polite that it's a bit humbling.  I was afraid I would be put off by the Korean food, but I can tell that a bigger concern is going to be my weight... Food is plentiful and delicious.

Lectures proper start tomorrow, but I can tell already that this is the real deal. It's gird-up-your-loins-and-dive-into-the-word time!

I would post more... But I can smell breakfast...

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:05 pm
by brody196
Jealous of Perry. :evil:

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:04 pm
by Bud
Sounds wonderful Perry. God speed to all,

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:50 pm
by Perry
Steve gave us a very ambitious assignment last night... To read through all of Isaiah, create our own general outline of the book, and answer the several in-depth self-study questions that he provided... all by tomorrow morning at 8:00am. Many of us are scrambling already, but in a good way... Drinking from the firehose. :)

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:07 am
by Suzana
Perry wrote:GCS module three has started...
brody196 wrote:Jealous of Perry. :evil:
Perry wrote:Steve gave us a very ambitious assignment last night... To read through all of Isaiah, create our own general outline of the book, and answer the several in-depth self-study questions that he provided... ALL BY TOMORROW MORNING at 8:00am... :!:
[my emphases :twisted:]


now, Brody, are you still jealous? :D

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:26 pm
by Bud
Hi Suzana, I hope it's alright if I butt in re: your post :) While I wish very much that I was able to be there and that I were able to attempt your very admirable efforts to complete such an ambitious work, I realize I can't do it. Most of all, I would just like to be there with you all.

I am praying for the Holy Spirit's grace upon you all. It sounds quite ambitious indeed.

Wishing you all well,

Re: NEW Great Commission School—THIRD MODULE

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:47 pm
by Suzana
Hi Bud,

No problems about butting in, (that's what I did too :)).
I'm actually not at the school this time, though I attended the first module. I don't remember QUITE so much homework! Though this is a much shorter course - & I also pray for God's grace & blessing for everyone there.