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In-church negative reaction to Genesis

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:23 pm
by Ian
The passage that my church gave me to read out tonight was Genesis 3: 8-19.

After the service I joked that I thought I could have been given nicer passages to read. One by-stander, a woman, hastened to say that that passage was a "load of old Bronze Age rubbish". And secondly (which is why I mentioned her gender) that the story about Eve being the first to succumb to temptation is the original root of sexism in the world.

How would you respond to such (in-church I hasten to add) disdain for Genesis and that passage in particular?

Re: In-church negative reaction to Genesis

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:56 pm
by steve
First, what reasons did she give for us believing that Genesis 3 is "Bronze-age" rubbish, and not, rather, believing that her opinion is "modern-age rubbish"? It seems that there exist two opinions, defended by two authorities. The authority of the Bible has a track record. From what authority does she speak?

Second, if she is correct, that Genesis 3 is the beginning of sexism in the world, how does she account for the sexism that has always existed in every culture—including those that have never heard of Genesis—and for the fact that the only cultures that have renounced sexism (and slavery, and other social injustices) are those where belief in the Bible (including Genesis) has been culturally dominant?

I think she has an unexamined opinion. That probably doesn't bother her, though. Most people are in the same boat with her. Self-criticism is a lost art.

Re: In-church negative reaction to Genesis

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:30 am
by Ian
First, what reasons did she give for us believing that Genesis 3 is "Bronze-age" rubbish, and not, rather, believing that her opinion is "modern-age rubbish"?
None, Steve. I think you`d call it Hunch Theology.