Talking to a De-convertist... all input welcome.

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Talking to a De-convertist... all input welcome.

Post by _MightyHalo » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:26 am

Hey Guys,

I know Im new here, but Im on a mission... (as I believe we all are).

I work on another Christian forum as a lead designer and have met some very special people on that forum.

One of them happens to be a non-believer in Christ. That really isnt the difficult part. You see... she was raised in a fundamentalist Christian church her whole life, where she spoke in toungues as well as saw many great healings take place before her eyes.

After she got married and had kids she started to do research on her own about Judaism which ( if I understand it correctly) is where she "discovered that Jesus wasnt the Messiah".

She has given me many links that she thought would prove that Jesus wasnt the Messiah, but they did little for me other than show the typical Apologetics Debate between Christians and Jews. I have become very close with her and desperately want to see her come back from not believing to believing, if not for herself ... for her family (who are sturggling with her decision).

I have yet to get into anything really deep with her, because I have decided to take the approach of learning as much about what she believes as I can first. I still dont know what the key point is that has pushed her into not believing, but Im ready to find this out now.

Two things that she has mentioned to me that sound strange are this.

* She still feels the urge to speak in tongues, even as a non-believer.
* She claims to have always been able to see auroas around people, even as a child, which she was too scared to tell her family about.

Im not sure what she is claiming, but I can tell you all that I know she is very honest with me, and this is something that she is scared to tell many people.

A side note, I have started to get to know her husband a bit... and he is a believer. Im not nearly as close to him as I wish I could be, though I do plan on visiting them soon to get to know the whole family.

I guese this opens up the doors for many questions. One, I just want some advice to find out how to talk to her about her "de-conversion" as well as learn more about the reason she has for not believing anymore... and Two, I am very curious about the gifts she claims she has... can the gift of speaking in tongues still exsist without being filled with the Holy Spirit? and what about this Auora thing... what is that all about?

Thanks again for all of your help and time, this forum has answered many questions for me and I think Ive only read about half of it! hee hee...

In HIS grip,

- Sir Mighty Halo (Brian)
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Post by _STEVE7150 » Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:10 am

Hi Brian, From the jewish perspective they will point to a bunch of prophecies about the Messiah that indicate he will bring "world peace" and , the jews back to Israel, bring the gentiles to Torah and establish a messianic age with Messiah ruling from Israel. They look for a LITERAL kingdom and miss two important things. They miss that the kingdom of God began as a spiritual kingdom not literal and they are blinded to resolving the huge problem of SIN between man and God. Judaism has NO ANSWER for the problem of sin which separates us from God. Their attitude is that God understands our sin and expects us to sin so He sort of does'nt take it that seriously. That's RABBINICAL judaism not biblical judaism because the Tanach or OT over and over again tells us how seriously God considers sin and that's what Christ's first coming was about , to reconcile sinful man back to God before "world peace" can happen man needs to have peace with God. Sin is talked about in many places and Isaiah 59-60 comes to mind and i think Isaiah 64 or so says "our righteousness is like filthy rags to God."
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Post by _Anonymous » Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:34 pm

Hi Brian,

What does your friend do about the auras she sees? I don't know much about them except that New-Agers see them as an "energy field" and their healers can tell if you are spiritually or chemically unbalanced if your aura is something or other. There is a bratty child at my school that the parents don't want us to discipline in any way because her aura is indigo in color which means she is a gifted healer sent to bring healing to the world. :roll: So far she's only caused a lot of headaches for her teacher. And she never heals them, either.

Anyway, back to your friend. What does she say about what she sees? Why is she frightened?
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Post by _MightyHalo » Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:12 pm

Michelle wrote:Hi Brian,

What does your friend do about the auras she sees? I don't know much about them except that New-Agers see them as an "energy field" and their healers can tell if you are spiritually or chemically unbalanced if your aura is something or other. There is a bratty child at my school that the parents don't want us to discipline in any way because her aura is indigo in color which means she is a gifted healer sent to bring healing to the world. :roll: So far she's only caused a lot of headaches for her teacher. And she never heals them, either.

Anyway, back to your friend. What does she say about what she sees? Why is she frightened?
Hi Michelle,

Yes, when my friend was younger, she was frightened to tell her parents that she saw auoras around people, because, according to her, her parents would have said it was the "devil". So, she never said anything to anyone about it.

As far as what she does when she sees them, she told me she sees them all the time... different colors and stuff, but doesnt know what they mean.

I dunno... sounds kind of "new agey" to me. :)

- Sir Mighty Halo (Brian)
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Post by _loaves » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:29 pm

MightyHalo wrote:* She still feels the urge to speak in tongues, even as a non-believer.
* She claims to have always been able to see auroas around people, even as a child, which she was too scared to tell her family about.
IMHO, it sounds like demon possession to me ...

"...every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist" 1 John 4:3

We are to judge the spirits. Ask her if she believes that Jesus Christ has come, and is come (is here now), and will come, and the results of His 1st coming are evident today.

If she doesn't, that spirit is not of God.
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.


"And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves...And they did all eat, and were filled" (Mark 6:41-42)

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