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Steve's Library?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:18 am
by _Erich

I was listening to one of your studies and you had mentioned how much you treasure your books I was just curious would you mind listing out some (or all???) books you have or would recommend or even at least some good authors you like (or dislike)? I know this could be asking a lot but I would be grateful for anything you could share on this. There is so much out there and I find myself often overwhelmed in what is worth my time or not. I feel like I have a fairly good start with most of the basics: concordances, dictionaries, lexicons, some commentaries etc. but I’m always looking to expand.

...oops I just noticed the very last post in this forum (after I posted the above) about an old list that was created and the response given. Since it sounds like my request is something you wouldn't be able to do is there maybe some books you are reading or have read recently (or just a few authors) that you could recommend at least?

Erich <><

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:03 pm
by _Steve
Hi Erich,

At last count, my personal library contained in excess of 1000 volumes, all of which I consider profitable in one sense or another. I obviously can not list them all. In addition to the old list that you found in this forum, there is a newer list of books that I have found inspirational and challenging to me over the years at this forum: ... 7f96347e90

I hope you find this helpful. The list does not include Greek and Hebrew reference works, of which I have two shelves full, but you said you are pretty well set-up already in that area. God bless you.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:27 pm
by _Erich

Thanks for the link! Just curious since you mentioned Greek and Hebrew references are there a few off the top of your head that you could recommend? I do have Strongs, Thayers and Spiros Zodhiates right now.

Thanks again,
Erich <><

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:54 pm
by _Steve
Those are good ones. I am away from home (in Florida) right now, which makes it impossible to remember the names of all the books on the shelf, but I will supplement the list right here when I get home.