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Post by _Paidion » Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:29 pm

The man did not become angry. He just repeated that God speaks to him in an audible voice. I was in the man's house when I confronted him. His wife and daughter hung on his every word as if it were the revelation of God.

I know nothing of the man's psychological condition.

I suspected that the man made the claim for two reasons --- He liked to think of himself as spiritually superior to others, and he used the claim to gain power over others.
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
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Post by _Rae » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:10 am

Did you know the man well? Did he act as superior to others and/or try to gain power over others?

I'm curious because I have some friends who claim similar things and I've never really known what to do about it (there have been many times where what they heard obviously wasn't of the Lord).
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Post by _glow » Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:51 pm

Do you folks not beleive God can impress knowledge in your inner being that in human terms seem like words spoken.

I honestly believe I have been given information through God in this way many times during my life time.

I have also been given dreams that were very visual and with many definate outcomes in the future.So real to me I have woken and jotted the info down or drawn pictures to remember what I was shown. They have come to pass completly, many I could not have made happen if I tried to..

This quidance has helped direct me, my church twice and kept me from danger etc.also. Glow
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Post by _glow » Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:44 pm

Glow here again:

I wanted to add for those of you who may be sceptical or think I am puffing myself up. I am not regarding my last post. I think the Lord knows each on of us very personally and in that sense answers or speaks to us in the way he knows best we will hear from him. Sure satan can get in there but I have faith when I call on the name of the Lord and surrender particular prayers and answers to him I am recieveing from him. I do try to check the spirit and have been wrong I am sure but this of which I speak I know was from Him.

The dream I spoke of in the last post ( that is what I call it) Was the result of my childern and I (during our home schooling years) sitting around our table for 9 mths praying faithfully every morning before school started, where would the Lord want us as a family. My husband and I felt in our spirits ( for lack of better word) God was wanting to move us on. Alot of things at that time seemed to go along with that, I won't add them all.Anyways the kids and I while studying faith in God and how real he is etc, took the scriptures of how you can pray to God for anything and He will hear it no matter how small etc. So the kids and I actually compiled a list if we had a dream area to live what would it include.

They had assorted ideas. My daughter hoped it had enough land so she could have a pony. My son talked about friends and lakes to fish in etc. We talked about jobs and churches and weather etc. etc.Furure mates for our kids, And the freedom in the lord as a family and good churches. We compiled a list and kind of laughed at making such a thing but we gave it up to God in prayer every morning.

One night several months later, I had a dream. It was the Lord speaking to me. He had my vision like I was floating above the planet. We lived in Mi at the time. He took me like I was flying over the U.S and showed me an area I had never seen before nor knew of. He told me about the topography, gave me a name ( Genesee Wi.) Showed me a large body of water ( which later turned into being lake Mi) He showed me a house the street it was on. He showed me a large buzy street nearby.The inside of the house. A phone conversation I was to have. A dangerous person who was to come to my door when I lived there. He showed me several things that were to come to pass, including my sister and her family being there when 1 inch of new snow was on the ground. He showed me and also warned me of 2 possible dangers I would personally be concerned with.

I woke up and was literally shaking like some one had put my fingers in an elec. socket and the power came through me. Being I am artistic I immediatly got a piece of paper and drew the map, the house, the streets etc. i wrote down all the info i could think of that I could remember. I prayed about it and waited almost two weeks to share it with my huband ( unusual for me but felt led to).

He had just started a new dental practice and needless to say wasn't really interested in picking up and moving states away in his human self but he was also a very open man to Gods leading. We went out to dinner and I calmly told him of ny experince. He sat for a few minutes, reached across the table to hold my hand and told me he really thought I had heard from the Lord.

We proceeded to check all the stuff out including the town area, jobs, house etc. It is a very long story how it ALL came to pass. Even down to the point of my sister coming to live there also , sitting at my table with her kids just like in the dream and that day she came we had one inch of newly fallen snow on the ground. It almost seemd unreal. I can give the long story of all the things that I was told and came to pass there were at least 20 to 30. None of them I could have made up..

I still have the orig. papers i wrote the notes on and the drawings.and that was 19 yrs ago.If I had never experinced some thing like this personally myself I too, do not know if I would beleive other stories like mine.But I think it has alot to do with believing God like a child , with an honest heart and His Will combined with when he wants to show himself in a powerful way.

Naturally when this all went down many people Christians and not asked us why we moved to Genesee Wi. this gave us alot to witness about. But I tried to be very gentle in who I told and how I told it. I did not want to come across like we were xtra special some how. Some fellow Christians did feel bummed that they didn't hear from God that way.I also had some people display jealousy, but also some people really wanting to know more about my faith because of it. But I tried to reassure them He knows each and everyone of us in a very intimate way and our family needed that for that time in our lives.

I have had smaller type dreams and info. given to me before then and after but nothing that dramatic since.I love the Lord so much and am so blessed he knows me personally and if I can get myself out of His way to see what he wants of me, that is my hearts desire to than follow it.

I hope this clears any questions you folks may have of my last post. Thankyou....Glow
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.

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