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Post by _djeaton » Tue May 30, 2006 4:34 pm

There may be a coorelation between how emotionally based someone's theology is and their acceptance of testimonies. I can see where someone that believes what they do because they's always been taught it and that is what everyone around them believes might find much support in other's testimonies. From an analytical or apologetic sense, I try to not use them. Like I said, even Mormons have them. Some seem to really like that apologetic approach as an apologetic evidence. I see their validity as an evangelistic tool, but not as an apologetic one.
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Post by _Derek » Tue May 30, 2006 6:53 pm

Nine hours of prayer without the sense of passing time also makes me wonder. Was he exagerrating the length of time? Did he sense the passing of time more than he was letting on? Is there a particular virtrue in such extended prayer? Is a nine-hour trance something God would want me to experience and why?
Leonard Ravenhill used to tell a story about a brother that prayed once with John Hyde for several hours and didn't realize time was passing until a knock at the door. The person told them what time it was and something like 5-6 hours had passed. He thought they had just started.

Apparently there are those that are gifted from God for intercession. These men and women generally pray that way. I don't personally know any myself though.

As for testimonies, I like them very much. I don't necessarily believe that someone being really messed up before they came to the Lord makes for the better the testimony however.

As one that was really messed up before I came to God (not that we areen't all messed up somehow), I am really edified by those testimonies of people who were raised as Christians. I love when someone reverences their parents and I can see how they have been shaped in their upbringing to be a sold out believer.

It is a strange thing when I hear someone say they don't have a good testimony because they were raised or have always been Christians. I would love nothing more than to not have to get rid of all the garbage I have trained my flesh to crave. Thankfully God has delivered me from most of it. But there is a marked difference between my walk as far as striving against sin and those who have always believed. Not that they don't struggle, I know they do, it's just that they have always known sin was wrong where I thought it was <i>right</i> and even defended my carnality as such.

I love to hear a long time believers testimony. I plan on making my kids (if God sees fit to give me some) into one of those "I was saved at 4" testimonies. They really bring glory to God.

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Post by _glow » Tue May 30, 2006 8:09 pm


I can relate well to your feelings of admiration( I try not to covet) to those who were raised in Christian households and had a clear line drawn for them in what was sin etc. I think I was probubly raised in more of a sinful atmoshpere as well as you. I have struggled alot in life to not accept certain sins as ok.

I can honestly say though I was aware of God in my life at a very young age and I believe he equipped me with the gift of deceirnment at a very young age because He knew I would need it and it helped me in many situations and still does. I have one of those long, amazing "in the world testomonies". But I as you do, admire those who had a more sheltered childhood also, (while still appreciating those who have had major struggle),yet those with a solid Christian upbringing and like to hear them .

I have been in intersessory prayer also at many times in my life and found myself lost in time for many hours in prayer, by myself and with others. But I need to also include I have had the "time" to do that also which I know many just do not.

Having peace that you actually have the time set aside to pray that long is an encouragement to do so in itself, a luxory.

Just thought I'd add my thoughts.....Glow
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Post by _Derek » Tue May 30, 2006 8:41 pm

I know they do, it's just that they have always known sin was wrong where I thought it was right and even defended my carnality as such.

I would like to qualify this to say that I did know it was wrong, but I ignored my conscience to a point where I just seared it off, and then Ithought it was right.

I remember clearly that the things that I wound up calling "natural" or whatever made me feel awful and horribly guilty the first time I did them. Unfortunatly, that was all as a little kid.

Anyway, just wanted to clarify that.

Thanks for the response Glow.

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Post by _glow » Tue May 30, 2006 9:09 pm

Derek you said:

I would like to qualify this to say that I did know it was wrong, but I ignored my conscience to a point where I just seared it off, and then Ithought it was right.

I remember clearly that the things that I wound up calling "natural" or whatever made me feel awful and horribly guilty the first time I did them. Unfortunatly, that was all as a little kid,

I wanted to add, you can be thankful that was "all" as a little kid I struggled with some of it well into adulthood and not proud of it either. Glow
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Post by _AARONDISNEY » Wed May 31, 2006 10:33 am

At my church, we often give praise to God for what He's doing in our lives. These testimonies can range from healings and opportunities to tell people effectively about the Lord to just praising Him for who He is.

I don't think there's ever anything wrong with praising God amongst His people. Homer mentioned that it might be disheartening to some to hear the testimony of what God has done for others, while realizing He's not done the same for you. Well, all I know is that when I hear what wonderful things he's doing to and through others I just get encouraged. I know that God is not a respecter of persons and if He can use one person to reach others for Himself, He can do the same for me. Or if He is doing something for someone, such as healing or financial blessing for the purpose of blessing others, I am happy for them and for the effect it will have on others beyond that.

It is always great to praise God in the right manner (with meekness and humility) in front of His people or those that do not know Him, so they might see what a wonderful God we serve.
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Post by _Anonymous » Wed May 31, 2006 11:12 pm

SamIam wrote:Can I be a Christian in good standing and totally disregard personal testimonies?

Yeah, sure. I'm with Aarondisney, however, and think that testimonies are very encouraging, so maybe you are going to be missing something.
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Post by _chriscarani » Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:18 am

A few questions about your experience with personal testimonies:

Are personal testimonies routinely given in formal or informal meetings?


What topics are related in the testimonies (getting saved? getting healed? etc?)?

All of the above.

How significant are testimonies to you? Is it important for you to hear them or to give them?

They won’t change my views, but it is a good reminder our God is a living God. I guess it may be important for some to hear mine, but it is not all that important to me that I share mine.

Do you accept all testimonies as legitimate?

In my experience yes.

Do you ever find someone’s testimony as implausible?

I have no reason to doubt the power of God, especially after what has happen with my father over the last few years.

Have you ever known anybody to be confronted because they gave a suspect testimony?


Do have any other comments about testimonies?

I enjoy them.
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Post by _Paidion » Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:12 am

Have you ever known anybody to be confronted because they gave a suspect testimony?


I once confronted a man who claimed that he daily heard God speak to him in an audible voice, and tell him what to do.

Although I consider this to be possible, I think, in view of the experience of virtually every disciple of Christ, that it is highly unlikely.
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Post by _Anonymous » Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:02 pm

Paidion wrote:
Have you ever known anybody to be confronted because they gave a suspect testimony?


I once confronted a man who claimed that he daily heard God speak to him in an audible voice, and tell him what to do.

Although I consider this to be possible, I think, in view of the experience of virtually every disciple of Christ, that it is highly unlikely.
So...what happened? Did the man get mad? Was he psychotic?
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