...as Christ loved the church...

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...as Christ loved the church...

Post by _schoel » Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:53 am

If you don't mind my asking about the admonition in Ephesians 5:25 - "...love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her"

For the men who are or were married:

1) How does/did the above admonition play out practically in your marriage?

2) What was your biggest challenge in following through with that admonition?

For the women who are or were married:

3) What actions or attitudes of your husband most represented the above admonition?


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christ's love for the church

Post by _livingink » Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:50 pm

As a woman who was both married and is married I would like to try to answer your question....I was married to an alcoholic, non-church goer for 5 years and I can not give one example of any action good enough to represent anything Paul said. I tried to make it work but it takes two and since I wasn't 100 proof I didn't interest him. But for the past almost 9 years I have been married to a man (you know him as living ink) who I can honestly say has been 100% there for me as well as the church. I am in a wheelchair and on a ventilator and he still married me. He knew before we were married it wasn't going to be easy (And it hasn't) But thru it all he has never made me feel less than a woman because I couldn't do or be everything we as a society stipulates a good wife should do or be. He is always one step ahead of me knowing what I will want or need before I even know it myself. I thank God daily for his existence and bless him again for bringing him into my life. YES SCHOEL THERE ARE HAPPY MARRIAGES OUT THERE, IF YOU LET GOD INTO THE MARRIAGE TOO.


In our marriage, I understand that I may have to give up some activities due to Dixie's health situation but it seems that God has always provided another activity that I like as well but that we both can do. I've got to be willing to carry her to the bathroom, pick up lots of stuff from the floor, check her breathing machines and keep them operable, do the cooking, bring her Pepsi and ice cream sandwiches, help her dress, remind her to take her medicine, etc. But Jesus gave up all and I haven't done that yet. I love her because she lets me use the name livingink which is really her username, because she studies the Bible with me, because she is a meek individual encompassing the FULL definition of meek and because she pays me $10 per week whether I need it or not. I imagine Jesus had quite a sense of humor though we often don't consider that.

The biggest challenge to this level of servanthood is simply physical exhaustion. Late at night I don't always want to get up to help her do something. But later I remember the times she was near death in the hospital and I feel like a dweeb. Look what Jesus did for the church and I'm griping about losing some sleep.

I would not change anything for my sake. I have learned about servanthood, stewardship, discipleship, strength from weakness, and shepherding in a way that God must have known I needed.

livingink, the imposter
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Post by _Homer » Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:29 am


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing that, you have quite a testimony.

May God Bless you both!
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Post by _schoel » Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:08 pm

I agree with Homer!
It humbles me in glimpsing the depth of your love for Dixie and the beautiful example your relationship is of Christ and the church. What a healthy dose of perspective this brings.

I hope you haven't set the bar too high for anyone else to share :)

Anyone else?

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Post by _MLH » Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:00 pm

As a married christian woman I would like to repeat scripture..
" Live with her in an "understanding" way as the weaker vessel."

That says a mouthful because men sometimes like to joke about women.
We are sensitive, emotional at times, nurturing, see in pictures, love
our children deeply....

I dont feel that most men understand the basic needs of a woman.
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Post by _STEVE7150 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:35 am

I dont feel that most men understand the basic needs of a woman.

I agree MLH , however since i've become a believer about 5 years ago my wife who is not yet a believer acknowledges quite openly i've become a better husband and father. The reason is because it's not all about me anymore.
Livingink's , thanks for your testimonies it is very inspiring.
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Post by _MLH » Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:09 pm

PTL that you are changing and she see's first hand that change.
I will pray for her salvation..

My dad was not a christian but his life spoke volumes to us kids.
He was considerate, kind and a loving husband that went to
work daily and didnt throw in our face all he did for us..He was
quiet and loved by example. I truly hope he surrendered his life
to Christ upon his death bed.

I told my son to appreciate and consider important the things
his future wife thinks are important..Such as the new blooming flower in spring, the ability to listen with his heart, to be understanding and considerate....
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