Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by dwight92070 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:38 am

If it's not really a holy book, i.e. the word of God, graciously given to us so that we might have salvation and hope, then why would anyone even consider following it's instructions? If it's not our standard, then what other standard is there? So I am a fundamentalist and you are a Bible scholar. The definition of a fundamentalist is: a person who believes that the Bible is literally true. That would be me. Bible scholars, on the other hand, take all data into consideration before coming to a conclusion: Archaeology, Ancient History, Cultural Backgrounds, Textual Criticism, Literary Criticism, Historical Backgrounds, Philology, and the Social Sciences.

But since the Bible was completed, perhaps thousands of sincere followers of Christ have mulled over and studied all of this data ad infinitum. I deeply appreciate the work of those sincere Christians throughout the centuries. The conclusions of their work, in many cases, has been written down in books,commentaries, and encyclopedias, etc. and passed down through the ages.

But the honest scholars admit that sometimes their extreme studies actually distort the true meaning of the Bible text. You wonder if under the surface, I have a secret desire to live a debauched life? If I were not a genuine believer in Jesus (Who drastically changed my life), I would say "yes". But since He has saved me and I love Him, I'll tell you what is under the surface: a trust in a loving Father Who doesn't make us go through an intellectual maze of data to find Him and to know what He has said to us.

In the critical teachings of the gospel, even a child can understand, so he too can be saved, thank God. In the teachings of how to live our everyday life, there are more difficult things to understand, but with a little research, a humble attitude, and prayer, God reveals those things to us. Jesus said, "I praise You Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants." So we need to maintain humility to learn. Intellectualism, alone, gets in the way of the truth.

As Christians, aren't we supposed to love one another? Instead of "pecking" at each other in every post, can't we try to maintain love and respect? I will admit that I have not always done that in my posts. Please forgive me for my wrong attitude at times. I really desire to share what I see in scripture (and in life) and want to know what you see.


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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by Paidion » Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:11 pm

Steve 7150 wrote:True these refugees are needy people, as is 20% of the world. They do need food and clothing but so do many people here too. Immigration can not screen them because they have no papers so whoever we let in , we are simply gambling the safety of our citizens.
Well, the country in which I live, Canada (only one-tenth the population of U.S.A.), has resettled 25,000 Syrian refugees, and so far I've heard of no significant problems resulting. Indeed, another 25,000 is expected by the end of the year. There are other methods of screening without reference to "papers". Canada has welcomed all families, and from what I hear, has excluded only single men.

Man judges a person by his past deeds, and administers penalties for his wrongdoing. God judges a person by his present character, and disciplines him that he may become righteous.

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by Paidion » Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:46 pm

Dwight wrote:If it's not really a holy book, i.e. the word of God, graciously given to us so that we might have salvation and hope, then why would anyone even consider following it's instructions? If it's not our standard, then what other standard is there?
Have you ever heard of the standard of Jesus Christ? After giving instructions to his disciples, as recorded in Matthew 5, 6, and 7, Jesus said, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock." (Matthew 7:24). Do you do what Jesus said just because it happens to be in the Bible, or do you do what He said, because He said it? Even if the book of Matthew were uninspired, and merely a historical record of what Jesus said and taught, isn't that enough to know that we should do what He told us to do?
The definition of a fundamentalist is: a person who believes that the Bible is literally true.
No. That is NOT the definition of "fundamentalist." I don't think ANYONE believes that the Bible is literally true, including you. Jesus said that if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire." (Mark 9:43). Have you cut off your hand yet? Or has it never been the agent by which you have sinned? There are hundreds of other scriptures which, to the best of my knowledge, no one takes literally. For they were meant to be figurative.

A "fundamentalist" is one who holds to what he believes are "the five fundamentals of the Christian faith." They are:

1) The inerrancy and full authority of the Bible.
2) The virgin birth and full Deity of Jesus Christ.
3) The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
4) Christ’s atoning, vicarious death for the sins of the world.
5) The literal second coming of Jesus Christ.

Man judges a person by his past deeds, and administers penalties for his wrongdoing. God judges a person by his present character, and disciplines him that he may become righteous.

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by dizerner » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:02 pm

Paidion wrote:
Dwight wrote:Jesus said that if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire." (Mark 9:43). Have you cut off your hand yet? Or has it never been the agent by which you have sinned?
A hand doesn't cause anyone to sin. The heart does.

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. These are the things which defile the man.

Jesus' point was that we need to cut our our heart and throw it away.

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by steve7150 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:17 pm

Well, the country in which I live, Canada (only one-tenth the population of U.S.A.), has resettled 25,000 Syrian refugees, and so far I've heard of no significant problems resulting. Indeed, another 25,000 is expected by the end of the year. There are other methods of screening without reference to "papers". Canada has welcomed all families, and from what I hear, has excluded only single men.


Single men have been let in , in Europe and they have had major problems with these men groping and abusing women in public by the dozens at one time. I don't know if it's a cultural thing or Islamic thing or both.

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by steve7150 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:22 pm

A "fundamentalist" is one who holds to what he believes are "the five fundamentals of the Christian faith." They are:

1) The inerrancy and full authority of the Bible.
2) The virgin birth and full Deity of Jesus Christ.
3) The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
4) Christ’s atoning, vicarious death for the sins of the world.
5) The literal second coming of Jesus Christ.

"Inerrancy" is an interesting word. What do you think the difference is between believing the bible is true verses inerrant?

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by Paidion » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:34 pm

Steve 7150, I think there's little or no difference. But there is a GREAT difference between believing the Bible is true or inerrant, and believing one must take all of it literally.

Man judges a person by his past deeds, and administers penalties for his wrongdoing. God judges a person by his present character, and disciplines him that he may become righteous.

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by Paidion » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:44 pm

Here's an interesting link about Trump and his admiration for tough men, even though some of them are or have been evil:

Trump Admires Strong Men

Man judges a person by his past deeds, and administers penalties for his wrongdoing. God judges a person by his present character, and disciplines him that he may become righteous.

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by steve7150 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:35 pm

Steve 7150, I think there's little or no difference. But there is a GREAT difference between believing the Bible is true or inerrant, and believing one must take all of it literally.

I think they mean they take as much of it literally as possible unless one believes Jesus is a lamb. :o

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Re: Your thoughts on 2 men, Trump and Osteen

Post by steve7150 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:38 pm

Here's an interesting link about Trump and his admiration for tough men, even though some of them are or have been evil:

Trump Admires Strong Men

What do you think about Ben Carson endorsing him? Carson said he is much more cerebral in private.

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