"Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by MMathis » Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:12 pm

I was referring to the country in general after the election. And I stand by my statements.

Though you may be completely right about more people seeking God when they begin to see the country begin to vanish as we know it. Read UN 1618 that Hillary would be happy a punch to sign. The only protected faith mentioned is Islam.
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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by Singalphile » Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:16 pm

MMathis wrote:
I was referring to the country in general after the election. And I stand by my statements.
Well, with all due respect, talk of that being "maybe our last election period" sounds a bit over-the-top, even verging on hysterical, if you'll pardon me for saying so. At least that's how I see it, and I suspect that I'm in the majority on that, so that's something to consider. ... of course, yes, any day could be our last, but it's good to be reminded of Matthew 6:25+. Seek first the kingdom ("3rd party", if you will) and His righteousness.

This link seems to have the full text of UN HRC Resolution 16-18 (which does not mention Islam) as well as a U.S. report on implementation (which mentions Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.):
http://geneva.usmission.gov/2012/04/19/ ... ation1618/

It's beyond absurd to me that our tax money is actually paying for this (as I assume it is), but as gov't overreach and foolishness goes, it seems relatively harmless.
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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by MMathis » Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:22 pm

Did you actually read the resolution. Mostly it deals with Muslim rights and anti-discrimination laws regarding Muslims.

They (Muslims) are looking to make it illegal everywhere to speak ill of Muslims. Sounds nice on the suface,... be nice to all religions. But, giving the UN the enforcement rights is not a smart move.

As for the last US election, we'll just have to wait that one out. My wife's voting machine had to be reset by a poll worker after she selected Romney and it switched it to Obama. She caught it, but I can imagine there were many accross the counrty that were not noticed and the wrong vote was cast. There were 4-5 candidates on the ballot in Nevada, but a malfunction defaulted to Obama??

Take a look around you if you don't think things are changing for the worst.
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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by Singalphile » Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:38 pm

Did you actually read the resolution. Mostly it deals with Muslim rights and anti-discrimination laws regarding Muslims.
I thought I did. Maybe we're reading different things. I read the one at that link.
... that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. John 5:23

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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by MMathis » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:04 pm

The point is that the entire discussion is centered on how Muslims want to be treated in the United States by specifically the US DOJ and DHS. I don’t want the UN dictating anything to the United States.

The only religion I see represented is Islam by the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation.)
When another religion is mentioned, it is about how they don't treat Muslims correctly.

What are we doing training our law enforcement officers in Quranic law principles. We have laws they need to know.

I pulled out some references.

Roundtable participants stated that there are increased security checks for refugees coming from Muslim-majority countries.
Such cases have included the right of Muslim girls to wear headscarves to school,
The DHS participant continued by stating that after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the United States Government embarked on a robust engagement with Muslim, Middle Eastern,
Post 9/11, members of some Muslim communities including Somalis have faced certain challenges.
Trainees were taught to address airport security in a culturally sensitive manner, particularly during times when large numbers of Muslims travel,
Other groups have been met at various times in our history with discrimination and violence, in the United States, including Jews, Mormons, and most recently Muslims.
My office is currently suing New York City for refusing to allow Sikh men and Muslim women
increase in hate crimes directed at Muslims in 2010.
DHS provides, for example, training on misunderstandings about Muslims in the United States.
Law enforcement officer training emphasizes the importance of charity in Islam and highlights the Quranic principles of justice, dignity, and mercy.
there is a perception by some Muslims that they cannot speak
Las Vegas NV

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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by Haole » Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:44 am

TK, On the money!

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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by Isaiahas » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:58 am

Well, I thoroughly read this article and very pleased to read about third party. No doubt there are two main parties in United States ....Liberal and Democratic..... but there should be another party which criticize these parties too. If there will be only two parties the United States will face the ministers like Sharon Angle that ran against Harry Reid. Thank you so much for your informative article.
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Re: "Will America's Real "Third Party" Please Wake Up?"

Post by Singalphile » Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:30 am

Hi MMathis. Unless I'm very mistaken (it"s been aa while), your references don't come from those links. I don't know where they came from.
... that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. John 5:23

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