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Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:30 pm
by Murf
I had an interesting discussion with my bible study group last Sunday. Two of the younger ladies who lean toward the liberal side of politics were upset with the Pastor’s prayer for the changing Presidents. He basically thanked W for his "Christian" leadership and hoped God would give O a discerning heart.

I asked this question to try to change the angel a little bit (I over emphasized the ideology gap just to make a point about differences within the Body of Christ. Not to say one is better than the other):

Suppose there are 2 Christians sitting next to each other in a pew. One a staunch right-wing conservative the other a far left-wing liberal. If Christ requires the church to have unity (Eph 4:3 & 13 for example), how should the latest election affect how they talk/relate to each other? What “unity” should they show outside the church?

Once we stopped talking about personal offense we had a very lively discussion. Anybody have any thoughts on the matter?


Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:35 pm
by TK
it seems that maintaining unity might require nothing more than not talking about politics when around each other.

that is how i deal with friends and family who are much more liberal than I am. we just dont talk politics, or if we do it is in a very passing manner.


Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:46 pm
by Paidion
I would not call that "maintaining unity", TK. Whatever kind of unity which may remain seems feigned rather than maintained. Avoiding particular topics seems to be denial.

Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:06 pm
by Michelle
Paidion wrote:I would not call that "maintaining unity", TK. Whatever kind of unity which may remain seems feigned rather than maintained. Avoiding particular topics seems to be denial.
Paidion, your post surprises me. Since what TK has described is called "not maintaining unity" and "feighned unity" by you, how do you define true unity?

Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:30 pm
by Murf
I tend to agree with Paidion that simply not talking about differences is not the same thing as maintaining unity. But I also understand that talking about differences (or more literally caring about differences that don't matter to God) has created splits in the Body for generations.

If the two people in my example considered themselves "citizens" of Heaven instead of or at least before they considered themselves citizens of American does that help with Unity?

That question prompted lots of discussion as well.

Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:06 pm
by TK
the reason for my response is simply that sometimes to maintain unity you have to forego certain things. perhaps my idea of unity is a tad skewed; if people are all worked up with each other because they simply cannot stand each other's political views, then unity, in my mind would seem difficult.

for e.g., i was sitting around with some people at church the other day that i know quite well. one of them made a political comment that i didnt agree with, but in my mind i saw no reason to respond. was i just being a wimp? possibly, but to me it was just not a big deal. it seemed wiser to let the matter slide.

i guess i equate unity with "peace." perhaps i am incorrect in this. of course i know there is not ALWAYS peace, but peaceful unity should, it seems, be the goal.


Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:29 pm
by RND
Since I don't vote I feel as if I'm free to express a more "fair and balanced" outlook with respect to what I see as inadequacies on both sides. I have no dog in the fight and don't need to gore anyone's ox. But being 'a political' isn't in the easiest thing. It means you're n the middle and that's the easiest target to take a shot at! :D

Frankly, I don't believe Christians should take sides regarding leadership. Issues? Maybe, in some cases. But men are like the surprise in a box of "Cracker Jacks," you never know what you gonna get, even though the package is nice and bright.

Our battle is not in taking sides in a "political battle" because we don't war against flesh and blood. Our place involves the greatest battle ever fought....the battle for the soul. There is indeed "A Great Controversy" raging between Satan and Jesus Christ. Thus there are really only two sides to take.

A wise council would be to keep one personal voting preference to themselves so as it is nothing to cause their brethren to stumble. There is no need to urge people to vote like you would do.

Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:53 am
by Murf
TK, I get keeping the peace with things that don't matter and I agree with it. (even though stirring the pot is one of my favorate pass-times). The reason for my original post was the young lady in my study group was deeply offended that the Pastor doesn't think O already has a good heart.

Pertend the person in your example had deeply offended you about politics or anything else. Would just keeping silent really keep the peace? (Not an accustaion just a question). I've seen lots of hard feelings build up over time. But I also don't think just talking about the differences help either.

I haven't fully established a unity theology yet but I'm tending towards trying to understand what things offend/bother me. Then I ask if these things are of God. If they aren't then I'm not sure I have the right to be offended/bothered even though usually I still am.

Re: Unity and Politics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:59 am
by TK
steve g has a really good teaching on refusing to be offended, which i believe is the key to keeping unity.

if a christian brother or sister said something that i found offensive (like- "abortion is not as big of an issue as the economy") i would likely speak up, state the reason for my disagreement, and move on. but it would be hard for me to think the same way about that person. i suspect it wouldnt destroy unity, but it might put a chink in the armor.