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Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:53 am
by _Christopher
Thank you for sharing that Mort. Very inspiring and informative.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:55 am
by _schoel
Good stuff Mort.

Your story reminds me that there isn't any perfect church model because each model is implemented by imperfect people.

It seems to me that most Christ-like churches are lead by the most Christ-like elders, but perfect unity in Christ seems impossible in this life.

I was just thinking of worship team practice last night, where the drummer turned to me (I play bass once in a while) and gushed about the sound system that he'd seen at another church. It was difficult for me to refrain from stating that some of the church buildings with the best sound systems that I'd visited were farthest from the truth.

I suggest you post this in its own thread under Misc Essays by Participants to allow others to find this information easily.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 10:01 pm
by _livingink
Hi Mort,

I think its a lot more clear now why I have been reluctant to start a group. You described the same situation I encountered just trying to teach a small class of adults. But then I think of Paul in prison and still asking for his parchments--preparing for another lesson. I guess he couldn't stomach church as usual either.
