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Re: New Forum

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:19 pm
by Sean
Allyn wrote:Since the crash several, several weeks ago I have moved into the full-preterist camp.
Your kidding, right? Tell me your kidding! :o :mrgreen:

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:51 am
by Allyn
Sean wrote:
Allyn wrote:Since the crash several, several weeks ago I have moved into the full-preterist camp.
Your kidding, right? Tell me your kidding! :o :mrgreen:
Sean, no - I am not kidding. I have been heading that direction for several months but I could not deny the fact any longer.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:10 am
by RickC
Allyn, et al,

Is that your (own) site, Allyn (preteristvoice)?

I read one article but this wouldn't be where to discuss it. I'm also kind of busy with other stuff (like trying to get some posts/articles for my blog). Perhaps later (as mentioned before) on Eschatology board. Take care.

P.S. Sean
Your kids are pretty, :)
P.S.S. Michelle
I'm in IRC chat...if ya wanna....

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:16 am
by Allyn
RickC wrote:Allyn, et al,

Is that your (own) site, Allyn (preteristvoice)?

I read one article but this wouldn't be where to discuss it. I'm also kind of busy with other stuff (like trying to get some posts/articles for my blog). Perhaps later (as mentioned before) on Eschatology board. Take care.

P.S. Sean
Your kids are pretty, :)
P.S.S. Michelle
I'm in IRC chat...if ya wanna....

Hi Rick - yes, Preterist Voice is my own site. Take care, friend.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:23 am
by RickC

The site's laid out very well...I'll say!
(I'm still in IRC hanging out for a few if you want)....
Gtg to bed after a while, work nites now.
I like the IRC we can do live talk...might save some posting time? ;)

Re: New Forum

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:07 am
by Allyn
RickC wrote:Allyn,

The site's laid out very well...I'll say!
(I'm still in IRC hanging out for a few if you want)....
Gtg to bed after a while, work nites now.
I like the IRC we can do live talk...might save some posting time? ;)

Hi Rick, Thanks.

I usually can't hang around long enough for live chat. I will pop in from time to time here and if I have a comment I make it or think better of it and won't ;) if you know what I mean.

Re: New Forum

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:44 am
by Jason
Checking in. This is like moving into a new home and you don't know where everything is located just yet. Meanwhile, I think I'll park my couch over there. 8-)

Re: New Forum

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:10 am
by christopher
Hey roomies! Which one's my room? :)

Re: New Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:38 am
by selah
Suzana wrote:Hi Rick,
This is a site that someone posted before, to shrink photos:
Create Avatar
Hi Suzanna,

It's been a while since we wrote each other, but I've "seen" you around... :)

Thanks for posting this site for Avatar. I just found the site this morning since I have an electronic picture (finally) and tried the 1. 2. 3. three steps listed on the site you posted. Then I clicked something like "download" but got a pop up with the option to save or open on my computer. I didn't want to do that since the picture is already on my computer. Next, when I viewed my profile and posts, the picture wasn't there. I must have done something wrong. I think I'm close, but not quite there yet.

Now, I realize you are probably not the designated Avatar person but since you posted the Avatar site above, I just thought I might ask you if you get a minute to get me going in the right direction, I sure would appreciate it.

Thanks so much for any Avatar pointers you might have for me!
Have a beautiful day! It's beautiful in Oregon, and I think you're in :D hope your happy...

Re: New Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:41 pm
by Suzana
Hi SueAnn,

I'll be happy to help as much as I can, but there's a reason I wouldn't be a designated computer anything, since I usually stumble around, and mainly get by with trial and error!
(Real computer experts, you should look away now).
Then I clicked something like "download" but got a pop up with the option to save or open on my computer. I didn't want to do that since the picture is already on my computer.
(I see that there is an option on the forum user control board to upload your avatar from a URL or off-site link, but I don't know how to do that, as I have always uploaded from my own computer).
So -
whey you get the "download" pop up, choose the option to save it. (I don't think it will stay on your computer for you to use otherwise. The picture already on your computer is the one that's too large, I think).
Even just save it to your desktop so you can easily find it when you then need to upload it onto the forum. That will be step 4.

Then, go to your control panel on the forum > profile > edit avatar > upload from your machine (click browse, find your shrunk pic, double click on it & that should upload onto the forum. I think when it's there you then click on submit & voila!)

You also need to make sure the size is correct, I think it's 90x90 pixels only.

See how you go with that, feel free to ask anything else & if we both fall into the ditch, some other kind person might help us out!