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Blood Moon in a Nutshell

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:57 pm
by Soulsnaxx

"Blood Moon" mania is in full bloom. Is there anything to all the hype and hoopla? A caller to The Narrow Path radio program asks host Steve Gregg his opinion. In his brief answer, Steve uses Scripture to bring the Blood Moon down to earth.

Re: Blood Moon in a Nutshell

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:30 am
by Paidion
A so-called "blood moon" is nothing more than a total eclipse of the moon. I have seen two total eclipses of the moon, in the first one the moon was a coppery colour, in the other it was yellow-red.

As Steve correctly pointed out, the Hebrew calendar is lunar based, and so it is little wonder that total eclipses are associated with particular Jewish holidays.

Re: Blood Moon in a Nutshell

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:59 pm
by steve
A friend of mine sent me some information gleaned from a few websites:

Blood Moons

The scientific term for the event is “lunar tetrad,” four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons).

Three times in the past five hundred years four blood moons have appeared in the sky on major Jewish holidays. Each appearance of these four blood moons heralded something extraordinary for the Jewish people.

• In 1492 and 1493, the Jews were driven out of Spain and Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.

• In 1948 the modern state of Israel was born.

• In 1967 Jerusalem was unified.

Summary of problems:

a. Tetrad eclipse moon sequences are historically common.

b. If four lunar eclipses are a sign to Israel, then many very important past events like the birth of Christ, Destruction of Jerusalem, Hadrian's and Hitler's Holocaust were not marked by God with Tetrads!

c. Lunar eclipses are common on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.

d. Without fail, solar eclipses always occur just before the start of a new month. There is a one in six chance that a solar eclipse will happen on the Jewish New year around Nisan 1. Nothing special about the solar eclipse on Adar 29 2015 Hagee makes so much about!

e. Of the 8 lunar and solar eclipses, Hagee ignores three.

f. In 2014/15 there are 4 solar eclipses but Hagee highlights only one eclipse and ignores the other four.

g. Few of the eclipses start at the beginning of the Feast days only within the 7 day range for each.

h. Hagee says Lunar eclipses are a sign to Israel, yet none of the Lunar eclipses are visible in Jerusalem, except 1 which is only partially visible.

i. Hagee says Solar eclipses are a sign to the rest of the world, yet the one he says is a sign (after ignoring three others) is not visible by anyone on earth since it is centered entirely over the ocean near Greenland, except for the small population of people living on the Faroe and Spitzburgn Islands.

j. There were four Tetrads where the four sequential eclipses coincided with Passover and Feast of Tabernacles that Hagee totally ignored because nothing significant occurred in that year:

162 AD
Passover – April 17, 162 AD
Passover – April 06, 163 AD
Tabernacles – October 11, 162 AD
Tabernacles – September 30, 163 AD

795 AD
Passover – April 09, 795 AD
Passover – March 28, 796 AD
Day of Atonement – October 03, 795 AD
Day of Atonement – September 21, 796 AD

842 AD
Passover – March 30, 842 AD
Passover – March 19, 843 AD
Day of Atonement – September 23, 842 AD
Day of Atonement – September 12, 843 AD

860 AD
Passover – April 09, 860 AD
Passover – March 30, 861 AD
Day of Atonement – October 03, 860 AD
Day of Atonement – September 22, 861 AD

Re: Blood Moon in a Nutshell

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:45 pm
by Paidion
Hi Steve,

Thank you for that thorough explanation. You must have done a bit of research.

I have just one question:
You wrote:Without fail, solar eclipses always occur just before the start of a new month. There is a one in six chance that a solar eclipse will happen on the Jewish New year around Nisan 1
Did you mean "just before the start of a new moonth"? That is, just before the start of a new lunar month? But of course, since you referred to Nisan 1, you may have been using the word "month" in the sense of "moonth."