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Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:51 am
by _Allyn
Steve wrote:Quote:

"I certainly do not believe that God chooses certain people to be born with birth defects for some 'higher purpose.' God just isn't like that. "

Why would we say God is not like that? I would not raise such a libel against such a faithful Father.

Is He not at least as good as a caring earthly father? If there is some ultimate good needed by His children, but which cannot be accomplished without their going through suffering, is He not sufficiently committed to our well-being to take us through the necessary steps?

My son broke his arm skating, a few months ago. By the time the emergency room could see him, it was necessary to re-break his arm to reset it properly. The doctor asked my permission to do this. It was going to inflict further pain upon my son, which I was loath to allow, but I gave my approval—not because I am either cruel or callous to my son's suffering, but because I don't want his arm to be deformed for the rest of his life.

Is God any less concerned about our broken condition? Is He not prepared to authorize further breaking in order that our souls not be deformed for eternity? I think He is every bit as committed to His children as I am to mine, so I would be shocked to hear that He would not be loving enough to allow temporal suffering in order to achieve permanent benefit. I have a higher view of the love and kindness of God than many seem to have—mine is just less sentimental.

If Jesus said that a man, in some cases, would be better off entering into life having one hand or one eye, than to have two of each and be cast into Gehenna, is it contrary to His character to arrange, in some cases, the very circumstances that He says would be "more profitable to you" (Matt.5:30)?

I think we need to be wary of the temptation to reduce the real God to an emotionally manageable being, who dutifully stays within the box of our sentimental theology. I don't believe the universe contains a one-dimensional god.

The real God crippled Jacob permanently (Gen.32:25, 31). Was this not for some greater good? Which God was it that said to Moses, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?" (Exod.4:11)? Since God plainly does such things, is it not best to recognize that His doing so is for the greater good, though His reasons may not be obvious to us?

To which God was Joseph referring, when he told his brothers, "God sent me before you to preserve life"(Gen.45:5)? "Sent me?" Is this anything but a euphemism for "caused me to be betrayed, rejected, enslaved, falsely accused by a seductress and unjustly jailed for 13 years"? Is it not possible that the God who subjected Joseph to all this (and who could have as easily delivered him from it) felt that preserving life is a greater good?

It was God who sent Judah into captivity for 70 years, which seemed to be done, not vindictively, but to cure them from idolatry—a greater good.

And what shall we make of His treatment of His most beloved Son? Did it not "please the Lord to bruise Him?" (Isa.53:10)? Why? Was it not for some greater good?

If there is a teaching of scripture plainer than this, that God uses suffering to bring about glory to Himself and to His children (Job 23:10/ John 11:4/ Rom.5:3-4; 8:18/ 2 Cor.4:17/ Phil.1:12/ Col.1:24/ Heb.12:5-11/ James 1:2-4/ 1 Pet.1:7; 4:12-14), then I do not know what it could be.

Most of us here believe that Calvinism is flawed. Therefore, we may be tempted to discard all of the biblical proofs of the sovereignty of God, because Calvinists happen to be so fond of them. It is an unthinking reaction to say, "We must not let these verses speak plainly, but we must explain them away, because, as they stand, they may encourage Calvinism." Our theology must never be reactive. Doing good theology does not mean finding out what someone believes wrongly and then assuming that the polar opposite position must be correct. If this were the case, then the answer to legalism must be antinomianism—and vice versa.

In the case of the man born blind (John 9), certain things can not be explained away (and we should have no incentive to do so). First, Jesus said that the man's condition had nothing to do with anyone's sin, so we can rule out the suggestion that his disability is the result of anybody poorly exercising their free will. Second, Jesus healed the man, proving that the condition was not beyond God's ability to heal (nor, presumably, to have prevented in the first place). Third, that God healed him at this particular time suggests that God could have done so at any previous time, had He wished—meaning that the man was in that condition (i.e., not yet healed) for many years for no other reason than that God did not choose for it to be otherwise. Fourth, if we should ask why God did not choose to heal him prior to this incident—and even prior to his birth, so that he would not have been born blind—we have a direct answer from Jesus: "That the works of God might be revealed in him" (which God, presumably, saw as a "greater good" than would have been the absence of the disability from the man's birth.

If our theology knows no God who is capable of healing and protecting His people from every danger, and who has no angels capable of delivering His children from any harm from which He desires them to be exempt, then, in my opinion, our God is way too small. On the other hand, if our God is too sentimental to allow temporal suffering in His children's lives, in order to achieve an eternal benefit, then our God is too wimpy and uncaring—far less caring, in fact, than the average earthly parent. Given these options, I will most happily keep the God that I have now.
Steve, are you using this opinion to say that God initiates all physical problems that Humans have ever had or will have? Or are you saying simply that God uses what is common to men to bring about glory to Him and His will for the kingdom?

If he had lived, I would have had a brother growing up along side me, but He was born prematurely and back in the late fortys the mortality rate for infants was much higher. If my mother's first born had lived it would be very probable that I would not have been born. But if he had lived and I was also born then I would certainly have been a different person from what I am today because of the circumstances surrounding the fact that he lived. And if I had not been born would the lady on the highway be alive today since I was the one who was present to prevent her death in a road accident, and would any people I have affected come to know Christ otherwise without my presence in their life?

On the otherhand, if God simply uses the hand we are dealt for His glory and kingdom then He does not need to cause pain and suffering but utilizes pain and suffering according to His Will.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:18 pm
by _Paidion
Steve wrote:Quote:
"I certainly do not believe that God chooses certain people to be born with birth defects for some "higher purpose." God just isn't like that. "

Why would we say God is not like that? Is He not ast least as good as a caring earthly father? If there is some ultimate good needed by His children, but which cannot be accomplished without their going through suffering, is He not sufficiently committed to our well-being to take us through the necessary steps?
I am not sure whom you are addressing, Steve, but since your post follows mine, it could be I. I don’t recall writing the quoted words, though I agree with them. Much of what you wrote to the person you are addressing doesn’t apply to me, and so I am a bit confused.
My son broke his arm skating, a few months ago. By the time the emergency room could see him, it was necessary to re-break his arm to reset it properly. The doctor asked my permission to do this. It was going to inflict further pain upon my son, which I was loath to allow, but I gave my approval—not because I am either cruel or callous to my son's suffering, but because I don't want his arm to be deformed for the rest of his life.

Of course you would approve of the re-breaking of your son’s arm in order that it might be healed. But would you choose to have one of your children be born deformed? Such a choice does not seem to belong in the same category.
Is God any less concerned about our broken condition? Is He not prepared to authorize further breaking in order that our souls not be deformed for eternity? think He is every bit as committed to His children as I am to mine, so I would be shocked to hear that He would not allow temporal suffering in order to achieve permanent benefit. I have a higher view of the love and kindness of God than you have—mine is just less sentimental.

I am not sure that you do have have a higher view of his love, nor do I regard my own view as “more sentimental”. It is my belief that God sends people to a place of suffering which lasts for many ages for “a higher purpose”, i.e. for the sake of their correction. But that is quite a different matter from that of having a child (or anyone else) tortured to death here on earth for a deeper purpose. How would that do the child any good? It’s not at all like the re-breaking of your son’s arm in order to heal it. Nevertheless, let’s suppose that the torturing of the child was for the purpose of teaching the parents some kind of lesson. Was there no other way that the parents might learn that lesson? And if not, did the parents, in fact, learn that lesson? Or did they just begin to hate God for “allowing” or even causing their child to suffer this agonizing death? In the case of your son, you knew, and your son knew, that the additional suffering would result in the healing of his arm. In the case of the child, neither the child nor her parents are given any reason or “deeper purpose”. If there is such a purpose they are left to figure it out for themselves --- and I have yet to find anyone who has.

Sometimes, some good and important events follow horrible experiences, and there’s no doubt that God can and does bring good out of evil. But that is a very different matter from the idea that God causes the evil event in order to bring about the good.
If Jesus said that a man, in some cases, would be better to enter into life having one hand or one eye, than to have two of each and be cast into Gehenna, is it contrary to His character to arrange, in some cases, the very circumstances that He says would be "more profitable to you" (Matt.5:30)?
I think it is contrary to his character. As far as I am aware, there is no record of his ever having done so while he walked this earth. But in any case, it is the person himself who “cuts off’ his own hand or “plucks out” his own eye --- whatever action these figures of speech represent --- and not God who directly causes the person to do the act. So the man’s free will is involved here. Both you and your son’s free will were involved in the re-breaking of his arm. You expected a good result from the doctor’s procedure. The child’s free will was not involved when it came to her rape and torture. Nor was she told about the good which would result from the action. Thus I am fully persuaded that God had no part in this evil act. It is entirely an act which was done by a wicked man. The reason God did not intervene may have been the matter of the universe’s stability, but was surely not in order to fulfill a deeper purpose.
I think we need to be wary of the temptation to reduce the real God to an emotionally manageable being, who dutifully stays within the box of our sentimental theology. I don't believe the universe contains a one-dimensional god.

Nor do I conceive that God is one-dimensional. Are you certain you fully understand my position and those who believe as I do?
The real God crippled Jacob permanently (Gen.32:25, 31). Was this not for some greater good?
We don’t know that it was permanent. Though the “man” put his thigh out of joint, Jacob wouldn’t let him go until the man had blessed him. I can’t say that I fully understand this encounter. But I would not conclude that its purpose was for a greater good. Yet, if it were, I can’t imagine what that greater good was ---- unless it was to get Jacob to be persistent in what he wanted. But he seemed pretty persistent even prior to this, in his trickery in getting the blessing of his father by disguising himself as Esau (at the instruction of his mother).
Which God was it that said to Moses, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD?" (Exod.4:11)? Since God plainly does such things, is it not best to recognize that His doing so is for the greater good, though His reasons may not be obvious to us?

By creating Adam and Eve, God has made man, and so in making Adam and Eve, he made all of humanity. Yes, that includes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, and the blind. God made them all. But that does not imply that he caused them to be mute, deaf, or blind. Those defects were the result of biology, defects arising from the fall of man, and with it the fall of nature itself. As I see it, those particular defects were not given for a greater good “which may not be obvious to us”. Rather, what is not obvious to us is why fallen nature itself has been allowed to continue for thousands of years. Doubtless there is a greater good to come of it all. For we read that this condition of nature will not continue forever, but :

... the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God Romans 8:19-21

The problem isn’t that God sometimes uses suffering in general to bring about a greater good. I believe that to be the case. The problem is the notion that God causes all suffering to bring about a greater good. I know of no other teaching that had caused as many people to turn against God. They blame God for their child’s murder, their mother’s cancer, and their cousin’s torture, for they are taught in church that all calamity is for a greater good. But they never find out what that greater good is. So what good is it?
To which God was Joseph referring, when he told his brothers, "God sent me before you to preserve life"(Gen.45:5)? "Sent me?" Is this anything but a euphemism for "caused me to be betrayed, rejected, enslaved, falsely accused by a seductress and unjustly jailed for 13 years"? Is not preserving life a greater good?
I read that Joseph said that God sent him before them, all right. But I don’t read any more into it. I don’t read that God caused his brothers to sell him, or caused his suffering which resulted from the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife. All these things happened, but did God require them in order to send Joseph before them? I don’t think so. I think that if his brothers had chosen not to sell Joseph as a slave, God would have still had a means of getting him there.
It was God who sent Judah into captivity for 70 years, which seemed to be done, not vindictively, but to cure them from idolatry—a greater good.

Yes, God may have done that for that purpose. But does it follow that all suffering is God’s work to fulfill a higher purpose?
And what shall we make of His treatment of His most beloved Son? Did it not "please the Lord to bruise Him?" (Isa.53:10)? Why? Was it not for some greater good?
Do specific examples of God allowing suffering for a purpose prove that God allows all suffering for a purpose?
If there is a teaching of scripture plainer than this, that God uses suffering to bring about glory to Himself and to His children (Job 23:10/ John 11:4/ Rom.5:3-4; 8:18/ 2 Cor.4:17/ Phil.1:12/ Col.1:24/ Heb.12:5-11/ James 1:2-4/ 1 Pet.1:7; 4:12-14), then I do not know what it could be.
I examined every one of these passages, and I fail to see that any of them, with the possible exception of John 11:4 support the position you seem to hold. All the rest indicate that good can come out of chastisement. Let’s take for example the passage from Hebrews 12:

And have you forgotten the exhortation which addresses you as sons? —"My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage when you are punished by him. For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives."

It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Besides this, we have had earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time at their pleasure, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:5-11

I do not understand why you are bringing up these Scriptures. Does anyone in the forum deny that God disciplines his children to correct them even though the discipline may be painful? This passage points out that a good father disciplines his children, and that God does the same for his. But does a good father torture his child? Or lock him in a dark room for two days? Or beat him to death? Or permit someone else to do these horrible things to his child? If not, how can God be said to be a good Father, if he is the cause of all the atrocities which occur on earth? I’m sure many of the earthly fathers who administer cruel and unusual punishment would declare that they are doing it for their child’s “good”. But it’s a lie.

Jesus himself showed that some disasters were not a result of particular wrongdoing that had to be corrected:

There were some present at that very time who told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered thus? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Luke 13:1-5

One could ask, "Why did those disasters come upon those particular people?" I think Jesus himself shows that it was not because they were being disciplined for their sin ---- or that God had a deeper purpose for bringing these disasters upon them, for that matter. In fact, I think it can be inferred that God had nothing to do with those disasters.

I don’t think it’s at all necessary to “get God off the hook” by declaring that every horrendous event which occurs is his doing, or is allowed by him in order to achieve a greater good or to fulfill a deeper purpose.

As for John 11:4, Jesus indeed declared that Lazarus’ illness (and death) was for the purpose of glorifying God. (God raised him to life through Jesus). Once again, the fact that God sometimes uses suffering and pain for a deeper purpose does not prove that all suffering and pain is God’s work in order to fulfill a deeper purpose.
Most of us here believe that Calvinism is flawed. Therefore, we may be tempted to discard all of the biblical proofs of the sovereignty of God, because Calvinists happen to be so fond of them. It is an unthinking reaction to say, we must not let these verses speak plainly, but we must explain them away, because, as they stand, they may encourage Calvinism. Our theology must never be reactive. Doing good theology does not mean finding out what someone believes wrongly and then assuming that the polar opposite position is correct.

Biblical proofs of the sovereignty of God? What is the “the sovereignty of God”? Does it mean that God has meticulous control over each and every event which occurs? Or does it mean that he exercises a general control, boundaries outside which man cannot break through, but allowing a lot of freedom within those boundaries. If every horrible event is God’s doing, or even if every horrendous event is “allowed” by God to achieve a greater purpose, then why does he object to the evil actions of man? They are fulfilling God’s deeper purposes, aren’t they?

Obviously, God’s will is not being done through these acts. Otherwise, Christ’s instruction for us to pray, “Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” would be meaningless.
In the case of the man born blind (John 9), certain things can not be explained away (and we should have no incentive to do so). First, Jesus said that the man's condition had nothing to do with anyone's sin, so we can rule out the suggestion that his disability is the result of anybody poorly exercising their free will. Second, Jesus healed the man, proving that the condition was not beyond God's ability to heal (nor, presumably, to have prevented in the first place). Third, that God healed him at this particular time suggests that God could have done so at any previous time, had He wished—meaning that the man was in that condition (i.e., not yet healed) for many years for no other reason than that God did not choose it to be otherwise. Fourth, if we should ask why God did not choose to heal him, prior to this incident—and even prior to his birth, so that he would not have been born blind—we have a direct answer from Jesus: "That the works of God might be revealed in him" (which God, presumably, saw as a "greater good" than would have been the absence of the disability from the man's birth.

Consider the words you wrote which I bolded. If there was reason other than God’s choice for the man to be in that condition, then a greater good or a deeper purpose could not have been the reason for the man's blindness during those many years.
If our theology knows no God who is capable of healing and protecting His people from every danger, and who has no angels capable of delivering His children from any harm from which He desires them to be exempt, then, in my opinion, our God is way too small. On the other hand, if our God is too sentimental to allow temporal suffering in His children's lives, in order to achieve an eternal benefit, then our God is too wimpy and uncaring—far less caring, in fact, than the average earthly parent. Given these options, I will most happily keep the God that I have now.
Please tell us who you are addressing. I’ve looked at the thread again, and I can’t find anyone promoting a small, incapable, sentimental, wimpy, and uncaring god. Nor can I find anyone who thinks God would not allow temporal suffering to achieve eternal benefit. What I find are people who do not ascribe every hideous, despicable act of man to a work of God (whether God actively executes it, or passively “allows” it) in order to achieve a greater good.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:30 pm
by _Steve
Hi Allyn,

You asked:

"Steve, are you using this opinion to say that God initiates all physical problems that Humans have ever had or will have? Or are you saying simply that God uses what is common to men to bring about glory to Him and His will for the kingdom?"

Third option...I am saying only as much as I can see scripture affirming, and no more. I am saying that God allows only what He chooses to allow. He thus allows difficulties to come whenever He chooses to allow them. Whether He is the direct instigator of a given hardship, or whether He only decides to permit the devil to do what the devil could not do without permission, would have to be decided (if at all) on a case-by-case basis.

We are informed that not a sparrow falls to the ground without His will (Matt.10:29) in order that we may have assurance that neither can a human (worth more than many sparrows) fall to the ground without His will. God may very well (for all I know) allow certain people, who are not under His special care, to die in seemingly accidental and meaningless tragedies—just as He allows sparrows to die in apparently random and meaningless ways.

However, there are promises to the believer and the one who fears Him that assure us that no trusting saint will ever so much as dash a foot against a stone without it being directly permitted by the will of the Father (e.g., Psalm 34:8/ Ps.91/ Isa.54:14-17). If things can happen to the trusting saint over which God has no control, then "trusting" is a groundless and naive exercise in wishful thinking. I have lived by faith too long ever to be led to believe such a thing.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:36 pm
by _Allyn
This is a good reminder to me. Admittedly I tend to say that God started things in motion and He intervenes from time to time as He sees fit. However, Steve, you have pointed out to me that God is active and willful in every aspect of His creation down to the birds of the air and hairs on our heads. I knew this but it has not been planted in my heart as it should be.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:31 pm
by _Paidion
I have responded to Steve's first post on February 23. It is the second post following Steve's.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:56 am
by _Sean
Paidion wrote: Does anyone in the forum deny that God disciplines his children to correct them even though the discipline may be painful? This passage points out that a good father disciplines his children, and that God does the same for his. But does a good father torture his child? Or lock him in a dark room for two days? Or beat him to death? Or permit someone else to do these horrible things to his child? If not, how can God be said to be a good Father, if he is the cause of all the atrocities which occur on earth? I’m sure many of the earthly fathers who administer cruel and unusual punishment would declare that they are doing it for their child’s “good”. But it’s a lie.
So all the evil in the world is not because of God? Who made the earth and put man on it? Who sent man out of the garden so that he would surely die? Who placed the curse on the earth so that many millions would starve to death who can not work by the sweat of their face? Who caused the whole of creation to travail as in the pains of childbirth?

God did.

If I throw my 7 year old out into the frigid cold as punishment for sin and she freeze to death, who's fault is it? Has not God thrown all of us into a world of death crying and pain? Is it "natures" fault when people suffer and die from disease, deformaties, flood, famine, earthquake, tornado, volcano, extreme temps, etc? Or is it the one who put us here? The one who made the earth like this. You said:
Paidion wrote:It’s not at all like the re-breaking of your son’s arm in order to heal it. Nevertheless, let’s suppose that the torturing of the child was for the purpose of teaching the parents some kind of lesson. Was there no other way that the parents might learn that lesson? And if not, did the parents, in fact, learn that lesson? Or did they just begin to hate God for “allowing” or even causing their child to suffer this agonizing death? In the case of your son, you knew, and your son knew, that the additional suffering would result in the healing of his arm. In the case of the child, neither the child nor her parents are given any reason or “deeper purpose”. If there is such a purpose they are left to figure it out for themselves --- and I have yet to find anyone who has.
So can you answer what the reason is for us living on this cursed earth is for? I mean, it shouldn't take some deeper meaning. It should be obvious how loving God us, look around at all the suffering and death (as well as the other examples I mentioned above). This is exactly the excuse people use for not believing there is a "good God", because they would have to accept he placed us here knowing it would lead to not only suffering and death but being in proximity to other men, would result in murder and rape, etc. Would it be loving for me as a "father" to my young daughter to place her where there are known child molesters? I mean, I could just say "I didn't want or cause them to abuse her, so it's not my fault". Yet I could have wisely kept her from them, as a loving father.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:49 am
by _Steve

It is a good thing to be sensitive concerning the tendency of theological misrepresentations to offend unbelievers, tempting them to turn from God—but there is also the consideration that there are many people who turn from the God that is presented in correct theology, as well. In my opinion, the person who did NOT turn from God when their mother died of cancer or their child was raped had as much reason to do so as did the person who did turn from God in those circumstances. One passed and one failed the test.

In scripture, troubles and afflictions are often called, "trials" (as you know, the same Greek word means "temptations" or "tests"). In trials, someone is being "tried" or "tempted" or "tested" as to whether they will believe God or not. Some pass, some fail. None can blame God for their failure, since (as you know better than many) they had a "free will" and might as certainly have passed the test, and glorified God in it, as Job did and millions of others throughout history have done. Turning against God is never justified. God's testings clearly put this choice before individuals.

Thus, it is not necessary to find some actual good result in every case of human tragedy. It is enough that God intended a potential good in it, but the actualizing of the benefit only comes to those who pass the test. Those who look to God in their affliction (as many, including unbelievers, often do), pass the test and can derive benefit from their sufferings. For those who turn from God, or ignore Him, in their trials, the potential benefit is forfeited—but through no fault of God's, and through no defect in His love.

You wondered if I was responding to you or someone else, but you acknowledged that the quote to which I was responding was not one of yours. Therefore, you should know that I did not have any of your comments in mind in my response. However, I will now respond to some of your concerns.

Your objections to my post seem to fall into two basic types:

1. Although we both agree that God allows some sufferings for a greater good, there is no analogy between the temporal sufferings that an earthly father permits for his child's greater good and the temporal sufferings that God allows for His children's greater good. Thus, you appear to be saying that breaking a child's previously broken arm, or crippling Jacob, or subjecting Joseph, or David or Jesus to excruciating sufferings, is justifiable because these sufferings are only temporary, whereas the benefit is long-term. You apparently think this is different, in principle, from God allowing suffering for a lifetime in order to achieve an eternal good.

I personally cannot see the disjunction. The difference is not one in principle, but only in degree. I have always seen the latter case to be more loving than the former. The eternal benefit promised to God's suffering children is infinitely more to be chosen than the brief benefit of a straightened arm after a break—which benefit lasts only for the remaining years of a person's lifetime.

But then, for 38 years, eternity has been more real in my consciousness than earthly time (yes, it's really true!), so it has always been a no-brainer to me to see whatever suffering God may allow in my life to be well worth (actually, "not worthy to be compared to") the glory of eternity. In other words, if God allows a lifetime of suffering, as He clearly does in many people's lives—like Helen Keller's, for instance—but it is His intention that they look to Him and find a deep place of spiritual communion and maturity in doing so (as she did, for instance), so that their eternal condition is improved, I cannot think this to be in any degree less loving than the earthly father re-breaking his son's arm for (as it turns out) the short-term benefit of a lifetime.

You seem to think it a significant difference that many people do not know or understand why they are suffering, whereas my son (who was 16) did understand. But this is no argument of substance, because my action would have been just as loving had my son been 3 years old, and incapable of understanding why his arm had to be mended in this painful manner. It is no part of a loving father's obligation to see to it that his child fully appreciates, or would agree to, the surgery that will save his life. Nor does God have to let us know why our trials are upon us (He never told Job, but Job ultimately turned out just fine). In fact, sometimes it is the nature of the trial that its purpose and outcome must not be known by the person sitting for the exam, lest the "test" be no test at all, or one less revealing of the true state of the subject's faith.

2. Your second objection is that, although we both agree that God allows some sufferings for a greater good, there is no need to extrapolate from this that God causes all suffering for a greater good.

You say that Joseph could have been sent to Egypt without all of the intervening suffering. Perhaps he could have. But your argument misses the point at issue. We are not speculating about how many alternative ways God might have found for getting Joseph to Egypt. We are dealing with the fact that He chose this way over other options. God might have spared Joseph all of this, had he just appeared to Joseph in one of his dreams (as He did to another Joseph centuries later) and said, "Go to Egypt." The question I am asking you is, do you believe that God's angels could not have rescued Joseph from his brothers and delivered him safely back to his father before the Midianite traders arrived? If you think God could have done that, then we have no significant disagreement, and we must conclude that God did not do what He might as easily have done—thus subjecting Joseph to otherwise unnecessary suffering, for some greater good. If you and I do not agree that there is a God who could have easily rescued Joseph from his brothers, then we are living in different universes.

Perhaps one can not safely extrapolate from particulars to a general rule. However, if we know of many particulars, in which God allowed the suffering of His servants, though He could have extended His hand (or twelve legions of angels) to prevent it, then we can at least say that, if it is not a universal policy with God, it is certainly a very common one. And if it is a common one, it must not be the kind of thing that raises questions about His love, when He does it. In other words, if He did not spare Joseph, of David, or Job, or Jesus, or the early Christian martyrs, or any other Christian trusting in His promises, but suffering nonetheless—if He did not spare them great suffering, but we still do not doubt His love, then why would we feel the need to doubt His love were He to exercise the same loving policy to all men. Does He only love Christians? Certainly you and I do not believe that He does.

To say that God put a hedge around Job so that no harm could befall Him without God's specific permission is to say that God, up to that point, was able to prevent mauraders, windstorms and sickness from reaching Job, despite the malice of Satan against him. If God is capable of doing such things for Job, can He not do the same for others? And if He does not do what He could as easily have done—that is, if He does not protect a particular person from a particular thing—is it not most consistent with His love for all to suggest that He had a loving purpose in His not doing so?

Of all the things I have suffered (they have been relatively few, but not insignificant) I can think of none that God could not have prevented, had He chosen to do so. Yes, human free will often played a part in all of them, but there were no parties that God could not have struck dead, or made sick, or driven temporarily mad, or in some other way hindered their activities, had He seen fit to do so. I have seen God's hand in every one of my trials, and this has not marred my perception of His love one iota. In fact, I see Him today as a much more universally loving God than I did before He took me through my afflictions.

I am not sure whether you feel that God created "the lame" and "the blind" just because He was incapable of making them well, but I believe that the God who could heal any illness or disability through the ministry of Jesus could do as much at any time or place, if He chose to do so.

If I believe that God can intervene whenever He wishes to restrict the behavior (not the free choices, but the behavior) of anyone at any time—and I most certainly do believe this—then I must conclude that this God who can do such things is either not concerned when people suffer (because He does not prevent it), or that He has a beneficent purpose in letting them suffer, and He intends to assist them as soon as they look to Him in their afflictions. That not all will look to Him in their trials does not reflect negatively on God's motives or the wisdom of His policies. It reflects on those who refuse to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God. I have pity on such people, as you do—and, according to scripture, so does God (Ezek.33:11)—but they are free moral agents, which leaves them free to fail the tests and to live with the consequences of a failing grade.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:43 am
by _Paidion
Thanks, Steve. From this post, I understand much better where you stand and why you stand there.

Because man is fallen, God allows him to continue in his own self-chosen way, perhaps in order that he ultimately to see that the consequences of his choices is pain and death to all that is good and pleasant. So in general, that would be the greater good that would result.

However, I still believe that God does not allow specific atrocities for a greater good, and seldom allows even specific suffering for the sake of a good result. You mentioned that the martyrs, Helen Kellar, etc. suffered for the sake of improvement in their eternal condition. Would you say, then, that those of us who have suffered very little will be deprived of this eternal gain?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:29 pm
by _Paidion
Sean wrote:So all the evil in the world is not because of God?

None of the moral evil has its source in God. Praise his holy Name!
Who made the earth and put man on it?
Who sent man out of the garden so that he would surely die?
Not God. Man had already begun to die when he ate the forbidden fruit. God sent him out so that he would not eat from the tree of life and live forever in that fallen, cursed, condition which he brought upon himself.
Who placed the curse on the earth so that many millions would starve to death who can not work by the sweat of their face?

Oh. So you think that is the reason God told Adam that he would have to work for his food from then on? You think that God did it just so that millions would starve to death many years later? You think that it is one of God's pleasures to witness people suffer agonizing deaths?
Who caused the whole of creation to travail as in the pains of childbirth?
Man caused it by his choices against the will of God.
It's true that God "subjected it to futility in hope". But that seems different from saying that God caused it to travail.

God was pleased with the results of his own creation. After each day of creation, he said that what he had created was GOOD.
The atrocities which are occuring continuously in the earth today are NOT GOOD. They are BAD. They are EVIL. They are HORRID. They do not have their origin in God. They have their origin in fallen mankind. Again, God is not the author of moral evil ---- none of it.
There is no greater blasphemy against God that to malign his loving character by affirming that he is the source of moral evil.

Remember those who said the Jesus cast out demons through the prince of demons? Jesus indicated that this was the blasphemy against the holy spirit, a sin which would not be forgiven. Those men claimed that the work of God was the devil's work. You seem to be claiming that the devil's work is the work of God.

Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, prayed, "Dear Lord, please break my heart with the things which break your heart!"

That prayer was the catalyst in starting an organization which has ministered to the needs of suffering, starving people over the course of many decades. I'm glad Brother Pierce saw God as being heartbroken over people's suffering. I hate to think what he would have done if he had regarded God himself as the author of all that suffering. I'm sure he would have just let the suffering continue. After all, it was the work of God!

I know you can quote Isaiah 45:7 in the King James Version:

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

In the 16th century, calamity was often called "evil". Happily, the NKJV and other modern translations bring out the true meaning, so as not to provide a proof text for the blasphemous ideathat God is the author of moral evil:

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things. NKJV

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:12 pm
by _TK
Just checked in - just to clear it up, the quote that Steve was responding to in his 2/23, 12:12 pm note was mine.

This has been a good discussion. I tend to agree with Paidion more at this point in my life, but a few years ago i would have agreed more with Steve.

Perhaps one day I will swing back in Steve's direction. who knows?