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Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:45 am
by jpat1975

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:44 am
by Singalphile
She obviously does have knowledge and experience that we don't have (and vice versa), and so I couldn't say if or to what degree she's wrong about all of it.

It's of little, or no, value to concern ourselves with what non-believers do and say about such things, I think, but I agree that it could be a problem for believers to dwell in such thinking. I think that shepherds/pastors should do a better job of focusing the sheep on loving others and putting others ahead of ourselves - obeying Christ and furthering His kingdom, in other words - rather than politics or winning debates or getting people to admit their privilege. Love and lead by example so that others will see and honor God. The rest will follow, I would say.

Of course, justice is a worthy kingdom pursuit, too. We do our best to limit legal abortion in part because it is unjust, for example. Any unkind or unjust act is wrong, whether it's done because of a racist viewpoint or just from waking up on the wrong side of bed. Opinions aren't sinful; actions are sinful. The only real cure and solution is to be in Christ.

Finally, I will say this: I have seen enough police officers shoot people to conclude that one can be as cooperative as possible (not that 90% cooperation merits being shot) and still wind up dead, in rare cases. It is worthwhile to be mindful of that.