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Post by _TK » Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:06 pm

Here is a Bible Knowledge quiz that i created a few years ago-- it was directed to 7th and 8th graders. Try it out on your friends! TK


1. Which statement is TRUE about the Bible?
a) The four gospels are found in the Old Testament
b) The stories about Jesus are found in the Old Testament
c) The stories about Moses are found in the Old Testament
d) I don’t know because I don’t know what a “Testament” is.

2. The Bible, The Book of Mormon and the Koran all say pretty much the same things but in different ways.
a) agree
b) disagree

3. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the Bible:
a) It was written by a bunch of really smart guys long ago
b) The original copy of the Bible was found at an archaeological dig in Syria
c) God inspired human beings to write what He wanted them to write in the Bible
d) We are really not sure who wrote the Bible

4. It has been proven that the Bible contains numerous errors:
a) true
b) false

5. Which of the following is MOST correct:
a) Satan believes what is written in the Bible
b) The things in the Bible don’t really apply to our world today
c) The average person can’t understand most of the Bible
d) If you memorize the Bible, you’ll go to heaven


6. Why did Eve eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden?
a) There were no other fruit trees in the garden from which to eat
b) God told her it was okay if she was really hungry
c) Satan tricked her into eating it
d) Adam said he had already tried it and told her it was awesome

7. Which is correct?
a) Abel murdered Cain
b) Cain and Abel got along great
c) Cain killed Abel
d) a lion killed both Cain AND Abel

8. God spared Noah and his family from the great flood because:
a) Noah was the only good person on the entire earth
b) Noah was the only person who knew how to build an ark
c) Noah lived close to most of the animals that had to go into the ark
d) Nobody knows why God chose Noah

9. Which of the following is TRUE?
a) The story of Noah is probably just a story
b) There is no way all of those animals could have fit on the ark
c) Jesus talked about Noah so Noah must have existed
d) The ark was found in 1957 by Turkish soldiers

10. Abraham was:
a) Usually disobedient to God
b) The father of the Jewish nation
c) Killed by his own son
d) The author of several books of the Bible

11. The strangest thing about the birth of Abraham and Sarah’s first child was that:
a) Sarah was 90 years old when she gave birth
b) Sarah had identical twins
c) Sarah was a virgin
d) Sarah was in labor for three days

12. Abraham and Sarah’s first child was named:
a) Ivan
b) Ezekiel
c) Isaac
d) Gershom

13. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son because:
a) Abraham had disobeyed God by worshiping and idol
b) Abraham’s son disrespected his parents
c) God wanted to test Abraham’s faith and obedience
d) His son had leprosy

14. Hos did God stop Abraham from sacrificing his son?
a) God caused it to rain so that a fire could not be built for the burnt offering
b) God caused the ropes binding Abraham’s son to loosen so he could run away
c) God caused Abraham to fall into a deep sleep
d) God provided a lamb to be used as a sacrifice in place of Abraham’s son

15. God destroyed two cities by raining fire and brimstone on them- which two cities?
a) Sidon and Tyre
b) Joppa and Pheonecia
c) Sodom and Gomorrah
d) Cana and Philistia
16. What happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back at the burning cities, ignoring god’s warning not to do so?
a) She was blinded instantly
b) She was consumed in flame
c) She was unable to have children
d) She was turned into a pillar of salt

17. Which of the following is correct?
a) Jacob tricked Esau
b) Esau defeated Jacob in battle
c) Jacob and Esau had nothing to do with each other
d) Jacob and Esau were Jesus’ first disciples

18. What did Joseph’s brothers do for him?
a) The gave him a coat of many colors
b) They sold him into slavery
c) They killed him and told their father that a lion did it
d) They put him in charge of the herd of sheep

19. Joseph ended up in:
a) Samaria
b) Jerusalem
c) Egypt
d) Babylon

20. What terrible thing happened to Joseph?
a) He had to witness the death of his brothers
b) He had horrifying nightmares every night for a year
c) He was thrown into prison for something he didn’t do
d) He had to marry someone he didn’t like

21. What statement best summarizes the lesson we can learn from Joseph’s life?
a) If you constantly disobey God, you can’t expect anything good to happen
b) God will destroy our enemies if we are obedient to Him
c) Sometimes God allows bad things to happen for good reasons
d) If we are Christians, then God will protect us from injustice

22. How was Moses saved from being killed by the Egyptian soldiers?
a) His mother floated him down the Nile river in a little boat
b) His sister hid him among the reeds alongside the Nile river
c) He was swallowed by a crocodile that later vomited him back up
d) His father escaped with him to Corinth

23. Which of the following was NOT a plague that God brought to Egypt?
a) Tons of frogs all over the place
b) Snakes coming out of the woodwork
c) Lice, lice and more lice
d) Flies in the buttermilk and everywhere else

24. What was Moses’ mission in Egypt
a) To convince Pharaoh to stop worshiping idols
b) To help Pharaoh design one of the pyramids
c) To lead the Israelites out of Egypt
d) To convince Pharaoh to provide the Israelites with food

25. What body of water did God miraculously divide so that the Israelites could escape from the pursuing Egyptians?
a) The Coral Sea
b) The Sea of Galilee
c) The Sea of Tiberius
d) The Red Sea

26. While the Israelites were wandering in the desert for 40 years, how did God feed them?
a) rice and doves
b) wild goats and cheese
c) manna and quail
d) lentil stew

27. How was the “promised land” described?
a) As a land free from hostile enemies
b) As a land flowing with milk and honey
c) As a place where peace would be found
d) As a place dripping with the fruit of the vine

28. The person who took over for Moses when he died was:
a) Caleb
b) Samuel
c) Jehoshaphat
d) Joshua

29. What city did God help the Israelites conquer by causing the walls to collapse?
a) Jericho
b) Lystra
c) Derbe
d) Capernaum

30. Who was Israel’s first king?
a) Moses
b) Saul
c) David
d) Ahab

31. How did God signify who would be the next king of Israel?
a) The qualified young men were lined up, and it thundered then the chosen person was pointed at
b) They played eenie meenie miny mo
c) The prophet Samuel anointed the chosen one with oil
d) The prophet Nathan anointed the chosen one with holy water

32. When David was a boy, he worked as a:
a) Farmer
b) Tentmaker
c) Shepherd
d) Carpenter

33. David is famous for killing a giant named:
a) Kron the Hittite
b) Goliath of Gath
c) Ahaz of Assyria
d) Jorel the Jebusite

34. How did David kill Goliath?
a) He asked God for help
b) He shot a stone at him with a slingshot
c) He cut off his head
d) All of the above

35. Kind David was a murderer, adulterer and a terrible parent.
a) True
b) False

BUT.. God loved King David and forgave him
a) True
b) False

36. Which of the following is something that David wrote?
a) The Lord is my shepherd; he gives me all I need
b) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
c) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved
d) It is better to eat crumbs in peace than a steak under stress

37. David had a son named Solomon. Solomon was:
a) The smartest man who ever lived
b) The nicest man who ever lived
c) The wisest man who ever lived
d) The happiest man who ever lived

38. Samson was the strongest man who ever lived. However, he lost his strength if:
a) His hands were tied with ropes made of flax
b) He drank wine
c) He ate junk food
d) His hair was cut

39. Why did Jonah try to hide from God?
a) God wanted him to lead an army into battle
b) God wanted him to go and preach in a foreign land
c) God wanted him to move to a new city
d) God wanted him to marry someone he didn’t like

40. What crazy thing happened to Jonah?
a) A giant fish swallowed him whole
b) An entire city believed in God because of his preaching
c) A giant plant grew up over him in one day’s time
d) All of the above

41. How can the lesson we learn from Jonah’s story best be summarized?
a) Avoid the stomach acids of a giant fish at all costs
b) God doesn’t mind if we argue with Him as long as we have a good reason
c) Doing the right thing is usually easy
d) You can avoid a whole lot of trouble by doing what God wants you to do in the first place


42. The word “gospel” means:
a) Good news
b) Absolute truth
c) Writings
d) Honest

43. How did Mary find out she was going to have a child?
a) She noticed she was gaining weight
b) Her cousin Elizabeth predicted it
c) The angel Gabriel told her
d) The wise men predicted it

44. The most miraculous thing about the birth of Jesus was:
a) He was born 10 weeks premature and still survived
b) He was born exactly 900 years after the birth of David
c) Mary told everyone for months that she just knew she was going to have a boy
d) Mary was a virgin but still became pregnant

45. What did the shepherds do after the angels announced Jesus’ birth?
a) They ran into Bethlehem and told all of their friends the news
b) They immediately went to tell King Herod
c) They immediately went to search for the child
d) They sent a message to the wise men that the child was born

46. Why was Jesus born in a stable?
a) Because all of the places in town had no vacancies
b) Because there were no hospitals back then
c) Because the baby cam unexpectedly
d) Because Mary and Joseph were hiding from the Roman authorities

47. Which of the following miracles did Jesus perform as a child?
a) At age 8, he brought a dead bird back to life
b) At age 10, he healed his sick grandmother
c) At age 12, he made a stone float on water
d) None of the above

48. Which of the following is true about Jesus as a child?
a) He always got 100% on his school work
b) He never got sick
c) He never sassed his parents
d) He never fell down and scuffed his knees

49. Jesus was tempted by:
a) Mary Magdalene
b) Satan
c) Judas Iscariot
d) Joseph of Arimathea

50. Jesus resisted temptation by:
a) Quoting the Bible
b) Running away
c) Using his wits
d) Thinking about something else

51. What was Jesus’ first miracle?
a) He walked on water
b) He caused a blind man to see
c) He calmed the sea during a storm
d) He turned water into wine

52. Who delivered the Sermon on the Mount?
a) The Apostle Paul
b) Peter
c) Jesus
d) John the Baptist

53. How was John the Baptist executed?
a) He was stoned
b) He was beheaded
c) He was crucified
d) He was hanged

54. Jesus often taught the multitudes using stories. These stories are called:
a) Fables
b) The Great Narratives
c) The Galilean Sayings
d) Parables

55. Which of the following did Jesus NOT say:
a) The wages of sin is death
b) Sick people need doctors, not healthy people
c) I am the light of the world
d) If your right hand caused you to sin, cut it off

56. Which of the following principles did Jesus teach?
a) Never associate with sinful people
b) Make sure that everyone knows how much money you give to the church
c) Judging others is the duty of every good Christian
d) The gate that leads to heaven is narrow

57. Jesus told a story about a shepherd who left 99 sheep behind to go find one lost sheep. What was one of the points of this story?
a) Sinners have worth and value to God
b) If you don’t go to church, you will drift away from God
c) God likes a challenge
d) Trouble can be avoided if you stay with your group of friends

58. Who was NOT one of Jesus’ disciples?
a) Matthew
b) Luke
c) John
d) Bartholomew

59. Jesus was able to walk on water. Peter started to walk on water toward Jesus, but sank. Why?
a) Because human beings sink when placed in water
b) Because Jesus wanted to teach him a lesson
c) Because he lacked faith
d) Because only Jesus can walk on water

60. Which of the following did Jesus say?
a) It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven
b) Mountains will crumble to dust before tax collectors act fairly
c) Blessed are the Pharisees, for they worship in truth
d) The sin of idolatry cannot be forgiven

61. Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem:
a) Riding on a white horse
b) Walking with the cheering crowds
c) Carried by the multitudes
d) Riding a young donkey

62. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for:
a) 30 pieces of silver
b) A promise that he would be made Chief Priest
c) A promise that his father would be released from prison
d) 14 jars of fine perfume

63. The night before he was crucified, where did Jesus pray?
a) The Garden of Siloam
b) The Temple Mount
c) The Valley of Jezreel
d) The Garden of Gethsemane

64. Judas betrayed Jesus to the soldiers by:
a) Shaking Jesus’ hand
b) Pointing at Jesus with a sword
c) Kissing Jesus
d) Saying “Here is the one.”

65. Before Jesus was crucified, he was:
a) Branded with a hot poker
b) Beaten with a lead-tipped whip
c) Forced to drink vinegar
d) Not allowed to speak

66. We know that Jesus really died on the cross because:
a) The Roman soldiers were experts in execution by crucifixion
b) When Jesus’ heart was pierced, blood and water flowed out
c) His body was wrapped and sealed in a tomb for three days
d) All of the above

67. Why was it necessary for Jesus to rise from the dead?
a) To prove that he was the Son of God
b) Because there was more that he had to do on earth to save mankind
c) Because he had to battle Satan on the Mount of Olives
d) So that he could defeat the Roman army

68. After his resurrection, Jesus showed his disciples that he wasn’t a ghost by:
a) Walking through walls
b) Suddenly appearing and disappearing
c) Telling them jokes
d) Eating with them

69. Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, he told his disciples to:
a) For an army and free Jerusalem from Roman oppression
b) Preach the good news everywhere
c) Hunt down and kill all traitors
d) Hide so they wouldn’t be captured by the Jewish leaders

70. Who wrote most of the books of the New Testament?
a) Paul
b) Luke
c) Peter
d) John

71. The Book of the New Testament that talks about future events is:
a) The Acts of the Apostles
b) The Book of Armageddon
c) The Revelation of Jesus Christ
d) The Book of Romans


72. In order to get into heaven, you have to be a good person and try your best to be a good person.
a) agree
b) disagree

73. We are separated from God because:
a) God is holy and we are not
b) God cannot tolerate sin
c) Our sins have killed us, spiritually speaking
d) All of the above

74. It is possible that the nicest person on earth might not get into heaven.
a) True
b) False

75. An example of grace would be:
a) Getting a present from Santa Claus even though you were on the “naughty list.”
B) Not getting expelled from school by the Principal, even though were caught smoking in the bathroom

76. Which of the following does the Bible say?
a) Doing a lot of good works will get you into heaven
b) You must be baptized to get into heaven
c) You are saved by God’s grace
d) You must go to church in order to get into heaven

77. We know that hell exists because:
a) Some people who have had near-death experiences state they have been there
b) Scientists have discovered an extra-hot area near the earth’s core
c) Really evil people need some place to go when they die
d) Jesus talked about hell more than he talked about heaven

78. Jesus taught that people must repent to see the Kingdom of God. The word “repen” means:
a) To explain why you have been so bad
b) To simply be sorry for something you’ve done
c) To turn away from our own view of things and decide to follow God’s way
d) To publically confess that you are a sinner

79. Who first said “You must be born again.”
a) Billy Graham
b) Reverend Jerry Falwell
c) The Apostle Paul
d) Jesus

80. You can believe that Jesus was a real person and believe the Bible is true and still not get into heaven.
a) True
b) False

81. Which of the following is at the core of all sin?
a) Evil intent
b) Pride
c) Genetic make-up
d) The environment we are raised in

82. True repentance:
a) Always results in changed behavior
b) Is required for salvation
c) Is only possible with faith
d) All of the above

83. Which of the following is PROOF that person has true faith?
a) Visible morality (they act like nice people)
b) Religious involvement (they go to church all the time)
c) Active ministry (example, they lead a church youth group)
d) Conviction of sin (they feel sorry for doing wrong things)
e) A time of decision (they went forward in church or raised their hand during a youth group meeting)
f) A feeling of assurance (example, “I feel like a Christian so I must be one.”)
g) All of the above
h) None of the above

84. Which of the following is correct?
a) There are really three Gods in Christianity- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
b) If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you
c) The Holy Spirit is not a person
d) God created the Holy Spirit to be a help to mankind

85. What must a Christian who sins do in order to restore fellowship with God?
a) Give extra money to the church on Sunday
b) Tell a pastor what he has done
c) Promise not to do it again
d) Confess his sins to God

86. Which of the following is true? (NOTE: This question caused a furor do to different Bible versions)
a) Some people become angels when they die
b) The Bible doesn’t say anything about angels singing
c) Angels have existed for all eternity
d) Half of the angels became demons
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Post by _Anonymous » Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:06 pm

Thanks TK! It's a shame that the young people you worked with did so poorly on that test.
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Post by _TK » Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:22 am

Indeed, Michelle. But it was a great learning tool. and i think it "shamed" them into wanting to learn more. even the pastor's daughter only scored 60%.

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Post by _Nathan » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:11 pm

TK wrote:Indeed, Michelle. But it was a great learning tool. and i think it "shamed" them into wanting to learn more. even the pastor's daughter only scored 60%.

Not that a paster's daughter should know more than the average kid, or anything... :wink:
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Post by _MoGrace2u » Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:53 pm

Hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of making a few corrections :wink: _______________________________________________


5. Which of the following is MOST correct:
a) Satan believes what is written in the Bible
b) The things in the Bible don’t really apply to our world today
c) The average person can’t understand most of the Bible
d) If you memorize the Bible, you’ll go to heaven
e) None of the above

10. Abraham was:
a) Usually disobedient to God
b) The father of the many nations
c) Killed by his own son
d) The author of several books of the Bible

14. How did God stop Abraham from sacrificing his son?
a) God caused it to rain so that a fire could not be built for the burnt offering
b) God caused the ropes binding Abraham’s son to loosen so he could run away
c) God caused Abraham to fall into a deep sleep
d) God provided a lamb to be used as a sacrifice in place of Abraham’s son
e) The Lord called to Abraham to stop

17. Which of the following is correct?
a) Jacob tricked Esau
b) Esau defeated Jacob in battle
c) Jacob and Esau had nothing to do with each other
d) Jacob and Esau were Jesus’ first disciples
e) Esau despised his birthright and SOLD it to Jacob

21. What statement best summarizes the lesson we can learn from Joseph’s life?
a) If you constantly disobey God, you can’t expect anything good to happen
b) God will destroy our enemies if we are obedient to Him
c) Sometimes God allows bad things to happen for good reasons
d) If we are Christians, then God will protect us from injustice
e) God will turn events to our good


57. Jesus told a story about a shepherd who left 99 sheep behind to go find one lost sheep. What was one of the points of this story?
a) Sinners have worth and value to God
b) If you don’t go to church, you will drift away from God
c) God likes a challenge
d) Trouble can be avoided if you stay with your group of friends
e) Jesus seeks the child of God that goes astray to bring him back

59. Jesus was able to walk on water. Peter started to walk on water toward Jesus, but sank. Why?
a) Because human beings sink when placed in water
b) Because Jesus wanted to teach him a lesson
c) Because he lacked faith
d) Because only Jesus can walk on water
e) Because he feared the boisterous wind

69. Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, he told his disciples to:
a) For an army and free Jerusalem from Roman oppression
b) Preach the good news everywhere, baptize and make disciples
c) Hunt down and kill all traitors
d) Hide so they wouldn’t be captured by the Jewish leaders


78. Jesus taught that people must repent to see the Kingdom of God. The word “repent” means:
a) To explain why you have been so bad
b) To simply be sorry for something you’ve done
c) To turn away from our own view of things and decide to follow God’s way
d) To publically confess that you are a sinner
e) To believe what God says about sin and turn from it

83. Which of the following is PROOF that person has true faith?
a) Visible morality (they act like nice people)
b) Religious involvement (they go to church all the time)
c) Active ministry (example, they lead a church youth group)
d) Conviction of sin (they feel sorry for doing wrong things)
e) A time of decision (they went forward in church or raised their hand during a youth group meeting)
f) A feeling of assurance (example, “I feel like a Christian so I must be one.”)
g) All of the above
h) None of the above
i) Love for the brethren

86. Which of the following is true? (NOTE: This question caused a furor do to different Bible versions)
a) Some people become angels when they die
b) The Bible doesn’t say anything about angels singing
c) Angels have existed for all eternity
d) One third of the angels became demons
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Post by _TK » Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:33 pm


i am not usually nitpicky(and generally despise nitpickiness) but in this case i will have to make an exception, since i disagree with practically all of your corrections.

remember, this was a quiz for middle school (6th 7th 8th grade) students. i dont see where any of the answer choices were incorrect in toto, although it is possible that there are more choices that could be offered, etc. for e.g. the question about jacob and esau-- there is no doubt in my mind, and it seems clear, that Jacob tricked esau, pure and simple. he put goat's hair on his arms so that isaac would convey esau's birthright to him. and jacob (and his mother) knew what he was doing in making the stew good and ready for when esau returned starving from the hunt.

in regard to the last question regarding angels, the KJV no where states that angels sing. so, technically, per the KJV, answer (b) is correct. of course the students, who had other translations, begged to differ (good for them!). the choice "half of the angels became demons" was intended as an incorrect choice, not a correct choice.

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Post by _MoGrace2u » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:44 am

TK wrote:Mograce2u--

i am not usually nitpicky(and generally despise nitpickiness) but in this case i will have to make an exception, since i disagree with practically all of your corrections.

remember, this was a quiz for middle school (6th 7th 8th grade) students. i dont see where any of the answer choices were incorrect in toto, although it is possible that there are more choices that could be offered, etc. for e.g. the question about jacob and esau-- there is no doubt in my mind, and it seems clear, that Jacob tricked esau, pure and simple. he put goat's hair on his arms so that isaac would convey esau's birthright to him. and jacob (and his mother) knew what he was doing in making the stew good and ready for when esau returned starving from the hunt.

in regard to the last question regarding angels, the KJV no where states that angels sing. so, technically, per the KJV, answer (b) is correct. of course the students, who had other translations, begged to differ (good for them!). the choice "half of the angels became demons" was intended as an incorrect choice, not a correct choice.
Hi TK,
Yes being nitpicky about unimportant things is a bit annoying. But I assumed we are looking at a quiz that was used to test their knowledge of scripture and to provoke their understanding?

Unless you were merely presenting an exercise in bible trivia to amuse them? But if instead this was to be a teaching tool, then it is not being nitpicky to strive for accuracy. Like eg. the story of Jacob and Esau.
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Post by _TK » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:58 am

i agree with you that accuracy is important, but there is nothing inaccurate about the answers as written:

#5: Satan DOES believe what's in the Bible ("the demons believe, and tremble")

#10: Abraham WAS the father of the Jewish nation. it's the best answer of the choices presented.

#14: God DID provide a ram as a substitution. sure, Abraham heard a voice tell him to stop, but the ram took Isaac's place

#17: jacob DID trick esau

#21: your choice "e" is exactly the same, but worded differently, as choice "c"

#57: answer "a" captures the point of the story

#59: answer "c" is correct: "you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

#69: answer "b" was correct as written. Jesus DID tell them to do this. he told them other things as well, but compared with the other choices "b" is correct

#78: your suugested addition is the same as choice "c" but simply stated differently

#83: the point of the question is that NONE of the choices are definite evidence. i did not intend to put a "correct" answer. "love for the brethren" is not proof, either. radical muslims love their brethren

#86: i explained this in my last post. the question should not have been included, due to differing bible translations.

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"Were not our hearts burning within us? (Lk 24:32)

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Post by _MoGrace2u » Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:15 pm

TK wrote:i agree with you that accuracy is important, but there is nothing inaccurate about the answers as written:

#5: Satan DOES believe what's in the Bible ("the demons believe, and tremble")

(James 2:19 KJV) Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

Nothing about believing the bible there.

#10: Abraham WAS the father of the Jewish nation. it's the best answer of the choices presented.

(Gen 17:5 KJV) Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

But this is the promise he was given of which Israel was only one.

#14: God DID provide a ram as a substitution. sure, Abraham heard a voice tell him to stop, but the ram took Isaac's place

But you asked HOW God stopped him.

#17: jacob DID trick esau

This could be worth another thread; however the lesson to be learned here
is not that Jacob tricked him, but that Jacob and his mother sought the promise and the blessing (the evidence of their faith), knowing Isaac was going to give it to Esau because he favored him. Isaac should have remembered what God had said and they would not have had to "trick" him.

#21: your choice "e" is exactly the same, but worded differently, as choice "c"
c) Sometimes God allows bad things to happen for good reasons

(Gen 50:20 KJV) But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

#57: answer "a" captures the point of the story

a) Sinners have worth and value to God

The parable is a about a lost sheep. Do you consider sinners children of God? God cares about His children and does everything to keep them close to Him.

#59: answer "c" is correct: "you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

You asked WHY Peter began to sink - it was because of fear. Jesus identifies that his fear and doubt showed he was weak in faith.

#69: answer "b" was correct as written. Jesus DID tell them to do this. he told them other things as well, but compared with the other choices "b" is correct

I suppose if you used the scripture this would not have been an objection. Since we are called to make disciples and this is what the
purpose of your quiz appears to be for, it seemed good to me to mention it.

#78: your suugested addition is the same as choice "c" but simply stated differently

So are we teaching how to write their own paraphrase of scripture? The only way one can know "God's way" is thru His word - that is what must be believed. It is the only way one can know what sin is and what God says about it.

#83: the point of the question is that NONE of the choices are definite evidence. i did not intend to put a "correct" answer. "love for the brethren" is not proof, either. radical muslims love their brethren.

Do they? They have received the love of God into their hearts? You left it as if there was no conclusive proof whereby one could know his faith was genuine. Yet John gave us several in his 1st epistle.

(1 John 2:3 KJV) And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

(1 John 2:5 KJV) But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

(1 John 2:6 KJV) He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

I'll let you look up the others.

#86: i explained this in my last post. the question should not have been included, due to differing bible translations.

It just seemed that if you were going to list some choices to contrast what is commonly held as truth but is not, that something actually stated in scripture would be a good choice to add.
Anyway, I thought the quiz was a good way to go. Do you have any more? :D
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.

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Post by _TK » Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:30 am

ok- ok - in order to avoid going around in circles i will concede defeat- you win!

nope-- i dont have any more quizzes. believe me if i ever write another one i will be extremely careful.

welcome to the forum, by the way!

Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
"Were not our hearts burning within us? (Lk 24:32)

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