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Looking for some pointers as I put a draft together on love

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:34 am
by _Jim
I have been working on a project when I have time. Could I get someones opinion on my rough draft.

Love leads to faith which is revealed by good works. Not our love but the Love of God who is Love (1Jo_4:8, 1Jo_4:16). We love Him because he first loved us (1Jo_4:19). When we first hear the good news it sparks the fire of love in our hearts (Mar 8:35, Mar 1:14-15). We see the darkness of our hearts due to the Love of God. The fire of Gods love convicts us of our unloving attitude towards Him, towards others and towards ourselves. This loving light shatters the darkness in our heart. We break inside and come to understand His love for us (Psa 51:17). We then ask for forgiveness in full knowledge of how we have hurt Him who loves us so much and we come to believe His promise and accept His gift (Eph 2:8, Rom 10:9-11, Rom 10:13). Our journey begins as the fire of love for God grows to be all consuming so does our faith. Due to our love of Jesus, the Father gifts us with the love of others. This love is also created in the heart of man by the Holy Ghost (Rom_5:5), and is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal_5:22). James says that without love, we have no works and our faith is dead (Jam 2:17-19) in this Paul agrees (1Co 13:1-3). James says he shows his faith through love which manifest in good works, not works of the law, but works from love (Rom 3:28 ) . When we love the unlovable, broken and needy we see them as the Father sees them, covered by the blood of Jesus. We see the potential of the unlovable through Jesus Christ before they themselves see themselves covered by the blood of Jesus (2Co 5:14-17). When we deny ourselves, sacrificing our needs for the unlovable, broken and needy we are doing a good work from love. This is a sacrifice that Glorifies God and is deemed worthy (Luk 9:23-24). What is more important than to possess such love? It is the fulfillment of the royal law (Jam_2:8 ), and is to be put above everything else (Col 3:14) ; it is the binder that holds all the other graces of the Christian life in place (Col_3:14); by the possession of such love we know that we have passed from death unto life (1Jo_3:14), and it is the supreme test of our abiding in God and God in us (1Jo_4:12, 1Jo_4:16). Our faith in Jesus saves us from eternal separation from God. Our love, which manifests in us good works, will be rewarded in heaven (Rev 20:12-13).



Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:22 am
by _Jim
well shoot I was hoping to get some response on how I could improve this or take out things that are wrong.
