Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement

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Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement

Post by _SoaringEagle » Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:40 pm

"Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement": By Dr. Stephen Crosby, is a book that I just picked up a couple days ago. So far, three chapters are behind me, with just six more to go. Having read a previous book by Crosby called "Silent Killers of Faith," I have been waiting to see what he may discuss next. Honestly, my understanding was so illuminated in the realm of knowing what a true relationship with God looks like in contrast to a mere religious lifestyle, that I had already set it in my heart to read more of what Dr. Crosby had to write about. After coming across his website and seeing he had other books, the one at hand was soon to be on its way.

During my journey through the first few chapters, you guys here on the FBFF entered my mind and already knew it was likely that I would start a subject on this book. In fact, though I have not read "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola (but have put it on my list after reading some reviews here on the forum), he was referenced in some of the footnotes I have encountered so far, though it was not his "Pagan Christianity" that was quoted/referenced. It was at this point in my journey through Crosby's book that I realized that his teachings were in the same category as that of Pagan Christianity, though they could be disinct in certain ways.

So why am I telling you guys this? That's easy to answer. The reason is because I thought that some of you here, especially those who may have: experienced abusive leaders and hurt feelings in your past aquaintance with gathering together with other believers, would find healing, understanding, wisdom and insight in what this auther has to share and teach through this book. I have only been a disciple of Christ for about five or six years now, and already experienced unpleasant things and unbiblical practices in the "churches" I have been apart of. Yet God has been so faithful to me, and I have seen glimpses of the shepherd heart of Christ. I have really been blessed so far with this book, and the Lord has help to pave the way for me to not to go down the roads of being an abusive leader, a counterproductive accountabilty partner etc.

Consequently, I recommend this to all of you here, especially those who either have leadership roles among your fellowship gatherings or see yourself having one in the future. If you'd like to know more about the contents of the book, you can go here and read samples of each chapter. Hope this recommendation finds you all enveloped in His love.

Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.

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