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Bill Gothard

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 9:30 pm
by _Anonymous
Can anybody tell me about Bill Gothard. I have some friends who home school and use his material. We are thinking of doing the same. Is his material Biblically Sound? Are his teachings orthodox?

Thanks for your responses!

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 11:43 am
by _Steve
Hi Joe,
I am going to leave it to those who have used Gothard's materials and who are more acquainted with his ministry to give authoritative answers to your questions about him.

My acquaintance with Bill Gothard is limited to reports that I have heard from friends (almost always favorable), and to materials that I have seen published by his ministry. I know that some consider Gothard to be legalistic, and I personally disagree with at least a few of his teachings that I have heard (e.g., his views on drinking alcohol and on divorce and remarriage), but I have agreed with the vast majority of what I have heard from him. He has taken strong positions favoring such things as home schooling and home birth, with which I do not disagree. From what I have heard, Gothard is a man who lives a pure and godly life, and I have heard that he is very humble. He has enjoyed immense popularity and visibility in the body of Christ, which I consider to be God's blessing upon his ministry.

I do know that Bill Gothard (perhaps through no fault of his own) has a rather cult-like following. That is, some people feel that he can do no wrong and that anyone who does not agree with him is somehow defective in his/her Christianity. I do not say that all or most of those who follow him have this attitude, but I have met some who do. But then, I have met some (a very few) who have a similarly unhealthy attitude toward me, and I will not take responsibility for that, nor hold Bill Gothard responsible for those who have such an immature attitude toward him.

I am not really familiar with Gothard's curriculum, but his published materials are usually of high quality, and I would expect the same from his school curriculum. Hopefully, someone who actually uses the materials will post some information here for you. Blessings!