Dallas Willard - The Divine Conspiracy

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Dallas Willard - The Divine Conspiracy

Post by darinhouston » Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:05 pm

I just thought I'd start a thread to, first, highly recommend this book, and also to have a place to discuss things that might arise while I prepare to lead my church life group through it. So far, it's very dense yet written right at the lay level and I'm reading it pretty slowly. It's got very similar themes to those Steve teaches on the Kingdom of God. It is easy to read on one level, but so dense in content that I tend to have to slow down to reflect on it. It is a large book, and I think I may have to read it more than once.

There is a very high level but good short video series to facilitate in-class discussion (in a casual interview format with Dallas), and both participant guides and study guides in addition to the book.


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Re: Dallas Willard - The Divine Conspiracy

Post by Homer » Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:46 pm


Great book! IMO his exposition of the Sermon on the Mount is the best I have ever read. Recently finished his "Spirit of the Disciplines" which I had for some time, another great book.

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Re: Dallas Willard - The Divine Conspiracy

Post by Seballius » Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:38 pm

I listened to it on Audible about seven (7) years ago. It really impacted me at that time, but I know I need to review it again.

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