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Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:26 pm
by paininchrist
Hi to All,

I knew that my wife was promiscuous even before I married her. I tried to break up with her but she cried she told me that she can't afford to be alone emotionally therefore I told her that I will not break up with her .But I also told my self that I'm just going to wait until she becomes stable and immigrant here in North America then I will leave her. It was never my intention to marry her but it happened, it never was intention to have kids with her but we now have 2 kids. I find her promiscuity very painful..
There were times when I dreamt that she cheated on me. I confronted her hundred of times but she said she never cheated on me.

I struggle everyday there are times I wanted to divorce her.

Re: Promiscuouity

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:52 pm
by Paidion
Parental divorce often scars the children so deeply that their lives are ruined.

You might want to try working things out with your wife, and try working on your own emotions. Is it necessary to feel so terribly pained with her infidelity? By winning her love for you and showing that you really love her and care about her, sacrificing your pained emotions for her sake, she might really respond and fully commit herself to you.

Re: Promiscuouity

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:02 pm
by paininchrist
Thank you very much Paidion for the Godly advice. It gave peace and comfort to my heart.

Re: Promiscuouity

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:46 pm
by paininchrist
Hi Paidion,

I was just reading one of brothers Steve's old post and your view is the same with his view . Again your advice is very

comforting therefore I'm willing to suffer for the rest of my life term on this earth for Christ's sake and my children's sake.

Re: Promiscuouity

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:55 pm
by paininchrist
Someday I will be able to tell to younger people that premarital sex and promiscuity cause pain for both partners and therefore

they better not do it.

Re: Promiscuouity

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:24 am
by christopher
Hi Paininchrist,

I would only like to add that people can and do change. Do you have any real evidence that your wife has been unfaithful?

I only ask that because sometimes the enemy can get a lot of mileage from our God given gift of imagination coupled together with our fallen state of over-suspicion.

In my opinion, unless there is good reason to suspect it, it is more healthy for you and your marriage to give your wife the benefit of the doubt and love her as if you're completely confident that she is faithful to you. Leave it to God to reveal anything to the contrary.

Re: Promiscuouity

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:38 pm
by paulespino
Hi Christopher,

You are absolutely correct. I agree with you %200.

Thanks for the Godly advice. The only advice in my opinion yours,and Paidion I'm sure others have the same to be true and real.