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Christians on reality TV??

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:33 pm
by _Anonymous
Crazy story! Around Christmas time I was coaxed into submitting a video application to a reality TV of which a friend of a friend was casting for in my area. I can honestly say that my only motive for doing this was to entertain my friends and to simply "see what happens". Low and behold, a few days ago I received a call from the producer of the show telling me that I had been casted and that filming would start in a month. Needless to say, I couldn't believe this was happening. I really didn't know what to think, nor did I really know what I had just gotten myself into. I had only seen clips of the show and have yet to see a full episode. It's not one of the more popular shows on a major network, but needless to say it is on a very recognizeable cable station of which I would be exposed plenty. Of course, as a follower of Christ, this excitement for being casted to something like this was also accompanied by some hearty apprehention. Is this the sort of thing Christians should be involved with? Will the show make me out to be something I'm not? Will this in some way damage my testimony? I definatly don't want to do anything to ruin my reputation or embarrase my friends and family as well.
The news of me getting casted did not recieve a warm welcome by my pastor and my music minister this past Sunday either. I am in the church band and I sing and play every Sunday morning. They fear, as do I, that like most reality TV shows (or any TV shows now a days) that I might be involved with something that may be trying to exploit sexuality among other things that Christians simply don't accept as being holy in the slightest. What if I'm put in a situation that, regardless of my strength in resisting temptation, may look like I'm trapped in some sort of sin? I think their (my pastors) main concern is that the congrigation wont understand why I would want to be apart of something like this that is questionable. My answer to that is to simple be a light in the darkness and that in some way people may see Christ in me and realize that the life I live is not only different, but desireable because of that fact. Anyway, I think you can see my delima without explaining much more. I'd love to hear some feedback as to what others would do in this situation.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:58 pm
by _Rae
Are you allowed to say what show it is? Or what type of show it is? (Being on a "Survivor" type show vs. being on a "The Bachelor" type show might be two different situations, but I don't know).

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:58 pm
by _BrianFromFlorida
Here is a link to last season's website regarding the show.

The only difference about this season is that there will be all singles - 4 girls and 4 guys. I've heard through some friends that the first season had an episode or two of which some people were blured out for being nude.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:08 pm
by _Rae
Interesting -- so no romance set ups and no kicking you off the show? You just have to learn to be a cowboy and if you're the best you win?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:22 pm
by _BrianFromFlorida
So what do you think Rae - what would you do?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:53 pm
by _Rae
I'd really just encourage you to seek Jesus about it. I've heard that on other reality shows where someone was what the world would call an "evangelical Christian" they were kicked off pretty early in the show. But since this is different, you might be able to really talk to some people about Jesus -- and if the editors don't chop up what you say, then it could be real effective.

On the other hand, if they know that you are an "evangelical Christian" going into the show, or whenever they find out, they will be watching you like a hawk. And probably will try to do things to you that would make you crack and act in ways expected of the world. So.... there are good things that could come of it, but there are also bad things. Only Jesus knows.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:02 am
by _BrianFromFlorida
Thank you, Rae, for your thoughts on this. I've considered all that you have said. I received my contract in the mail yesturday and wow! Lets just say they are covering themselves very well. Something was said that the bathroom (when available) and the showers (when available) will be coed with individual privacy for each person. Not that everyone will be taking showers at the same time, but the potential is there for some carelessness by my teammates. If my church is watching me on this show and they something like this unfold, is my cause and motive for being there in attempt to bring light to the darkness truely work against me in this case? The whole "guilt by association" deal.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:14 pm
by _Steve
Hi Brian,

I have never seen a reality TV show (I don't have a TV), so I would not be a very good judge of what you should do. I have heard of some reality shows, of course, but probably only the more scandalous ones. I don't know how possible it is to be on an "innocent" show and remain innocent. Others more familiar with these things would be better to consult.

My concern would be the difficulty in your being objective about the decision. Most of us would like the rare opportunity to speak to millions of viewers on television about the Lord, but there is also something in most of us that would simply revel in the publicity and (if money is involved) in the money. I don't know whether it would be wrong for you to be on the show, but even if it would be wrong, I fear that the temptations associated with fame might make it hard for you to hear the Lord speak clearly.

In a situation like this, I would submit to my pastors (if they are spiritual men, and have prayed about it) and then just bite the bullet and turn down the offer, if this is what your pastors counsel you. I do not believe that it is always necessary to do everything a pastor suggests, but they are more likely to be objective about this than are you (or than I would be, if I were you). They would probably be delighted to see someone they know, like you, on TV, if there is nothing objectionable about it. So, if they counsel against it, I doubt if they are just trying to spoil an opportunity for you.