Amillennialists lumped in with Christian Palestinianism

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Amillennialists lumped in with Christian Palestinianism

Post by MsCread » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:59 pm


I stuck this in the Eschatology section as it's about being an amillennialist, I hope it's in the right place?

I very recently started visiting a Baptist Church (which I am really enjoying, lovely people). I made it clear to the pastor that I was not dispensational, that my eschatology differed.

I didn't say straight out what my position is but I guess it's not hard to figure out, I am a partial preterist and amillennial.

Anyway the pastor still invited me along, which I take as a mark of maturity and I hope it's not that the pastor hopes that he can change my thinking?

He sends regular emails about all sorts which I enjoy receiving. I was and have been waiting to receive some dispensational teachings which sure enough I got today.

Here is the link, it's a booklet I guess ... 0ed%29.pdf

I might be mistaken but from my reading of this material I have the impression that dispensationalists have lumped amillennialists in with this Christian Palestinianism (which I am not very aware of, and from reading this material I find it more of a political movement than a biblical one).

I would appreciate any ones thoughts on the material, I find it strange that I can defend my position biblically yet I can according to some dispensationalists be lumped in with these Christian Palestinianists. Somebody is making very broad brush strokes in my opinion.

Please if anyone could take the time to look at the stuff and explain anything about it, I find it offensive that some might consider lumping me in with all that.

Any help, thoughts would be so very much appreciated
In Christ and God Bless

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Re: Amillennialists lumped in with Christian Palestinianism

Post by steve7150 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:24 pm

I didn't say straight out what my position is but I guess it's not hard to figure out, I am a partial preterist and amillennial.

Anyway the pastor still invited me along, which I take as a mark of maturity and I hope it's not that the pastor hopes that he can change my thinking?

He sends regular emails about all sorts which I enjoy receiving. I was and have been waiting to receive some dispensational teachings which sure enough I got today.

Here is the link, it's a booklet I guess ... 0ed%29.pdf

I might be mistaken but from my reading of this material I have the impression that dispensationalists have lumped amillennialists in with this Christian Palestinianism (which I am not very aware of, and from reading this material I find it more of a political movement than a biblical one).

I glanced at it because it's not worth reading IMO. It is mixing in political stuff with bible interpretations. Israel is a key in the dispensational system and perhaps they are not aware that other end time beliefs are biblically based and not politically motivated. Clearly the Palistinian Christians have nothing to do with Ammillenialism or Historicism or Idealism. So unfortunately some dispensationalists choose to frame this as "we are the bible believers verses the other folks who simply have a political agenda and are Anti-Israel. They really should realize that if God is choosing to use Israel for end time events then it will happen the way God wants it to happen regardless of political opposition.
I think most of this kind of thing is more out of ignorance then anything.

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Re: Amillennialists lumped in with Christian Palestinianism

Post by MsCread » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:20 pm

I agree.

It's like well if you aren't in this camp then you must be in that camp. Such ignorance. I was really grieved by the material, I knew I would be but I am not afraid to grab the bull by the horns as they say so I looked at it anyway, it's like propaganda. Most of all it's not the way to conduct Christian debate either.

Thanks for your reply.

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Re: Amillennialists lumped in with Christian Palestinianism

Post by dwilkins » Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:03 pm

In my 40 years as a dispensationalist I never heard anyone seriously address the issue of deliberately sending Jews to the Holy Land with the expectation that they'd most be killed. Of course, that's exactly what the Christian Zionists are proposing, so I wonder if anyone has engaged that question without resorting to the bizarre propaganda of this PDF.


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