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Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:22 pm
by Michelle
When it's said that God is holy, what all does 'holy' mean? Is it the sum total of His attributes and the fact that He has all those attributes perfectly? Or is 'holy' something different and an attribute itself? There is this man with whom I discuss things from time to time, although I disagree with him usually. Here is his definition: God is all-powerful and True and Holy. "Holy" means "pure and undefiled." [italics and bolding added by me] This time I don't disagree, God IS pure and undefiled, but "pure and undefiled" just seems, well, an incomplete and disappointing definition. What do you guys think?

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:37 pm
by steve
I believe that "holy" has as its primary meaning, to be "set apart," "separate," or simply "different." To say that God is "holy" may, in some contexts, be connected with His purity and goodness, but His holiness is a reference to the fact that these traits set Him apart from all other beings (different from us, for example), or from all other gods, in some contexts.

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:25 am
by Allyn
To me "holy" is a lot like "faith" in that it is the substance of something. For example when Moses was told to remove his sandals because he was on holy ground it was that the ground had been sanctified by the holiness of God in his presence. Just as faith, holiness must be based on what is absolute and not just a wish that it were so. When people are described as holy they really are not at all if it is attributed only to their own life. True holiness is only so if it reflects the life of Christ.

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:11 am
by Michelle
Thanks for the replies!

I believe that "holy" has as its primary meaning, to be "set apart," "separate," or simply "different." To say that God is "holy" may, in some contexts, be connected with His purity and goodness, but His holiness is a reference to the fact that these traits set Him apart from all other beings (different from us, for example), or from all other gods, in some contexts.
So when we sing or pray "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty...," we're giving God praise for being the unique God that He is. That does make sense, and I guess it does include all the attributes that are His.

A friend told us she was holy, I thought that sounded cool. When you asked what is Holy, I thought supernatural or spiritual, then the dictionary says declared sacred by religious use: holy ground. 2. Of religious purity or exaltation: a holy love. 3. entitled to religious reverence (a feeling of respect tinged with awe) a holy relic (Syn. consecrated & hallowed.)
The dictionary on my computer includes this: • (of a person) devoted to the service of God : saints and holy men.

I really want that to be true of me, but fall way, way short, way too often.
P.S. I'm sorry!
For what?

To me "holy" is a lot like "faith" in that it is the substance of something. For example when Moses was told to remove his sandals because he was on holy ground it was that the ground had been sanctified by the holiness of God in his presence. Just as faith, holiness must be based on what is absolute and not just a wish that it were so. When people are described as holy they really are not at all if it is attributed only to their own life. True holiness is only so if it reflects the life of Christ.
I totally agree with you, and it was this line of thinking that got me to wondering what 'holy' means when it refers to God. You can't exactly say, "Christ reflects Christ," as a definition of God's holiness.

Well, at least I don't think I can, maybe Christ IS the definition of holiness.....hmm....

My mind keeps going to Moses and removing his sandals, too. Also, Isaiah, when he saw the Lord seated on the throne with the train filling the temple. God's holiness seems overwhelming.

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:22 am
by AaronBDisney
I've got nothing to add to the great replies, except to say that the title of the post was one of the most intriguing I've seen ;) :lol:

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:44 pm
by Allyn
Hi again Michelle,

I was discussing this with my mother this morning and I was telling her what some of the replies were. In my case I see Jesus as the total representation of God (the Bible says this) and so since He is that and the manifestation of Him as well then when we become like Christ in our deeds and generally our walk then in fact we are proclaimed as holy as well. First we are because of Christ but in absoluteness because God just IS.

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:01 pm
by Michelle
AaronBDisney wrote:I've got nothing to add to the great replies, except to say that the title of the post was one of the most intriguing I've seen ;) :lol: just seems like something I should know by now. :oops:

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:01 pm
by Jess
Hi Michelle,

You wrote:

So when we sing or pray "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty...," we're giving God praise for being the unique God that He is. That does make sense, and I guess it does include all the attributes that are His.

I have heard a couple of explanations about this phrase "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty..." Rev. 4:8. One is that the thrice repeated adjective refers to the three persons of the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I suppose it's possible but I think the second explanation I heard is more likely. The Hebrew culture used repetition to emphasize things, in this case an attribute of God. Recall Christ saying, "Truly, truly I say to you..." and other similar expressions to bring special emphasis to what He was about to say. I think this description is the only attribute of God that is emphasized three times as opposed to once or twice. To me it points to the complete and utter holiness of God. His holiness is completely incomprehensible to us as it was to the four living creatures in Heaven.

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:51 am
by Michelle
Hi Jess, thanks for your reply
Jess wrote:Hi Michelle,

You wrote:

So when we sing or pray "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty...," we're giving God praise for being the unique God that He is. That does make sense, and I guess it does include all the attributes that are His.

I have heard a couple of explanations about this phrase "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty..." Rev. 4:8. One is that the thrice repeated adjective refers to the three persons of the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I suppose it's possible but I think the second explanation I heard is more likely. The Hebrew culture used repetition to emphasize things, in this case an attribute of God. Recall Christ saying, "Truly, truly I say to you..." and other similar expressions to bring special emphasis to what He was about to say.
I like both explanations, but I'll go along with the idea of repetition for emphasis, too. As an aside, it kind of amuses me that teachers feel the need to explain this as being foreign to us. I hear, and use, repetition for emphasis all the time. All. The. Time. I really do think it's a western construction as much as it is an ancient Hebrew construction. I really do.
I think this description is the only attribute of God that is emphasized three times as opposed to once or twice. To me it points to the complete and utter holiness of God. His holiness is completely incomprehensible to us as it was to the four living creatures in Heaven.
If His holiness is completely incomprehensible to us as it was to the four living creatures in Heaven, do you think I'm misguided in exploring it?

Re: Possibly the mother of all dumb questions

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:31 pm
by Jess
Misguided? Absolutely not!! We all should be so motivated. You set a great example for all in that regard. Thanks!
