1 Cor. 11:10

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1 Cor. 11:10

Post by _Allyn » Sat May 05, 2007 11:01 am

2 Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you. 3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. 5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved. 6 For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man is not from woman, but woman from man. 9 Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. 10 For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.

I included this whole related section for context, but my main question is concerning verse 10.

I understand what Paul is saying about head coverings not for men but yes for women and that it is because woman came from man and all that, but why suddenly the interjection of angels in verse 10. Where does that fit in and where did Paul get this from Scripturally?
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Post by _TK » Sat May 05, 2007 5:42 pm

Hi Allyn:

here is steve g's discussion, from his "headcoverings" article:

It has been suggested from verse 10, where Paul says that the woman should have authority on her head “because of angels,” that this proves there to be a spiritual and universal basis for the custom of veiling women. But this expression, too, is anything but self-explanatory as to its meaning. Some have felt that Paul would have women cover themselves to avoid offending the holy angels, or of tempting them by the woman’s beauty. In the first case, we might expect Paul to appeal to our need to avoid offending God by inappropriate worship behaviors, rather than offending the angels, whose opinion of us matters infinately less. As for the second suggestion, one must wonder whether a woman’s beauty in a worship service provides more temptation to angels than the same would provide, for instance, when the woman bathes. She certainly does not bathe in a veil. If the angels find mortal women sexually tempting, then one should require women to cover themselves at any time an angel might be present.

Some think that the angels in question are demons, and that a woman without a covering is advertising herself as a rebel against her husband (and hence against God) and setting herself up as a target for demonic attack (compare Prov. 17:11). This is a possibility, but it would still be possible if such were the case, to argue that it is the rebellion, not the absence of a veil, that renders the woman vulnerable. In Corinth, the casting off of the veil would be tantamount to rebellion, whereas this might not necessarily be so in cultures of a different sort.

Yet another possibility is that the “angels” refer to the preachers, or “messengers” (the literal meaning of angeloi ) who address the church. This very word is often used of human messengers. It is used of John the Baptist (Matt. 11:10), of John’s messengers to Jesus (Luke 7:24), of messengers sent ahead of Jesus into Samaria (Luke 9:52), and of the spies sent into Jericho whom Rahab sheltered (James 2:25). Perhaps to avoid distracting and tempting the preachers who faced the congregation, women were expected to cover their faces. If this is Paul’s meaning, then we are concerned with a modesty issue. (I hope I will not be misunderstood if I say that, as a preacher myself, I can see a value in such a custom).

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"Were not our hearts burning within us? (Lk 24:32)

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Post by _Allyn » Sat May 05, 2007 5:58 pm

Thanks TK. Its a hard one.
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Post by _TK » Sun May 06, 2007 9:30 am

when isaiah has his vision of God in the temple, the angels were describes as having 2 wings covering their face and two wings covering their feet (and i suppose 2 wings for flying). i have always taken the wings covering their feet/face as signs of humility.

perhaps that is what Paul was getting at, namely if the angels cover parts of themselves in submission/humility, ought not the women as well.

purely speculation, of course.

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"Were not our hearts burning within us? (Lk 24:32)

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Post by _Allyn » Sun May 06, 2007 12:59 pm

Maybe right. Angels are constantly trying to figure us out.
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