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Re: vaccines

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:52 am
by crgfstr1
jaydam wrote: This is uncertain. Thus, the thread.
If you study the history of the Pharmaceutical Industry it is ripe with these types of uncertainties until it has become certain that the Pharmaceutical industry was lying. The debate has always been between a heavily funded propaganda machine and the unfunded people whose lives are destroyed by their lies.
I see plenty of Christian families poisoning their kids slowly with fast food and sugar as well. The science behind the negative impact of such food items is much stronger than vaccination speculation.
2) My biggest concern is that no abortion, no vaccine. We haven't started over and created new vaccines that don't come from the original aborted tissue. I believe this would be possible today due to modern advances but it hasn't been done because the scientific community does not object to abortion and thinks that would be silly.
I wonder how many things we would have to abstain from if we believed we were morally responsible for related, but indirect to us, moral actions...

Do you pay taxes? Support Hollywood by watching movies? Buy products made essentially by sweatshop/slave labor?
With the exception of taxes (render unto Caesar) I believe Christians should be avoiding these things as much as possible.
As I admitted, I have not looked into the fetus/vaccine issue much, but if it does trace back to two abortions in the 1960's I am not certain I am to abstain from good brought out of evil.

When I was in the Army, evidently some of the treatment we use on hypothermic solders was pioneered by Nazi experiments on the Jews. Does that mean I do not use the treatment because of what it came out of?

I cannot say I stand certain on my position. These are just my initial thoughts.
Interesting point. One difference is those practices have long stopped while abortion continues w/o enough objection from Christians. We have and continue to sacrifice more babies each year per capita the pagan societies ever did. We could create vaccines that were not based on this evil practice if enough people stood up for what is right. We could create vaccines w/o poisons in them if we didn't want to make them as cheap as we possibly could and relied on fast delivery and proper refrigeration instead of poisonous preservative.

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:05 pm
by Paidion
The big deception propogated by the anti-vaccination crowd is that fetal tissue is necessary in order to prepare vaccines. It can and is sometimes used for this purpose; so there is a grain of truth in the perception that they ARE so used, but they are not necessary in order to prepare vaccines.

I am 77, and when I was 10 years old, the schools administered vaccination to all pupils. In those days abortions were a rarity and they took place only if the mother's life was in danger. The effective ingredient in vaccines was (and is) a dead or severely-weakened form of the bacteria which cause the disease for which the vaccine is prepared. The presence of these impotent bacteria cause the body to produce anti-bodies which then fight that particular disease.

Here are some links which provide information for your consideration: ... fetal.aspx ... d=29005539

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:30 pm
by crgfstr1
I agree it isn't about the preparation it is about the creation. All MMR vaccines were created from an aborted baby in 1966. This has a list of the original source of the vaccines: ... issue.html

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:17 am
by Singalphile
Whatever one thinks on the subject at the moment, this is, I think, exactly the sort of issue, among many others, that qualified elders/overseers/pastors ought to be studying and presenting to the rest of us.

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:14 pm
by TheEditor
Whatever one thinks on the subject at the moment, this is, I think, exactly the sort of issue, among many others, that qualified elders/overseers/pastors ought to be studying and presenting to the rest of us.

Hi Singal,

I am curious as to what makes you think this?

Regards, Brenden.

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:32 pm
by Singalphile
Thanks for the question, TheEditor (or Brenden, if you prefer).

As I'm sure we all agree, Christian pastors should teach Christians to follow Christ, just like coaches teach footballers to play football and computer science professors teach programmers to program. Since some Christians (a small but vocal minority, I guess) are morally opposed to some or all vaccinations, and since a refusal or consent to vaccinate could put communities in danger, it seems to me that our leaders (elders, overseers, and pastors) ought to provide godly, Biblical "doctrine" (i.e., teaching/instruction) about the issue.

That's all. (As I may have mentioned, I have not yet heard anything that makes me opposed to vaccinations.)

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:06 pm
by TheEditor
Hi Singal,

Thanks for the explanation. The reason I asked is that I always get nervous when "authorities" start to standardize matters of conscience. I can see how making people aware of principles could be beneficial, I just want to avoid the things that sometimes accompanies exposition of topics like this. The JW blood issue comes to mind, since that's the background I come from.

Regards, Brenden.

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:51 pm
by Paidion
I appreciate that, Brenden. A JW sister-in-law of mine refused a needed blood transfusion and died—all because of the JW application of the Apostolic injuction to abstain from blood (Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25). Had she accepted it, she would probably have lived. What did the apostle have in mind? I'm sure it wasn't blood transfusions. It was probably to abstain from consuming blood (the Old Testament writers forbade the people from eating blood).

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:03 pm
by TheEditor
Hi Paidion,

That's too bad. I grew up hearing those stories on a regular basis. Add to that the absurd nature of the ever-changing policy and it's a real tragedy. There are people that died in the 1960s through the 1980s that would have lived now, since the WT has changed policies on blood fractions. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the Biblical injunction had more to do with the act of "eating along with the blood"; that is, the practice of some cultures to actually consume animals while they were alive or half alive. It seems to me the same principle applied with reference to boiling a kid (goat) in it's mother's milk.

Regards, Brenden.

Re: vaccines

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:19 pm
by robbyyoung
Hi All,

Concerning the "blood issue" I'm confident God is talking about humans consuming blood as food. This reminds me of my security contractor days in Iraq, during which time I had many conversations with my Christian Brothers from Kenya and this topic came up. The tradition of eating blood in Kenya goes back thousands of years, they are so use to this dietary custom that when I told them about the Old & New Testament mandate to abstain from this practice, they had no idea the bible spoke about such matters and were shocked!

Here's a clip, but it's not for the squeamish :shock:

God Bless.