Is it more important not to say it?

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Is it more important not to say it?

Post by RV » Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:45 pm


I just wanted to get some feed back from you all.

I attend a small group from the church I was attending. I've been there about two years now.

I try to stir up the discussion by looking at things from a different angle and it never goes over well. I always feel like I'm upseting someone or I'm just a drag to the rest of the group.

Tonight would be a good example. We started talking about God leading and guiding. I said that I'm not so sure God speaks to people as aften as they say He does. Which right away started making it tense situation. I basically said, christians a lot seem to say, God is showing me... God told me... ect. And all I was really trying to do is examine that.

Anyway I do that a lot and I just feel like nobody likes there. From my past, it never seems to go well.

I come on here and you guys understand and like this, this is what we do here. All I'm trying to do is get people to think and challenge what we've heard.

So, do you guys think relationships are more important? Should I just keep my mouth shut and not challenge what they say?

I feel like if I move on... (and I continue doing what I do), it will end the same anywhere I go. I feel like I want to move on, simply because I want a fresh start, but I don't feel like I can be who I am anywhere.

I'm not dogmatic about most everything, I just want to think through the things I hear.

I'm not that great at expressing myself on paper. My hands can't keep up with my head, but I hope you can see what I'm saying.

Your feedback please.


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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by Homer » Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:03 am


I ask exactly the same question about God telling people this and that.

We need to be in the same bible study - I have the same problem (that is, if its a problem). Perhaps the problem is with the folks who do not wish to examine their beliefs. And if they are unwilling to do so, they may be missing the truth.

I get the same feeling you do in adult class at church but not in our small midweek group where people are open to examining things.

God bless, Homer

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by darinhouston » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:21 am

Ditto in spades. I've tried to limit mine recently to those in leadership and teachers, who I at least should expect not to stumble them with such things, but even they don't seem to want to remove their blinders and prefer the rote and staid to the thoughtful and reflective. Even those who spend time in study and seem to like to think deeper thoughts and read a lot of things like Spurgeon and the Puritans and modern folks like Macarthur and Sproul and Piper, are pigeonholed in their Reformed circles and can't seem to think very long about things that conflict with the stream of their main studies. It's very frustrating.

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by RV » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:48 pm

So do you guys think the relationship is more important than saying anything?

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by darinhouston » Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:06 pm

If it "came to that" (and depending on the issue), then probably yes, though I'm still working on finding a forum where it's received and also on bits of my personality that might make it difficult to be received.

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by steve7150 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:11 pm

and also on bits of my personality that might make it difficult to be received.

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by steve7150 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:19 pm

I attend a small group from the church I was attending. I've been there about two years now.

I try to stir up the discussion by looking at things from a different angle and it never goes over well. I always feel like I'm upseting someone or I'm just a drag to the rest of the group.

Is there a leader and if so are you friendly with him? Have you tried to prepare these topics by running it by the leader or some others before the meetings?
I run a bible study and when i know i'm bringing up what might be controversial i'll say "This is just my take, feel free to disagree" , something encouraging various views.
So far so good.

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by darinhouston » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:50 pm

My present approach is to lead or facilitate a bible study yourself -- step up and try it if they'll let you or you can get folks together who care to learn -- so far, so good on my front -- when you set the tone and the content, all they can do is stop coming. We'll see how that goes over time.

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by RV » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:55 pm

Have you tried to prepare these topics by running it by the leader or some others before the meetings?
No... because it usually based off the message from Sunday morning at church... so its a discussion and I tend to point out things that I feel are important.

I feel bad because I know it perceived as negitive, but it's like they just spit out stuff and never really think about it. I understand because I've been there, but I'm trying to have a meaningful round table where we can discover the truth about God and His word.

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Re: Is it more important not to say it?

Post by mikew » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:29 am

Addressing the original post...

The relationships are the most important. We always will have some incorrect doctrine in our thinking. Some people are inclined to learn scripture more clearly while others can only handle what seems conventional.

I think it is important on one hand to have people somewhere (some church groups) that are promoting conventional thiking. Then it is important to have people that are exploring the scripture more thoroughly. Though I think we should be working from general acceptance of the conventional foundation -- that is to say that it is improper to start with disbelief of anything conventional.

If we are able to find forums, such as a bible study where we can discuss ideas openly, then we can share our insights or issues in those moments. You may also figure out a strategy to make your ideas more acceptable. Steve for example seems to have a reputation of sharing the different viewpoints so people expect kind of an academice exploration of ideas. I think the main part of the strategy is to keep people from thinking they are going to be shaken in faith everytime you open your mouth.

On some ideas I've discovered in scripture, I have decided to look into an academic presentation of the ideas. My goal is to develop the necessary arguments to describe and "prove" such ideas. I figure that some doctrines and interpretations have been held so long that I should anticipate fifty years before an improved perspective can be acceptable.
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