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New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:09 pm
by Jason

Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:27 pm
by Jason
Allow me to explain. This chart is something meant to be printed and carried around by atheist hipsters who are looking for a fight. I understand why they are doing it - it's because the poor Christian may be able to answer a handful of objections or Bible contradictions, but now the objector can simply use the tactic of overwhelming the believer without having to do any homework himself. While I'm not entirely concerned about the dishonest objectors, it's the honest objectors and those within earshot I'm grieved over. If I was a new believer, such a graphic would give me pause.

Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:02 pm
by steve7150
Allow me to explain. This chart is something meant to be printed and carried around by atheist hipsters who are looking for a fight. I understand why they are doing it - it's because the poor Christian may be able to answer a handful of objections or Bible contradictions, but now the objector can simply use the tactic of overwhelming the believer without having to do any homework himself. While I'm not entirely concerned about the dishonest objectors, it's the honest objectors and those within earshot I'm grieved over. If I was a new believer, such a graphic would give me pause.

I think someone who accepts that God exists and wants to know him will realize the bible is the only credible source and do his due diligence including looking at atheist claims and looking at bible apologetics and decide.
If a person is so easily put off by this kind of propaganda and stops looking, chances are something else would have sidetracked him.

Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:18 pm
by Jason
That's a good point, Steve. While there are probably 5 or 6 good contradictions on that list (I'm assuming here), they are lost in a sea of hundreds of fake contradictions. I know this because I looked at a few of them, and found them dishonest. This new tactic focuses on overwhelming the Christian or non-participant with a barrage of assaults and I can see open minded seekers or new believers succumbing to it. There are some good answers given on apologetics websites, but there are also a great deal of lame answers. Greg Koukl says the believer should not engage the argument concerning inerrancy because it's an infinite loop - you answer one objection, they come back with two, you answer those, you get two more.... to infinity. Now you've wasted all your valuable time dancing in the peripheries.

Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:48 pm
by TK
Yep- I'd rely on a chart prepared by atheists in deciding my eternal destiny. Makes all the sense in the world!


Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:41 pm
by Jason
TK, to be fair, you and I are both grown men with a great deal of familiarity with the subject. But I have nephews and nieces entering college who wouldn't have a clue what to do with this kind of onslaught. My question is about whether or not to engage the subject on the infallibility of scripture since, as Koukl mentions, it's an endless pursuit.

Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:44 pm
by darinhouston
Jason wrote:TK, to be fair, you and I are both grown men with a great deal of familiarity with the subject. But I have nephews and nieces entering college who wouldn't have a clue what to do with this kind of onslaught. My question is about whether or not to engage the subject on the infallibility of scripture since, as Koukl mentions, it's an endless pursuit.
I agree. It's one more data point in their barrage of skepticism. Why look deeper if you've been exposed to this propaganda all your life and little compelling to meet your eye candy short attention span to suggest otherwise.

Re: New Sam Harris Campaign

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:03 am
by steve7150
TK, to be fair, you and I are both grown men with a great deal of familiarity with the subject. But I have nephews and nieces entering college who wouldn't have a clue what to do with this kind of onslaught. My question is about whether or not to engage the subject on the infallibility of scripture since, as Koukl mentions, it's an endless pursuit

I agree it can be endless but there are some basic objections we need to be able to answer. I have an example, recently at a family get together a lady said to me that her son was told by a college professor that the miracle of Jesus creating the bread for the 5,000 was made up and copied from the OT & that these 5,000 had actually came with their own bread.
Later on i remembered that afterwards some of these folks from the crowd tracked Jesus down and asked him to do more miracles which confirms that he did indeed create the bread, and i will tell her son this. Will it make him a believer? No but if he is interested at least he should have a level playing field.