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Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:13 pm
by morbo3000
Paidion wrote:But the latter part of the course went into speculation and astronomical theories. It seemed unreal, and more like mythology and fairy tales.
I'm not picking on you Paidon. It is so common to hear old-age origins skeptics use that word, regarding evolution, or age of the universe. Civilization does not grow in its understanding of fields of knowledge if it gets stuck with observations that "seem" to be right. Speculation is the beginning of research. Hypothesis need to be tested. We know the big bang is true, because we predicted that if it was the right theory, there would be background noise radiation. Took awhile, but we eventually found it. Same with Einstein's theories. In order for them to be validated, they had to be testable. The detection of gravitational waves verifies his theories.

It's strange that old-age origins skeptics wind up with post-modern arguments. That a lack of certainty in research allows valid observations to be discounted because they don't fit a pet worldview. Bill Nye addresses this with the maxim: "scientific uncertainty isn't the same as scientific doubt." Science requires uncertainty so that theories can be tested. But that doesn't mean those theories are doubtful. It'll be heard: "Evolution is just a theory." That's a misunderstanding of terminology.

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:21 pm
by MMathis
TK, you're going to get dinged on the eyewitness account of a super nova. Since those took place millions of light years away, it would be impossible to see them as they happened. We saw the illusion of them happening, and since they took place outside of the 6.000 year boundary, they were not really there in the first place.

I wonder if Stary Nights can be set up to eliminate everything more tha 6,000 light years away. That would be an interesting experiment.

PS I don't mean any disrespect, but I took those same courses at university and there was a fair amount of science involved. I recall discussions of theories based on evidence, not fairy tales.

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:47 pm
by mattrose
I don't think much understanding of Dr. Humphrey's theory, for instance, is being shown here. In his theory, the universe is much older than 6,000 years (time being relative). To poke fun at young earth creationists by saying that they believe the universe is only 6,000 years old is, therefore, simply an admission of ignorance of alternative viewpoints.

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:48 am
by MMathis
I know nothing of Humphrey or his theory. I am not poking fun at young earthiers anymore than they do of the old earthers, so lighten up. If you don't think astrophysics is credible I'm not sure who the ignorant one is. I'm not ignorant of what views young earthers have.

When photons hit the eyepiece that have been traveling for millions of years, where did they come from. Simple question. YEC crowd will tell me I don't know how to interpret data. I think it is the opposite.

I don't know why people who know so much about the Creator, don't seem to want to know very many facts about what He created. That was a joke, kinda...

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:46 am
by TK
Matt- are you saying that per Humphreys the universe is billions of years old "out there" but only thousands of years old in these here parts?

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Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:16 am
by mattrose
TK wrote:Matt- are you saying that per Humphreys the universe is billions of years old "out there" but only thousands of years old in these here parts?

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Yes, that is my understanding of his theory. Of course, I'm no scientist. But I read his book twice. Once the more distant universe passed beyond the event horizon... millions and millions of years were passing relative to the days passing relative to our solar system.

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:19 am
by mattrose
MMathis wrote:I know nothing of Humphrey or his theory. I am not poking fun at young earthiers anymore than they do of the old earthers, so lighten up. If you don't think astrophysics is credible I'm not sure who the ignorant one is. I'm not ignorant of what views young earthers have.

When photons hit the eyepiece that have been traveling for millions of years, where did they come from. Simple question. YEC crowd will tell me I don't know how to interpret data. I think it is the opposite.

I don't know why people who know so much about the Creator, don't seem to want to know very many facts about what He created. That was a joke, kinda...
1. I wasn't talking just to you
2. I don't know how you read 'heavy' tone from my post. I am probably the last person in the world that would need to 'lighten up', haha
3. I was simply saying that I don't think many people really understand Humphrey's theory b/c, if it is true, it solves the problem of starlight and time. You can reject it, but you can't really say that it doesn't solve the problem if true, in my opinion.
4. You say you are NOT ignorant of young earth views, but you admit you know nothing of Humphrey or his theory. I am not sure those statements can be reconciled! :)

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:30 am
by dwight92070
Exodus 20:8-11 Once again, I go back to scripture and we see that Moses said that just as God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day, even so man is to work 6 days and rest on the 7th day. There is no allusion here to God's days being any different than man's days and that makes sense, because God created days, just as we know them today, 24 hour periods.

The Genesis creation story is a myth? Apparently Jesus didn't think so. He quoted from that story, as if He believed every word of it. "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?"

When did God create them? From the beginning. When did God create the heavens and the earth? In the beginning. So Jesus is telling us that man was created at the same time the heavens and the earth were created. This stuff isn't rocket science. But apparently, there are many "scientists" out there who aren't satisfied with the simple truth.

If God created black holes, He would be deceptive? How silly. If God created butterflies, is He being deceptive, because man knows that that butterfly was once a caterpillar? Isn't God free to create a caterpillar, or a chrysalis, or a butterfly? Can't He create it at any stage He so desires? He doesn't owe us any explanation of that.

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:47 am
by steve7150
Exodus 20:8-11 Once again, I go back to scripture and we see that Moses said that just as God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day, even so man is to work 6 days and rest on the 7th day. There is no allusion here to God's days being any different than man's days and that makes sense, because God created days, just as we know them today, 24 hour periods.

But Moses also said in Psalm 90 that a day to God is like a thousand years & Peter quoted this so its' really not clear. Also a "thousand years" may mean a long period of time which can be almost anything.

Re: Days of Creation/24 Hour Periods, Age of Earth/6000 Year

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:56 am
by dwight92070
That Psalm 90 quote and the Peter quote are not referring to the creation account.