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Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:34 pm
by dwight92070
Or how about this one?

Francesca Marcon, Italian volleyball player:

Italian volleyball player Francesca Marcon immediately suffered from shortness of breath and chest pains after her Pfizer vaccination on August 3rd. She went to the emergency room the next day where doctors diagnosed her with pericarditis. The volleyball player shared her experience on Instagram:

“Perhaps this speech of mine may be a bit blasphemous, but I ask myself: is there no form of compensation for those who suffer health damage after getting the vaccine? I state that I am not anti-vax but I have never been convinced of taking this vaccine and now I understand why. I don’t know if you are interested but I have had and still have post-vaccine pericarditis. Who pays the price for all this?”

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:36 pm
by dwight92070
French triathlete Antoine Méchin was forced to suspend his season in September after a severe adverse reaction to the Moderna vaccine. Méchin received his first dose on June 28th and his second on August 16th. He suffered shortness of breath and lower back pain after the injection. Several tests later showed that he suffered from a pulmonary embolism as a result of the vaccine. Méchin is still recovering to this day.

He said after his diagnosis:

“I am now getting treatment and I hope to regain my lung capacity (in 3-6-9-12 months?) Until then: rest and low intensity for several months.

Damaging healthy people to preserve the health of the weakest, a choice of backward logic. I would not get vaccinated if it had to be

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:39 pm
by dwight92070
oops. The last 2 words should be "done again" in the previous post. Another one?

Professional mountain biker Kyle Warner was diagnosed with pericarditis and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome after the Pfizer vaccine. He shared his vaccine injury on his YouTube channel at the start of October.

“The second thing [besides pericarditis] that I’ve been dealing with this whole time has been something called POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). I got that diagnosed the other day at the cardiologist’s office, and what was really hard is that he told me that they’re not sure how to treat it.

He then told me that it could take 12-18 months to heal from this. I was kind of shocked when I heard that. I came home and broke down crying, mostly out of frustration. Frustration that there’s not really a clear path forward. I think that’s been the hardest thing with this situation.”

Kyle also shared his story at a roundtable discussion with COVID-19 vaccine-injured and medical experts on federal vaccine mandates in the US Senate on November 3rd. Citizens suffering from vaccine-induced injuries traveled from all across the US to share their stories in the nation’s capital.

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:41 pm
by dwight92070
Veteran French tennis player Jeremy Chardy suspended his season in September after suffering a debilitating reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine.

Chardy told the press:

“Since I had my vaccine (between the Olympics and the US Open), I have a problem. I am struggling. I can’t train, I can’t play. In my head, it’s difficult because I don’t know how long it will last. For now, my season is over and I don’t know when it will resume.

It’s frustrating because I started the year really well. I was playing very good and then I went to the Olympic Games where I also felt very good. It’s frustrating, especially that I don’t have ten years left to play. I regret having the vaccine, but I could not have known that this would happen.”

He admitted that he’s concerned about his tennis career:

“I’ll be 35 in February so right now I might be a bit negative but this is the first time I have ever thought that this season might be my last. I don’t want to think about it … it’s difficult because I was having fun and I want to play longer.”

Chardy hasn’t returned to the court since his vaccine injury in early September.

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:44 pm
by dwight92070
Florian Dagoury, currently the world’s top static breath-hold free diver, was diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis 40 days after his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. He is known for holding his breath for 10 minutes and 30 seconds. The elite Freedriver, of French origin and based in Thailand, experienced a significant decrease in his breath-hold ability and went to a cardiologist who told him that it’s a common side effect of the Pfizer vaccine. He wrote on Instagram:

“After my 2nd dose, I noticed that my heart rate was way higher than normal and my breath hold capacities went down significantly. During sleep, I’m at 65-70bpm instead of 37-45bpm. During the day, I’m now always over 100bpm instead of 65bpm, even when I sit down and relax. I once even reached 177bpm while having dinner with friends !!!! 10 days after my 2nd jab, I went to see a cardiologist and he told me it’s a common side effect of Pfizer vaccine, nothing to worry about, just rest it will pass.

40 days after my 2nd jab, I had no progress so I went to see another cardiologist and got diagnosed with Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Trivial Mitral regurgitation! Which is basically an inflammation of the heart muscles caused by the immune system and some tiny leaks of blood from the valves that no longer close properly. I’m now struggling to reach 8min breath hold, 150m dyn and I even have a strong urge to breathe doing 40m dives. 30% decrease on my diving performance roughly.”

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:45 pm
by dwight92070
Malaysian archer Haziq Kamaruddin died at the age of 27 on May 14th after collapsing at his home days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The two-time Olympic archer died of a blocked coronary artery. Kamaruddin received the first dose of the vaccine on April 13th. He received the second dose on May 4th and posted a photo to Instagram.

Kamaruddin represented Malaysia at the 2012 London and 2016 Rio Games and was hoping to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics this summer, with the qualification competition to be held in Paris in June. He was also a member of his country’s recurve team which won silver at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 12:59 pm
by dwight92070

All of those were professional athletes. This doesn't even mention non-professional athletes or just plain "John Doe's" who are not famous. Homer, how many more people have to be permanently disabled or die, because of people like you who advocate taking a spurious "vaccine"? The idea of telling us that it is our "moral duty" or obligation to take the "vaccine" , as that bishop did is, at best, deception, and , at worst, (you fill in the blank).

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 7:00 pm
by darinhouston
Funniest thing I’ve seen yet.
in the sort of delicious irony we’ve all come to expect from modern day health policy (and doubly so from the boriqua version) we see once more the total faceplant of “jim covid” laws.

MMM is a puerto rico health insurer. (text below is from a guy who works there)

they mandated covid vaccination for employees.

employees sued and won exemptions.

the company responded by segregating them and moving all the unvaxxed into a separate building.

then covid broke out in the vaccinated building (but not the unvaxxed).

you seriously cannot make this stuff up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:10 pm
by Homer
From where the rubber meets the road, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan:
Ventilators have become a common hospital metric over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, but one Michigan doctor highlighted that the use of such machines typically signals a dire future for most COVID-19 patients.

"Once people get intubated, their course tends to be long and protracted," Dr. Barbara Ducatman, the chief medical officer at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, told Newsweek. "People die once they get to that point."

"Those are where we see most of our deaths—from patients who have been intubated in the ICU," she said.

Across Beaumont's eight hospitals, which are a part of Michigan's largest healthcare system there are currently 563 COVID patients. Among those hospitalizations, unvaccinated people account for two-thirds.

But those figures become much more skewed when analyzing the number of patients who require ventilation. Of the 51 patients on a ventilator, more than 85 percent of them are unvaccinated.

"Vaccinated patients tend to come in and they spend a few days in the hospital, usually on a little bit of supplemental oxygen, not a lot. They may end up in the progressive unit, which means they're a little bit sicker, but generally, they don't end up going to the ICU, getting intubated, and then spending a very long time in the hospital," Ducatman said.

Re: Christians and the Covid Vaccine

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:51 pm
by darinhouston
Homer wrote:
Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:10 pm
From where the rubber meets the road, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan:
Ventilators have become a common hospital metric over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, but one Michigan doctor highlighted that the use of such machines typically signals a dire future for most COVID-19 patients.

"Once people get intubated, their course tends to be long and protracted," Dr. Barbara Ducatman, the chief medical officer at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, told Newsweek. "People die once they get to that point."

"Those are where we see most of our deaths—from patients who have been intubated in the ICU," she said.

Across Beaumont's eight hospitals, which are a part of Michigan's largest healthcare system there are currently 563 COVID patients. Among those hospitalizations, unvaccinated people account for two-thirds.

But those figures become much more skewed when analyzing the number of patients who require ventilation. Of the 51 patients on a ventilator, more than 85 percent of them are unvaccinated.

"Vaccinated patients tend to come in and they spend a few days in the hospital, usually on a little bit of supplemental oxygen, not a lot. They may end up in the progressive unit, which means they're a little bit sicker, but generally, they don't end up going to the ICU, getting intubated, and then spending a very long time in the hospital," Ducatman said.
This was some time ago and with Delta. There is definitely a benefit (at least in the short term and at least with Delta) from that kind of serious illness and death. But, that does not negate the harm it does to others (a much larger number than die) and does not negate what appears to be happening with other variants now and the future OR the fact that it seems that this perpetual vaccination and boosting during the pandemic has likely caused and will continue to cause escape variants that may well escape all vaccination attempts and even natural immunity. The only hope is that it doesn't become more severe. Thankfully omicron seems less so, but that remains to be seen.