What about RECOMMENDATION 666?

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What about RECOMMENDATION 666?

Post by __id_1302 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:18 am

Revelation 13:16-18 (NASB)
Rev 13:16 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
Rev 13:17 and {he provides} that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, {either} the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.


Could there be significance to RECOMMENDATION 666 (click for official text)?

An excerpt:
(ii) Noting that the Council's informal reflection process on Security and Defence Europe deals with the preparation of WEU's legacy and problems connected with the inclusion of those WEU functions that the European Union regards as necessary to fulfil its responsibilities in the area of crisis management, but that the parliamentary dimension is not part of that process;
Excerpt from the section titled "RECOMMENDS THAT THE COUNCIL":
11. Support efforts to set up flexible forms of closer cooperation in the framework of the CFSP and CESDP that are not strictly limited to European Union member states;

12. Support proposals for the WEU Secretary-General and CFSP High Representative to preside over the PSC and civilian crisis-management machinery and give him powers to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency;
666. In December the Vienna European Council expressed the opinion that the Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the CFSP should be appointed as soon as possible and be a personality with a strong political profile. It invited the Council to prepare common strategies on Russia, Ukraine, the Mediterranean region and the western Balkans, on the understanding that the first would be on Russia. Welcoming the new impetus given to the debate on a common European policy on security and defence, the European Council also noted that the CFSP should be backed by credible operational capabilities
Quoted from http://europa.eu/generalreport/en/1998/x0666.htm

These excerpted quotes are about power or authority being exercised in the name of a position currently held by one man. With the use of nuclear weapons, widespread terrorism blamed on religious conflicts, and/or worldwide financial meltdown, what might happen under the authority of this position?

Although I do not see it connected it in any way to Daniel 9, I am just wondering if anyone reading this post thinks it might be in some way significant.

Thank you for any input.

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Post by _Paidion » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:36 am

Mere chance.

In the days in which Revelation was written, the "number of a name" was calculated by adding up the numerical value of each letter in the name.
In Greek each letter of the alphabet had a numerical value.

One of the names Irenaeus suggested as a possibility for the Antichrist was "teitan" [Greek for "Titan] . In Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful deities that ruled during the legendary Golden Age.

See Irenaus Against Heresies Book 5 Chapter 30


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Post by __id_1302 » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:50 am


Thank you. I am not sure how that applies to:

Rev 13:16 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
Rev 13:17 and {he provides} that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, {either} the name of the beast or the number of his name.

I have seen several names turned into "666" that way, but I have never seen a good explanation of their connection to the universal mark for buying and selling.

Again, thank you.

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